Questions from translation tests?
Initiator des Themas: Linda Larsson (X)
Linda Larsson (X)
Linda Larsson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:23
Schwedisch > Englisch
Aug 29, 2011

I'm getting suspicious of someone asking a whole bunch of questions. I've answered a few, but now I'm starting to think it may be test questions? How do others handle it when someone asks so many questions?


Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:23
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
label on test questions Aug 29, 2011

Dear Linda,

labeling of certain types of KudoZ questions is required.

Term questions that are either derived from a translation test, or which contain content that may be perceived as offensive by others, should be marked using the checkboxes provided in the posting form.

If y
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Dear Linda,

labeling of certain types of KudoZ questions is required.

Term questions that are either derived from a translation test, or which contain content that may be perceived as offensive by others, should be marked using the checkboxes provided in the posting form.

If you have been working on the same test, and you are certain that the question has not been properly labelled, please contact a KudoZ moderator for further action.

There is a link under the KudoZ question page to call a moderator's attention to a specific question should you believe a rule has not been respected.



Veronica Lupascu
Veronica Lupascu  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:23
Niederländisch > Rumänisch
+ ...
I've done a test once Aug 29, 2011

and when I was researching a term, I found it on KudoZ with the same context, as in my test. Then I checked further and the asker posted almost all the test as KudoZ questions, not mentioning it is from a test.

You can just filter the asker or ignore his/her questions.

Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:23
Japanisch > Englisch
Here too Aug 29, 2011

I've seen that before as well, though it was just a few sentences lifted from a longer test.


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Questions from translation tests?

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