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Post-graduate translation qualifications: DipTrans & MA

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Gwenydd Jones
Gwenydd Jones  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:08
Mitglied (2009)
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
VAE, France Aug 8, 2013

Thank you to Dave Neve (SafeTex) for sharing information about the VAE in France. The information he has shared is pasted below and may be of great interest to translators working in France.

If anyone else has information about any other professional qualifications that are relevant to translators then please share.

Here is the government site for the VAE:

... See more
Thank you to Dave Neve (SafeTex) for sharing information about the VAE in France. The information he has shared is pasted below and may be of great interest to translators working in France.

If anyone else has information about any other professional qualifications that are relevant to translators then please share.

Here is the government site for the VAE:

Basically, in almost any profession, there are a couple of exceptions, you can get a Validation of what you have
Acquired and your Experience (hence VAE). You are questioned by a panel of 'experts' working in that
field. It probably doesn't have the weight of an DipTrans or an M.A but if you are a translator who has worked in the profession for some time and you get your VAE, your clients know that you have some real 'baggage'.

There are many VAE centers in France where you can go to do it, often housed within a University.


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Post-graduate translation qualifications: DipTrans & MA

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