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"Russian" attitudes
Initiator des Themas: GaryG
GaryG  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:49
+ ...
Aug 10, 2003

//from today's Washinington Post//

Beachgoers Get a Little Moon With Their Sun at Cape Cod

A little too much flesh is being flaunted on the beaches of Cape Cod.

That's what families who have sunned there for generations say about Russian immigrants who take dips in Nantucket Sound and then take it off, before the ever-widening eyes of longtime beachgoers' children
and grandchildren.

"They try to be discreet," said Julia Sullivan, an as
... See more
//from today's Washinington Post//

Beachgoers Get a Little Moon With Their Sun at Cape Cod

A little too much flesh is being flaunted on the beaches of Cape Cod.

That's what families who have sunned there for generations say about Russian immigrants who take dips in Nantucket Sound and then take it off, before the ever-widening eyes of longtime beachgoers' children
and grandchildren.

"They try to be discreet," said Julia Sullivan, an assistant supervisor for Dennis beaches.

Lifeguards at Haigis and Glendon Road beaches receive a couple of complaints a week about middle-aged and elderly Russian immigrants who publicly change out of their wet bathing suits into dry clothing. Some tourists visit the restroom or change under housecoats.

"But sometimes you get more than the peek you bargained for," she said.

It has been a growing problem as so many Russian immigrants flock to Dennis motels and beaches that some locals call the town "Denniskova."

Police say they have responded to some complaints at the beach. But they haven't arrested anyone for indecent exposure.

Most residents and town officials say the dispute largely is cultural.

"We want everybody to find Cape Cod. We just want them to keep their clothes on," said Paul McCormick, a Dennis selectman who is working on getting a sign in Russian that asks visitors not to change on the beach. Right now, the Glendon Road Beach has a cardboard sign that says in Russian, "Changing on the beach is prohibited. Thank you."

-- Christine Haughney

Local time: 14:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
They should put a couple of cabins to change wet suits, I think Sep 13, 2003

Nothing strange, that Russians have such perception of their own bodies and behave on the open air like this. If you could visit Laspy harbour in the Crimea, you would found even families swimming naked. And they do not consider themselves as nudist; they just "unite with nature".
Telling about Russian immigrants, may be, by such behaviour, they are just reflecting a general "dontcare" attitude of local society?

Nik-On/Off  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
It would be great... Sep 13, 2003

just thoughts after a hard day

it would be great to be independent of what all of them think and feel about me...
it would be even better to be independent of what I think about myself... Amen!

Palmyra  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 08:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Yes, changing facility would be the solution and besides... Sep 13, 2003

I have already read exactly this posting by Gary last year. Shall we move on or does it just make people feel good to point this out? The fact that nobody discusses Western and American attitudes here does not mean there is nothing to say.

Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 07:49
Mitglied (2001)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
it's not 'the Russian perception' Sep 13, 2003

There are nudist beaches and stuff like that everywhere (we went to the so-called Wreck beach here in Vancouver a week before) and local people understand that (some accept, others - not, so what..).
Re. Crimea (the place I love probably just a little bit less than Venice):
There are/were 'camps' in Crimea (for years and years) of various groups of people who were/are fans of 'natural life style', 'sun worshipping', 'aqua-culture (women have babies born right into the water' - some o
... See more
There are nudist beaches and stuff like that everywhere (we went to the so-called Wreck beach here in Vancouver a week before) and local people understand that (some accept, others - not, so what..).
Re. Crimea (the place I love probably just a little bit less than Venice):
There are/were 'camps' in Crimea (for years and years) of various groups of people who were/are fans of 'natural life style', 'sun worshipping', 'aqua-culture (women have babies born right into the water' - some of those camps (at least those we visited) looked just miserable: dirty semi- (or totally) naked males and females openly copulating on the beach..

With this article Gary mentioned - it's different; to me it sounds like 'simple' case of 'Russians come' phobia. The attitude can 'embrace' other Eastern-europeans easily. Nothing strange either..

[quote]Natalia Kudria wrote:

Nothing strange, that Russians have such perception of their own bodies and behave on the open air like this. If you could visit Laspy harbour in the Crimea, you would found even families swimming naked. And they do not consider themselves as nudist; they just "unite with nature".

