1,748 registrants

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May 15, 2013

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Results (1,748) (Members shown first)
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Fanta Contact directly
Un métier, une passion
Native in Französisch Native in Französisch
Université de Mons-Hainaut, MA-Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux (EII), IAPTI, ALTI, 23 years of experience
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Chiara Balboni Contact directly
Tourism, Technical, Marketing, Legal
Native in Italienisch Native in Italienisch
UNIMORE, MA-University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), ANILS - Italian National Association of Foreign Language Teacher, APROTRAD - Association des professionnels des métiers de la tra, TradInfo - Italian Translators Association, , MET, 18 years of experience
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Christine Döring Contact directly
creative translations in marketing
Native in Deutsch Native in Deutsch
Message: I am already very excited to see what this virtual event has to offer...
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Nicholas Miller Contact directly
Readable and reliable
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch
19 years of experience
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Lorena H Borges Contact directly
Language Localization Specialist
Native in Portugiesisch (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portugiesisch
Proz.com Certified PRO Translator, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), GD-Prolingua Online Course, 17 years of experience
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Vic de Valk Contact directly
Specialist in ICT/software localization
Native in Niederländisch Native in Niederländisch
Bio: MA-Rijks Universiteit Groningen (Netherlands), 28 years of experience
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Rasa Racevičiūtė Contact directly
Responsibility, Diligence, Creativity
Native in Litauisch Native in Litauisch
University of Vilnius, Faculty of Phylology, Depar, MA-University of Vilnius, 22 years of experience
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Milagros Chapital Contact directly
Senior Uruguayan Translator 1979 - 2023
Native in Spanisch Native in Spanisch
American Translators Association, Diploma en Derecho Anglosajón, Universidad de Mon, Cambridge University (Lang. Degrees), Universidad de la República (Facultad de Derecho), GD-Universidad de Montevideo, ATA, CTPU, 57 years of experience
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Shushanik Avagyan Contact directly
In the beginning was the Word!
Native in Armenisch (Variant: Eastern) Native in Armenisch
Yerevan State University, MA-Yerevan State University, 44 years of experience
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Nita Shah Contact directly
Experienced and dedicated professional
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Gujarati Native in Gujarati, Hindi Native in Hindi
25 years of experience
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Anne Grimes Contact directly
ES > EN Medical Translations
Native in Englisch (Variants: Canadian, US) Native in Englisch
Thomas Nelson Community College, Goethe Institut, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, BA-Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, 22 years of experience
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Yasser Moharram Contact directly
(EN-AR) Certified Translator/Proofreader
Native in Arabisch Native in Arabisch
Bio: Yasser Moharram, English - Arabic Certified Translator, and proofreader, +10 Years of experience, Certified by ATN/APTS and Proz Certified PRO translator

✓ General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
✓ Management
✓ Certificates, Di...
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Annika Hedqvist Contact directly
Articulate and ambitious
Native in Schwedisch Native in Schwedisch
Lund University Programme in Translation, Sweden, MA-Lund University, SFÖ, 17 years of experience
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Serge Wolff Contact directly
Speaking your language!
Native in Niederländisch (Variants: Flemish, Netherlands, Aruba) Native in Niederländisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, BA-Hogeschool voor Economische Studies (HES, nu HVA)), 14 years of experience
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Misae Lucasey Contact directly
EN< > JP Interpreter
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Japanisch (Variant: Standard-Japan) Native in Japanisch
CPCU Society, ATA, 20 years of experience
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Merja Jauhiainen Contact directly
MA in translation & Cultural competence
Native in Finnisch Native in Finnisch
MA, University of Tampere, Finland, MA-University of Tampere, Finland, The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters, 20 years of experience
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Leena Kinnunen Contact directly
Technical, business, education
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Finnisch Native in Finnisch
University of Tampere, Department of Translation Studies, MA-University of Tampere, Finland, ITI, 31 years of experience
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Catarina Lopes Contact directly
Details matter.
Native in Portugiesisch (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portugiesisch
Bio: English and Spanish Language Teacher
Translation Student
Message: Greetings from Portugal.
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Katrin Suchan Contact directly
Kreativ- und Marketingübersetzungen
Native in Deutsch (Variant: Germany) Native in Deutsch
Bio: Freelance translator for English and Spanish to German, experience of more than 20 years, German courts, member of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ e. V.)
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Sheila Wilson Contact directly
20 years producing 100% natural English
Native in Englisch (Variant: British) Native in Englisch
Bio: EFL business trainer with 15 years' experience, but also French to English translator of marketing and tourism texts, CV specialist, and monolingual revisor performing services ranging from copy-editing through proofreading to QC evaluations.
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Irene Lyngs Contact directly
Check out my references! ;)
Native in Dänisch Native in Dänisch
Aarhus School of Business, BA-Aarhus School of Business, 15 years of experience
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Sami Khamou Contact directly
Accurate service & fast delivery
Native in Arabisch Native in Arabisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Message: Greeting to all attendees,

