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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Come and meet some fellow translators!

March 5, 2011, 2:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichNottinghamIn personEnglisch
Hello everyone!

Come to the Nottingham powwow on Saturday 5th March at 2pm, at The Art Organisation, Station Street, Nottingham. (to be confirmed).

This will be a lovely chance to get away from the computer and interact with some real-life fellow translators.

The proposed location is also ideally situated just one minute away from the station (I'm not kidding!), on Station Street. It's a nice, large venue with some interesting and creative exhibitions and a cafe.

I am waiting to receive the final confirmation on the venue, but this should not be a problem. If it is, I am sure I can find somewhere else not too far from the station, for the convenience of those that have to travel.

I am happy to provide my phone number and email details nearer the time.

I look forward to seeing you all!


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (26) / Confirmed: 11
Name NoteWill Attend
X784512 (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I look forward to meeting you all.  y
Lancashireman   x2 (Mr & Mrs)  y
Jennifer White   Should make it (x2)  y
Mattijs Warbroek   I might be slightly later  y
andalucia1   ...  
Yulia Ravenhill   Unfortunately will not be able to make it this time. Rose, thank you for organising the event, hope we will organise another one soon.  n
trans-agrar   I could share the content of a speech I held at last year's BDÜ conference in Berlin. The title was "Translating is getting more lucrative and versatile"  y
Peter Gaukrodger   Sorry, I have to back out due to a family commitment. Hope to see you all next time.  n
Dierk Widmann   Will try to make it, but might be closer to half past. I might even bring a camera...  y
Frances Warburton   ...  y
XIna Brachmann (X)   ...  n
Mette Melchior   Unfortunately I have fallen sick so I won't be able to go after all. Have a great afternoon. I hope to be able to join you another time.  n
Eloisa Galluzzi dos Santos   Unfortunately won't be able to attend as I am working on a large project. Hopefully, next time!  n
Languageman   Looking forward to it.  y
XSarah Appleby (X)   Looking forward to another event in Nottingham! Thanks for organising Rose.  y
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.   I would like to come. Not sure if possible.  n
Gail Bond   See you on Saturday!  y
Kate Rudd   Sorry, can't make it this time!  n
Nicola Kidd   ...  
Celia Moody   ...  
lim0nka   my daughter got sick, but as she is much better now, I hope we can make it :)  
Yelena.   Sorry, guys, Boston will have no train service this weekend, so next time!   n
Sabine DREILLARD   Looking forward to my first Powwow!  y
gb484   ...  
Armorel Young   Unfortunately it's yet another one that clashes with a cycling event - I hope it won't be long before the next one.  n
Milen Bossev   I will probably be coming but wouldn't know until the actual day of the powwow.  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Nottingham - United Kingdom
Martin Clowes
Martin Clowes  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 22:41
Portugiesisch > Englisch
+ ...
Can't confirm yet... Jan 10, 2011

Hi Rosalyn,
I currently expect to be in Brazil throughout March, but please keep me on the mailing list just in case there's a change.icon_smile.gif

Mattijs Warbroek
Mattijs Warbroek  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:41
Schwedisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Venue Jan 19, 2011

Hi Rose,

Regarding your message about a venue, in the past we mostly went to the pub without reserving. If numbers don't get too high this shouldn't be a problem. When I organised the powwow I chose the Orange Tree which has a large table in the back that can easily be hijacked. Other venues have been The Olde Trip to Jerusalem and Canal House. The latter is really close to the station as well.

So is the Art Organization out of the picture then?


784512 (X)
784512 (X)
Local time: 23:41
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Venue Jan 19, 2011

Well it costs 15 pounds an hour. Whilst the location is ideal, the cost is not...

The Orange Tree sounds like a great idea. I was warned that the Jerusalem was crowded or noisy? I do not know the Canal House, but if that is a good idea, sure.

I'll see what everyone says then decide nearer the time.

Thanks for your comments, Mattijs (by the way, didn't we meet at Nik and Fin's a while back?)

784512 (X)
784512 (X)
Local time: 23:41
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Venue confirmed - The Art Organisation Feb 7, 2011

I've spoken with the people at The Art Organisation again, and they are happy to seat us in their cafe area, providing some extra chairs if necessary.

It should prove very convenient for those that have to travel!

I hope to see you all then!


Mattijs Warbroek
Mattijs Warbroek  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:41
Schwedisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Venue Feb 8, 2011

Thanks for your comments, Mattijs (by the way, didn't we meet at Nik and Fin's a while back?)

I just realised that as well! Looking forward to seeing you at the powwow.

Roger Hughes
Roger Hughes
Local time: 22:41
Niederländisch > Englisch
+ ...
venue Mar 2, 2011

Just in case anyone is likely to have travel issues: there is an anti-cuts demo in the market square 12-3 (although that may merely occupy many of the Art Org's regular customers) and it's Forest v Hull at 3pm, so expect traffic congestion and busy trains.

784512 (X)
784512 (X)
Local time: 23:41
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
possible congestion Mar 3, 2011

Roger Hughes wrote:

Just in case anyone is likely to have travel issues: there is an anti-cuts demo in the market square 12-3 (although that may merely occupy many of the Art Org's regular customers) and it's Forest v Hull at 3pm, so expect traffic congestion and busy trains.

Thanks for that, Roger. I use public transport myself, but that might affect some people. I'll be glad to whiz past any angry mobs (political or football-related) in the tram!



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