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Business issues I just fired an agency It is crazy Looks like working for KGB. Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) May 22, 2013
Italian AITI, vale la pena? Buongiorno colleghi, Sto considerando la
possibilita' di diventare socia aggregata AITI.
Oltre alle informazioni utili e seminari, oltre
alle conoscenze e sviluppo personale mi interessa<
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) May 12, 2013
Translator resources Resourse: ISO standards/English Dear friends, I am looking for the following ISO
standards in their English version: ISO
5445-80 ISO 5446-80 ISO 5448-81 Could anyone
advice me on some internet resource? Maybe you
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Jun 30, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you named your computer(s)? Please share Euro That's the way I call my computer, coz with its
help I make money))
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Apr 5, 2011
Business issues What do you think of this job? Sneaky way to get a reduced rate? oops [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: Oh no, not another one;
it makes me facepalm each time. If they are so
accurate in estimating time for the task
completion, they are better off doing it
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Mar 11, 2011
Russian Помогает ли музыка в работе Спасибо! [quote]Nikolai Muraviev
wrote: [quote]MariaSometti
wrote: Музыка в целом -
отличный способ
бэкграунда, но я заметиал,
что ч
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Dec 15, 2010
Russian Помогает ли музыка в работе Помогает армянский дудук Музыка в целом - отличный
способ бэкграунда, но я
заметиал, что частенько
отвлекаюсь на нее (пытаюсь
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Dec 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What's the maximum acceptable number of words for a free translation test? true [quote]Cindy Chadd wrote: I answered 100-299,
because I will occasionally do a test of about
this length if it's for a specific job. I no
longer do tests just to be included in a databa
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Dec 8, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What's the maximum acceptable number of words for a free translation test? its funny, but u r right [quote]Anna Katikhina wrote: I do accept
translation tests sometimes, usually when I have
time. I only accept texts up to 250 words. If the
test text was chosen wisely, it will be enoug
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Dec 8, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think it's necessary to have postgraduate degrees to get better jobs? right you are [quote]Aisha Maniar wrote: Thinking only of the
translation/language industry I would say "no",
however I think with the trend towards the
"requirement" for postgraduate qualifications,
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Oct 14, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think it's necessary to have postgraduate degrees to get better jobs? yes guys, depends on where you study and how eager you
are to study. there is a huge difference among the
universities. knowing the situation in my country
and the way we approach our studies
Maria Sometti (Anishchankava) Oct 14, 2010


Offene Diskussion von Themen mit Bezug auf Übersetzen, Dolmetschen und Lokalisierung

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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AI Translation at Your Fingertips

The underlying LLM technology of LinguaCore offers AI translations of unprecedented quality. Quick and simple. Add a human linguistic review at the end for expert-level quality at a fraction of the cost and time.

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