Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:


Englisch translation:


Added to glossary by Yasutomo Kanazawa
Dec 5, 2009 08:24
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Sonstige Bildungswesen/Pädagogik
It's talking about a model representing preparation time etc of professors. I think Kohorte may be Swiss German.

Die Problematik die sich bei der Erhebung gezeigt hat, ist in erster Linie auf die Uneinigkeit der Dozierenden zurückzuführen, wie eine optimale Kohorte für die verschiedenen Veranstaltungsformen auszusehen habe und in zweiter Linie auf die grosse Individualität der Dozierenden, welche sehr unterschiedliche Vorbereitungs-, Betreuungs- und Korrekturzeiten angeben. Diese Phänomene äussern sich in einer sehr hohen Standardabweichung.
Change log

Dec 7, 2009 08:35: Yasutomo Kanazawa Created KOG entry


franglish Dec 5, 2009:
here in a sociological sense it means group, population

Proposed translations

24 Min.


or group of people

Note added at 27 mins (2009-12-05 08:51:29 GMT)

And it's not only Swiss German.
Peer comment(s):

agree A Word For I (X) : Also in Oxford-Duden D<>E dict. : - Kohorte, die; ~, ~n, (hist., Soziol.) cohort. See: The actual physical dictionary entry is a bit more detailed but essentially it is this.
58 Min.
Thank you Edward, for the link.
agree Rolf Keiser
3 Stunden
Thank you Goldcoaster
agree zwetschge
4 Stunden
Danke zwetschge, und ein schones Wochenende!
agree babli : agree
5 Stunden
Thank you babli
agree Thayenga : That was my first thought as well. :)
6 Stunden
Thank you Thayenga
agree Nicole Backhaus
9 Stunden
Thank you Nicole
agree SusanneM : It's not Swiss German. "Kohorte / cohort" is used in sociology and in statistics.
9 Stunden
Thank you Susanne
agree DFTS (X)
14 Stunden
Thank you Dave
agree Slindon : 'Kohorte' is very common in German sociology texts and is usually tranlated by 'cohort', which in English sociology texts is roughly defined as" any group of people with a time-specifric common experience". It may well fit in your case.
1 Tag 2 Stunden
Thank you Slindon
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks everybody!"
54 Min.

(here) how the staff should best be put together

I am sticking my neck out here, hence the low CL, however this is my interpretation of how the term in used in this context (=Zusammensetzung der Gruppe)
Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Johnson : Definitely. I don't think cohorts works well in English here. Possibly something like "how best to assign courses" or "ideal course assignments", i.e. who gets stuck teaching what.
1 Tag 1 Stunde
Thanks, Michele! Glad you agree with me.
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