Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Deutsch term or phrase:
Englisch translation:
Vocational Academy
Deutsch term
4 | Vocational Academy |
Anton Baer
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3 | [university of cooperative education] |
Kim Metzger
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Aug 23, 2006 18:26: Kim Metzger changed "Field" from "Wirtschaft/Finanzwesen" to "Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften" , "Field (specific)" from "Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)" to "Bildungswesen/Pädagogik"
Proposed translations
Vocational Academy
Note added at 10 mins (2006-08-23 18:23:45 GMT)
Some examples, not all of which are from German-speaking websites (naturally the bulk of them will be.)
Vocational Academies
Berufsakademie (**vocational academy**) Ost-Friesland, Schloss Evenburg ... together with a study course at the vocational academy which has been coordinated ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Transblawg: Berufsakademie / Fachhochschule
A colleague, Paul Thomas from Ehningen, translated two certificates containing the word Berufsakademie, which he rendered as **vocational academy**. ... - 10k -
LuK-Internet | Career | **Vocational academy**
LuK, a member of the Schaeffler Group, is an internationally renowned automotive manufacturer for clutch and transmission systems, torque converters and ... - 26k
[PDF] Curriculum Vitae
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Berufsakademie (**Vocational Academy**) Mannheim. Economics of Europe. Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA. Econometrics, basic and advanced. University of Mannheim ... -
FAY - Success in Real Estate
**Vocational Academy** (Berufsakademie) ... The building was adapted to the requirements of the Vocational Academy of Mannheim. The operating and maintenance ... - 20k -
[PDF] Mapping the World of Education: The Comparative Database System (CDS)
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Diplom-Betriebswirt-Berufsakademie (DB-B) (Diplomate Business. Economist, Vocational Academy) / [Business. Administration] ...
[university of cooperative education]
In the state of Baden-Württemberg (situated in South West Germany), higher education institutions offer a large variety of study programs to secondary school graduates: there are 9 Universities, 37 Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) and 8 Universities of Cooperative Education (Berufsakademien): The Berufsakademie Stuttgart currently offers 5.500 study places and is one of the largest educational institutions in Stuttgart.
The Berufsakademie focuses on an outstanding concept that combines high-level academic work with practical training on the job. It offers three fields of study as there are Business Administration, Engineering and Social Work.
The Berufsakademie Stuttgart was founded in 1974 and is an institution in which companies and institutions and the state of Baden-Württemberg cooperate in a system of higher education. Being based on a Baden-Württemberg State regulation, the Berufsakademie is a very successful and trend-setting innovation in Baden-Württemberg.
Berufsakademien in Baden-Württemberg can call themselves universities by German legislation (see earlier entry). Foreign authorities will have to decide whether they are universities by foreign standards. But who lays down their English name, what language advice did they have and what are the consequences?
The Berufsakademiegesetz does indeed say that Berufsakademien are the equivalent of Fachhochschulen:
(2) Berufsakademien gehören dem tertiären Bildungsbereich an; sie bieten eine Alternative zum Studium an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten
Note the word Studium, which is normally used only in connection with universities.