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Powwow: Riga - Latvia

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Jana Teteris
Jana Teteris  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 12:51
Lettisch > Englisch
+ ...
ID verification Oct 11, 2004

I've been assigned the right to verify IDs at our pow-wow. But I can only do this if you remember to bring along some form of photo-ID (eg. passport, driving licence). Also, most importantly, your real name (on your photo-ID) must match the real name you have entered in your profile. So, in a nutshell, I cannot verify someone's nickname.

See below for further information I received from proz.com staff:
- The purpose of confirming members' IDs is to increase mutual trust ac
... See more
I've been assigned the right to verify IDs at our pow-wow. But I can only do this if you remember to bring along some form of photo-ID (eg. passport, driving licence). Also, most importantly, your real name (on your photo-ID) must match the real name you have entered in your profile. So, in a nutshell, I cannot verify someone's nickname.

See below for further information I received from proz.com staff:
- The purpose of confirming members' IDs is to increase mutual trust across the site, in particular among members who don't know each other personally.

- There is currently no functional difference between members with or
without verified IDs, but changes will be introduced at a later stage.

- No changes will be introduced until a sufficiently large number of
members' identities have been verified.

- Changing your ProZ.com username, or modifying the first, middle or last
name in your ProZ.com profile in any way, will result in your "verified
status" being revoked. If this happens, you may write to the person who verified your identity to ask that they verify it again.

Stanislaw Kulikowski
Stanislaw Kulikowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
Jana, ilbe, Vilnius crew Oct 11, 2004

thanks for the concern about the "expats". ilbe, I hope it is not a big problem for you. Now, all you Vilnius people, is there anyone willing to join us in V.? I will have 2-3 seats free in the car. It'd be nice if we could get to know each other on the way and going to Riga by more cars than necessary would not be too smart, either. Alternately, I can leave mine in Vilnius and hop over to someone else's. (Although I love drivin )... See more
thanks for the concern about the "expats". ilbe, I hope it is not a big problem for you. Now, all you Vilnius people, is there anyone willing to join us in V.? I will have 2-3 seats free in the car. It'd be nice if we could get to know each other on the way and going to Riga by more cars than necessary would not be too smart, either. Alternately, I can leave mine in Vilnius and hop over to someone else's. (Although I love drivin ).Collapse

ilbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Englisch > Lettisch
+ ...
No problem Oct 13, 2004

Of course it`s not a problem for me if our get-together starts at 5 p.m. although I live 100km from Riga. I have a place where to stay night. I just wanted to clarify things, so it`s OK.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
My loss! Oct 17, 2004

All work and no play makes Diana a dull girl... Alas, alas... Can't make it this time((

Best regards,


Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Mitglied (2003)
Englisch > Lettisch
+ ...
Dear Diana! Oct 17, 2004

Sorry to hear this
But see you at Oxford


Jana Teteris
Jana Teteris  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 12:51
Lettisch > Englisch
+ ...
Reminder re. ID verification Oct 18, 2004

Just a reminder to those of you who would like me to verify your identification on Saturday, to bring along some form of photo ID with you.

More importantly, the name on your photo ID must correspond to your real name on your profile. So, those of you with nicknames (ie. Ilbe, Mabeltins, Liblikas) should consider making the appropriate changes to your profiles.


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Not exactly so... Oct 18, 2004

The name on the ID with a photo must correspond to the name a translator has entered in personal data table. So you can verify a person with a nick, as long as the person knows exactly that in Personal data the name is the same as in ID. Not sure if it's clear enough...

Good luck,


Jana Teteris
Jana Teteris  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 12:51
Lettisch > Englisch
+ ...
Thanks Diana Oct 18, 2004

That does make sense! Although proz.com staff kept referring to the 'real name', hence my interpretation of their instructions!


Džiuginta Spalbar
Džiuginta Spalbar  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Mitglied (2006)
Englisch > Litauisch
+ ...
Request Oct 19, 2004

I would have a request for somebody who is coming to Riga from Vilnius... As I am in Finland now and will be coming from there (without stopping in Vilnius), I would ask somebody to meet my sister and take a small package for me (with books and mail). Would somebody do this big favor for me?
I will owe it to you!


Ernestas Lomsargis
Ernestas Lomsargis  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Englisch > Litauisch
In stillem Gedenken
Any company from W/NW Lithuania / SW Latvia? Oct 20, 2004

Hi all! I will travel from Klaipëda. Would there be anybody interested in joining me on this "western" route to Riga on Saturday (possibly, also back on Sunday)? Depending upon your location, I can choose any of 3 main westmost border crossing points.

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:51
Mitglied (2003)
Englisch > Lettisch
+ ...
Pictures Oct 23, 2004

Dear all, this time I did not shoot many, but what there is you can download from
Login/passw: Riga/Riga

And thank you all for attending our first Latvian Pow-Wow! Especially I thank our Lithuanian guests, who come not only from Lithuania proper, but also Dziuginta, who took trouble to specially travel from Finland!

Thank you all and I'm sure we'll meet again- s
... See more
Dear all, this time I did not shoot many, but what there is you can download from
Login/passw: Riga/Riga

And thank you all for attending our first Latvian Pow-Wow! Especially I thank our Lithuanian guests, who come not only from Lithuania proper, but also Dziuginta, who took trouble to specially travel from Finland!

Thank you all and I'm sure we'll meet again- somewhere, sometime, when time comes!

Best Regards and Thank You All once again!

Sincerely - Uldis

Jana Teteris
Jana Teteris  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 12:51
Lettisch > Englisch
+ ...
attendance Nov 7, 2004

It would appear that there is a bug in the system and therefore I haven't been able to enter details of those who attended the Pow-wow (and consequently, nobody has been awarded any 'Browniz').

I have sent 2 support requests and have been promised that the problem will be rectified asap.

In the mean time - please be patient, as the situtation is beyond my control.


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Powwow: Riga - Latvia

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