Translation glossary: Aviation & Airline Standards

Showing entries 851-890 of 890
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Transport MovementMovement which involves the transportation of people or goods. 
Transport PermissionThe action of authorizing, or fact of being authorized for transport purposes by a transport authority. 
Transport ScheduleInformation about events that involves a change in the position or location of objects of interest to transportation industry. 
Transport VehicleA thing used for transporting people or goods. 
Transportation(see “Carriage”) 
TravelThe passenger routing identified by ticketed points and not the aircraft routing 
TravelAn offering for the action of traveling. 
Travel AgencyA private retailer or public service individual that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as activities, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours. 
Travel ProductA travel item which may be purchased by a customer. 
TripThe flight(s) that form the total route of a specific origin and destination. A single trip can be served by one or multiple carriers. 
TurnaroundThe station in an aircraft rotation, where the flight number changes. 
TXWTaxi Weight. Actual weight including taxi and take-off fuel of an aircraft prior to take-off. It is calculated by adding zero fuel weight, taxi fuel and take-off fuel. 
ULDA load carrying device which interfaces directly with aircraft loading and restraint systems and meets all restraint requirements without the use of supplementary equipment. Examples include containers, pallets and pallet nets. 
ULD CompatibilityPermission to load a ULD (ULD type) on a specific hold location (bay or pallet position) with possible weight limitation. 
ULD Load PositionA subdivision of a containerized/palletized compartment. 
ULD TypeGrouping of Unit Load Devices (ULD\'s) with the same dimension, weights and limitations. Is identified by ULD Type Code (e.g. AKE, PAG, etc.) and optional owner and/or serial number or range of serial numbers. 
UN(see \"United Nations\") 
UnaccompaniedWhen used for children and infant fares, this shall mean the child/infant is not accompanied by an adult. 
Unchecked BaggageBaggage of which the passenger retains custody. 
Unit DestinationThe ultimate stopping place of a pricing unit. 
Unit Load DeviceA load carrying device which interfaces directly with aircraft loading and restraint systems and meets all restraint requirements without the use of supplementary equipment. As such, it becomes a component part of the aircraft. The device can be either a combination of components or one complete structural unit. A combination unit is an aircraft pallet plus net plus nonstructural igloo, or pallet plus net. A structural unit is a lower deck or a m 
Unit Load DeviceA load carrying device which interfaces directly with aircraft loading and restraint systems and meets all restraint requirements without the use of supplementary equipment. As such, it becomes a component part of the aircraft. The device can be either a combination of components or one complete structural unit. A combination unit is an aircraft pallet plus net plus nonstructural igloo, or pallet plus net. A structural unit is a lower deck or a m 
Unit Load DeviceA load carrying device which interfaces directly with aircraft loading and restraint systems and meets all restraint requirements without the use of supplementary equipment. As such, it becomes a component part of the aircraft. The device can be either a combination of components or one complete structural unit. A combination unit is an aircraft pallet plus net plus nonstructural igloo, or pallet plus net. A structural unit is a lower deck or a m 
Unit Load DeviceA load carrying device which interfaces directly with aircraft loading and restraint systems and meets all restraint requirements without the use of supplementary equipment. As such, it becomes a component part of the aircraft. The device can be either a combination of components or one complete structural unit. A combination unit is an aircraft pallet plus net plus nonstructural igloo, or pallet plus net. A structural unit is a lower deck or a m 
Unit OriginThe initial starting point of a pricing unit. 
Universal Time CoordinatedThe international standard of time. For non-technical purposes such as specifying time zones, UTC is the same as Greenwich Mean Time. 
Upgrade\"Change from the original fare paid to a higher fare (changes of seasonality, day of week, applicable related charges, resulting in a higher fare do not constitute upgrading). 
UTC(see \"Universal Time Coordinated\") 
Validating CarrierThe issuing airline whose numeric airline code precedes the document number. 
ValidationThe authorized stamping or writing upon the Passenger Ticket evidencing that it has been officially issued by the carrier. Acceptance of an electronic ticket by the intended validating carrier of the ticket constitutes validation. 
Valuation ChargeA charge for carriage of baggage, based on the declared value for carriage of such baggage. 
VehicleA means of conveyance, usually with wheels, for transporting people or goods, primarily on roads. 
VisaAn official entry in a Passport or other Travel Document made by an official of a government to indicate that the bearer has been granted authority to enter or re-enter the country or region concerned. 
VolumeThe space that a entity or object occupies. 
VoucherA document that entitles the holder to a discount or that may be exchanged for goods or services. 
WeightA measurement of the heaviness of a person or thing. 
WidthA measurement or extent of something from side to side; the lesser of two or the least of three dimensions of a body. 
XML(see \"Extensible Markup Language\") 
YearsSee Resolution 735. 
ZFWZero Fuel Weight. Actual weight of the fully equipped aircraft including crew, traffic load and, if applicable, ballast fuel. 
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