Looking forward to meet you and share the benefits.


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Eleonora Imazio Contact directly
Native in Italienisch Native in Italienisch
Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, 16 years of experience
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Assumpta Anglada Contact directly
Trustworthy translations
Native in Katalanisch (Variant: Central) Native in Katalanisch, Spanisch (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanisch
Generalitat de Catalunya, University of Barcelona, BA-Universitat de Barcelona, Softcatalà, CEDRO, DAMA, Col·legi Oficial Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i, 39 years of experience
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Ruth Ramsey Contact directly
Passionate about Spanish and detail
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch
University of Buckingham, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-DipTransIoLET, ITI, CIOL, 15 years of experience
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Emma Goldsmith Contact directly
25 years as a translator – former nurse
Native in Englisch (Variant: UK) Native in Englisch
Diploma, Sanpere Escuela de Traductores, Madrid, ITI, TREMEDICA, MET, 32 years of experience
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Cristina Sexto Naveira Contact directly
Expert in Finance & Global Development
Native in Spanisch (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanisch, Galicisch Native in Galicisch
University of Vigo - Vigo, Spain, Universidad de Vigo, MA-Universidade de Vigo, ASETRAD, 26 years of experience
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David Tracey, PhD Contact directly
Expert medical translations
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch
Chartered Institute of Linguists, GD-Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK, BDÜ, 16 years of experience
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Natasa Stankovic Contact directly
IT, Medical, Marketing EN–SR Translator
Native in Serbisch Native in Serbisch
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), GD-University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, 14 years of experience
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Tahira Rafiq Contact directly
Legal & Healthcare Interpretation
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Punjabi (Variant: Pakistani) Native in Punjabi, Urdu Native in Urdu
Message: Hello to all the members of this event and thanks to proz.com for conducting this session.
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Linda Thody Contact directly
Reliability Quality Professionalism
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Englisch Native in Englisch
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-IOL Dipl.Trans., 47 years of experience
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Engin Gunduz Contact directly
Professional, reliable translations
Native in Türkisch Native in Türkisch
20 years of experience
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V&M Stanković Contact directly
Sci/tech/leg. translators & Court transl
Native in Serbisch Native in Serbisch, Serbokroatisch Native in Serbokroatisch
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, GD-University of Belgrade, Assoc. of Sci.&Tech. Transl. of Serbia, 30 years of experience
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Yuliya Pylypenko Contact directly
Quality is above all
Native in Russisch Native in Russisch, Ukrainisch Native in Ukrainisch
Donetsk Institute of Social Education, GD-Donetsk Institute of Social Education, 27 years of experience
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Joao Vasconcelos Contact directly
"His translations are so human!"
Native in Portugiesisch (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portugiesisch
UNL FCSH Translation Degree, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), GD-Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 16 years of experience
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Pilar Peña Contact directly
Native in Spanisch Native in Spanisch
University of Córdoba, Universidad de Salamanca, 18 years of experience
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Heba Salah Contact directly
Freelance English Arabic Translator
Native in Arabisch (Variants: Kuwaiti, Egyptian, Palestinian, Saudi , Lebanese, Iraqi, UAE, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Syrian) Native in Arabisch
BA of Linguistics & Translation, Helwan University, BA-Faculty of Arts, English Linguistics & Translation, Helwan University, 22 years of experience