[Edited at 2003-09-14 06:00]

Oleg Osipov
Oleg Osipov  Identity Verified
Russische Föderation
Local time: 16:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Some ideas Sep 21, 2003

GaryG wrote:

//from today's Washinington Post//

A little too much flesh is being flaunted on the beaches of Cape Cod.

That's what families who have sunned there for generations say about Russian immigrants who take dips in Nantucket Sound and then take it off, before the ever-widening eyes of longtime beachgoers' children
and grandchildren.

-- Christine Haughney

This must be one of the reasons to exclude Russians from Diversity Visa 2005.

Yakov Tomara
Yakov Tomara  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Our attitude to business: a sample contract just received from a friend (joke, of course) Oct 17, 2003

Типа договора

г. Днепропетровск "__" ____ 2003 г.

"Крутой люминий", типа Продавец, в лице, чисто, директора ______, действующего по понятиям, с одной стороны, и "Волчья стая", типа Покупатель, в лице, чисто, директора _______, действующего тоже по понятиям, но с другой стороны,
... See more
Типа договора

г. Днепропетровск "__" ____ 2003 г.

"Крутой люминий", типа Продавец, в лице, чисто, директора ______, действующего по понятиям, с одной стороны, и "Волчья стая", типа Покупатель, в лице, чисто, директора _______, действующего тоже по понятиям, но с другой стороны, перетерли и добазарились:

1. Тема базара
1.1. Пацаны подписались поставить, чисто, металлолом под реальное лаве.
1.2. Базар оценен в лимон зелени.

2. Порядок подгона бабла
2.1. Валюта платежа: зелень.
2.2. Форма оплаты: бабки вперед.

3. Условия постановки на счетчик
3.1. Лаве нет - на счетчик.
3.2. Товара нет - на счетчик.

4. Качество товара
4.1. Пацаны в натуре и конкретно отвечают за качество товара.

5. Условия сдачи товара
5.1. Возможные предъявы по качеству и количеству товара делают на стрелке.
5.2. Набившие стрелку не имеют права съехать с базара.
5.3. В случае гнилого базара отвечают по понятиям.
5.4. Предъява канает в течение 30 дней (типа, месяца) с момента получения товара.

6. Ответственность сторон
6.1. На случай кидняка кинувшего заказывает кинутая сторона.
6.2. Номер мобилы киллера забит в Дополнительном соглашении.
6.3. Приезд на стрелку на "Таврии" рассматривается как западло.

7. Юридические адреса сторон

Ща! Нашли лохов, все бросим и спалим хату.

Надо будет, сами вас найдем.

8. Подписи сторон

бля буду,

в натуре,

Araksia Sarkisian
Araksia Sarkisian  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Armenisch > Polnisch
+ ...
This is great!!!...:))) Thank you, we really LOL..here!!! Oct 17, 2003

Yakov Tomara wrote:

Типа договора
7. Юридические адреса сторон

Ща! Нашли лохов, все бросим и спалим хату.

Надо будет, сами вас найдем.

8. Подписи сторон

бля буду,

в натуре,

Yakov Tomara
Yakov Tomara  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:49
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Забавные тексты. Может, кто еще не читал :-) Mar 25, 2004


Marta Argat
Marta Argat  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Chinesisch > Ukrainisch
+ ...
научник Apr 2, 2004

Вполне серьезная тема: "Супруги научников за границей - проблемы адаптации"

Jarema  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Mitglied (2003)
Deutsch > Russisch
+ ...

Moderator dieses Forums
Словарь выхухолей Jun 17, 2004

Словарь Выхухолей

1. Ахухоль - авантюрно настроенная выхухоль.
2. Бухухоль - выхухоль, склонная к злоупотреблению алкоголем.
3. Вздохухоль - депрессивная выхухоль.
4. Выхухоль - исходная автохтонная выхухоль, пользующаяся уважением.
5. Дыхухоль - выхухоль, с�
... See more
Словарь Выхухолей

