Translation glossary: Aviation & Airline Standards

Showing entries 301-350 of 890
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Fare ProrationProration on the basis of the respective local fares. 
Fares TariffThe tariff concerned with fares and related charges. 
FeeAmount added on to a charge for a specific product, purpose, or service. 
Fictitious PointA Location Identifier reserved for the purpose of schedule construction to overcome day/date duplication and to describe legs with elapsed times greater than 23 hours 59 minutes. 
FirmingA procedure whereby a carrier at a boarding point contacts passengers holding definite reservations to ensure that they actually intend using this space (see IATA Resolution 766). 
First Boarding PointThe point in a portion of an itinerary applicable to a given Member at which the passenger commences travel on the services of that Member. When the itinerary is changed, the term relates to the point at which the passenger commences travel on Members\' service in the revised routing, irrespective of the start point applicable to the original itinerary. 
First CarrierThe participating carrier over whose air routes the first section of carriage under the Ticket is undertaken or performed. 
First Class FareThe fare established for a first class service. 
FlapA hinged or sliding section of an aircraft wing used to control lift. 
FleetGroup of similar vehicles operating together under the same ownership. 
FlightThe operation of one or more legs with the same Flight Designator (airline code, flight number and optional operational suffix). 
FlightThe movement of a passenger-carrying aircraft, serving two (single sector flight) or more (multi-sector flight) airports under one flight number of an airline, as published in the airlines schedules and reservations systems. 
Flight CouponThe portion of the Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check or Excess Baggage Ticket that indicates particular places between which the coupon is good for carriage. 
Flight Coupon(s)That portion of a Ticket annotated \"good for passage\" or a segment(s) of an Electronic Ticket. 
Flight DeckThe cockpit of a large aircraft. 
Flight Deck CrewCrew members whose duties require them to be on the flight deck. 
Flight Deck Crew LocationSeat location for flight deck crew. 
Flight InterchangeA flight that gives passengers the benefit of a through service and is operated by two or more carriers from the boarding point to the deplaning point using the same aircraft (see Resolution 766). 
Flight NumberThe numerical designation of a flight (see Resolution 761). 
Flight NumberA multi-purpose reference assigned by a carrier in connection with the planning and control of the operation of flights. 
Flight ScheduleThe planned regularly operated flights of an airline. 
Floating PalletA unit load device (ULD), including its load, which is positioned outside any predefined pallet position, and is not secured by the pallet locking devices of the ULD restraint system, but is restrained to the aircraft structure by means of tie-down fittings and lashings. 
Floor Load LimitationMaximum load acceptable on any m2 (ft2) of an aircraft floor. 
Floor Load Limitation TableSet of related floor load limitations. 
FOID\"Form of identification. Typically used to identify that the passenger is who he says he is. 
Forwarding CarrierThe carrier responsible for the condition which creates a need for involuntary change in the passenger\'s journey; on missed connections the carrier on whose flight a passenger is originally ticketed to be carried to a connection point is the forwarding carrier (see Resolution 735d). 
Fourth FreedomThe right for an air carrier to take on, in another State, passengers, freight and mail for off-loading in the State in which it is registered 
Free Sale AgreementA bilateral or multilateral agreement between carriers or between carriers and CRSs which permits immediate confirmation of space in accordance with terms of agreement without the necessity of maintaining space availability information (see Resolution 766). 
French Gold FrancsFrancs consisting of 651.2 milligrams of gold with a fineness of nine hundred thousandths. 
Fuel DistributionA procedure that defines the consecutive steps for fueling an aircraft and the quantities to distribute to each of the corresponding tanks at each step in case a fuel split calculation is required to be performed by the departure control system. 
Fuel Distribution StepA step in the fueling of an aircraft describing the quantities to distribute to each of the corresponding tanks. 
Fuel Distribution Step ElementThe quantity or ratio allocated to a specific tank or set of tanks during a fuel distribution step. 
Fuel EffectEffect of fuel volume and/or weight on balance arm and/or index for a given fuel tank or fueling procedure. 
Fuel TankA container holding the fuel supply in a motor vehicle, aircraft, etc. 
Fueling ProcedureA procedure for filling the complete set of tanks (All Tanks) of an aircraft or an individual fuel tank, which might be composite when multiple tanks have been combined under one. 
FunctionAn invocation of an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing. 
Funnel Flight\"Also known as\"\"Complexing\"\", \"\"Starburst\"\", Shared, \"\"W\"\" or \"\"Y\"\" flights. A flight composed of two or more member flights which is identified by the airline designator and flight number of one of the members. Only one airline designator/flight number is operational on any one leg, but a leg may have multiple, non-operational flight numbers. 
Funnel Flight\"Also known as Complexing, Starburst, W or Y FLIGHTS. A flight composed of two or more member flights which is identified by the Airline Designator and Flight Number of one of the members. Only one Airline Designator/Flight Number is operational on any one leg, but a leg may have multiple, non-operational Flight Numbers. 
GalleyThe integral part of the aircraft where pantry/catering material is stored. 
GapThat part of an itinerary (except the distance between two airports serving the same city) involving transportation by means other than by a scheduled service. 
GatewayFirst point of arrival/last point of departure in a country/area. 
GenderThe gender of an individual party. The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). 
Geopolitical LocationThe location which is defined based on politics. For example Country, State, City. 
Geopolitical RegionA collection of countries and/or economies united by a common characteristic, such as political union. 
Geospatial LocationA location with geographic or spatial coordinates, on the surface of the earth or in the air. For example Longitude and Latitude. 
GITGroup Inclusive Tour Fares? 
GiveawayAnything given gratuitously by a carrier, whether or not paid for by the carrier, to a passenger, other than whether or not paid for by the carrier, to a passenger, other than air carriage from airport of departure to airport of destination. 
Given NameA personal name given to someone at birth and used before a family name. Also called first name. E.g. JOHN. 
Global IndicatorThe global routing applicable to the fare as shown in Resolution 011b. 
Go-Show(see \"Standby\") 
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