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Hayeon Lee Contact directly
MIIS grad/ Biz, Legal, IT/ Simul interp
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Koreanisch Native in Koreanisch
Monterey Institute of International Studies, GD-Monterey Institute of International Studies, 27 years of experience
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Nikita Kobrin Contact directly
Translator/Journalist/Voiceover Pro
Native in Russisch (Variants: Standard-Russia, Standard-Latvia, Standard-Lithuania, Standard-Belarus, Standard-Ukraine) Native in Russisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Kharkov University, Ukraine - MA in Translation, Kharkov National University, MA-Kharkov State University, Ukraine, Lithuanian Translators Guild, , 31 years of experience
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Morano El-Kholy Contact directly
Technical, Marketing, Education &Medical
Native in Arabisch Native in Arabisch
The American University in Cairo, Ain Shams University (Faculty of Al-Alsun), BA-Al-Alsun Faculty,Ain Shams University., Translators without Borders., Arab Translation and Intercultural Dialogue Association (ATIDA), ATN / APTS, WATA, 33 years of experience
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Elisa Martinez-Aznar Contact directly
MSc MITI CL 15yrs in medical translation
Vereinigtes Königreich
Native in Spanisch (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanisch
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Imperial College London, MSc Scientific, Technical, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-MSc in Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology, Imperial College, London., ITI, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
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Ruth Renner May, CT Contact directly
ATA CT. (Legal & financial). Economist
Native in Spanisch (Variants: Latin American, Mexican) Native in Spanisch
American Translators Association, Berlitz School of Languages, BA-Economist, Univ. Anahuac Mexico; Translation & Interpreting 2-year certificate course; Cambridge Business English Higher level C2, ATA, OMT, 13 years of experience
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Nasr Ahmed Contact directly
10 years in medical domain
Native in Arabisch (Variants: Saudi , Egyptian) Native in Arabisch
University of East Anglia, BA-Arts, 19 years of experience
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Chiaki Matsumoto Contact directly
Japanese native living in Canada
Native in Japanisch Native in Japanisch
Japan Translation Federation Incorporated, 11 years of experience
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Max Nuijens Contact directly
Energy & Environment, MSc
Native in Niederländisch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Niederländisch
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Nederlands Instituut voor Biologie (NIBI), Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals (VVM), 17 years of experience
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Tatiana Nikitina Contact directly
Experienced Life Science Translator
Russische Föderation
Native in Russisch 
Bio: My specialization: translation of medical documents (including pharmaceutical and pharmacological documents (e.g., CTDs) and clinical research reports), patents and patent applications related to pharmaceutics and biotechnology from English into Russian.

I have a sci...
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Manuel Delgado Contact directly
Native in Portugiesisch (Variants: European/Portugal, Brazilian) Native in Portugiesisch
Portugal: SNTI, ATA, SNTI, 52 years of experience
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Francisco Herrerias Contact directly
Your words in their words
Vereinigte Staaten
Native in Spanisch (Variants: Mexican, Latin American) Native in Spanisch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Mexican Industrial engineer and professor, Freelance translator since 1992 mainly for technical texts.
Message: Hola, hello, salut!
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Yvonne Gallagher Contact directly
right word, right place. everytime
Native in Englisch (Variants: US, Canadian, Irish, UK) Native in Englisch
University College Dublin, Dublin City University, University of Dublin, Trinity College, MA-DCU Ireland, ATII, 46 years of experience
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Monica Arifin Contact directly
True To Own Word
Native in Bahasa Indonesia Native in Bahasa Indonesia
Bio: English-Indonesian Translator