1. Ахухоль - авантюрно настроенная выхухоль.
2. Бухухоль - выхухоль, склонная к злоупотреблению алкоголем.
3. Вздохухоль - депрессивная выхухоль.
4. Выхухоль - исходная автохтонная выхухоль, пользующаяся уважением.
5. Дыхухоль - выхухоль, страдающая одышкой.
6. Е-хухоль - интернетовская выхухоль.
7. Захухоль - ленивая выхухоль.
8. Кхухоль - выхухоль, поклоняющаяся Ктулху. Имеет щупальца вместо хоботка.
9. Лихухоль - лихая, отвязная выхухоль.
10. Лохухоль - излишне доверчивая выхухоль.
11. Ляхухоль - польская выхухоль.
12. Мохухоль - а) порода выхухоли, питающаяся мхом. в)московская выхухоль.
13. Hедохухоль - малорослая, карликовая выхухоль.
14. Hехухоль - выхухоль, наделенная запретительными полномочиями.
15. Hихухоль - незаметная, никакая выхухоль. Почти что и не выхухоль.
16. Hухухоль - нетерпеливая выхухоль.
17. Hюхухоль - выхухоль-ищейка.
18. Опухоль - жирная выхухоль.
19. Охухоль - бестолковая выхухоль без царя в голове.
20. Перехухоль - выхухоль гигантских размеров.
21. Плохухоль - плохая, негодная выхухоль.
22. Похухоль - индифферентная выхухоль.
23. Прахухоль - первобытная выхухоль.
24. Пыхухоль - выхухоль, обитающая в коноплёвых лесах.
25. Рохухоль - выхухоль-рохля. Производное от лохухоли, охухоли и похухоли.
26. Сдохухоль - мертвая выхухоль.
27. Трахофобухоль - выхухоль, исповедующая антисекс.
28. Тухухоль - неприятно пахнущая выхухоль.
29. Тыхухоль - фамильярно настроенная выхухоль.
30. Ухухоль - выхухоль, родившаяся от брака нахухоля и похухоли.
31. Хохухоль - украинская выхухоль.
32. Хрюхухоль - неаккуратная, грязная выхухоль.
33. Хухоль - выхухоль без префикса.
34. Чмохухоль - всеми отверженная выхухоль.
35. Эхухоль - выхухоль, живущая в горах и притворяющаяся эхом.
36. Юхухоль - ТВОЯ выхухоль.
37. Яхухоль - хвастливая, нескромная выхухоль

Список не полный.

Guillermo de la Puerta
Guillermo de la Puerta  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Deutsch > Spanisch
+ ...
Perhaps not only a Russian attitude Jun 25, 2004

At most spanish beaches people very often change their bathing clothes publicly.Normally all the people use a towel to get covered and to avoid the spectacle. Other people prefer to change the clothes in a cabin.
Sometimes you see more then expected but until now I haven't seen anyone complaining about someone changing clothes publicly.
Nor it is regulated or watched by beach guards.
Perhaps only if you walk around completely nude for a long time than it's possible that you dr
... See more
At most spanish beaches people very often change their bathing clothes publicly.Normally all the people use a towel to get covered and to avoid the spectacle. Other people prefer to change the clothes in a cabin.
Sometimes you see more then expected but until now I haven't seen anyone complaining about someone changing clothes publicly.
Nor it is regulated or watched by beach guards.
Perhaps only if you walk around completely nude for a long time than it's possible that you draw the attention of the beach guards.In other cases just for changing if that's only a moment nothing happens and I think nobody gets ofended.
Russians, come to Spain!)

Kind Regards willdlp

[Edited at 2004-06-25 14:40]

Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
Not the attitude is what matters Jun 25, 2004

The reason why Americans' eyes are ever-widening when seeing a naked Russian is not the Russian attitude itself but the impressive vision of what is revealed... They are just jealous

sergey (X)
sergey (X)
Local time: 13:49
Russisch > Englisch
+ ...
let america be attitude free Jun 26, 2004

i think the word 'attitude' was the last thing on those russians' minds. if, indeed, they were russians. being russian born and russian speaking doesn't necessarily mean being russian in its true sense.

the title 'russian' attitudes' is in itself a reflection of the 'american attitude' after reading the article, and the attitude of those americans who saw it. and if they didn't like what they saw i would presume that they always had a choice of finding their ancestry and roots and m
... See more
i think the word 'attitude' was the last thing on those russians' minds. if, indeed, they were russians. being russian born and russian speaking doesn't necessarily mean being russian in its true sense.

the title 'russian' attitudes' is in itself a reflection of the 'american attitude' after reading the article, and the attitude of those americans who saw it. and if they didn't like what they saw i would presume that they always had a choice of finding their ancestry and roots and moving to where they would think they would feel more comfortable (?), because that's what native americans had been doing on that land for centuries.

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"Russian" attitudes

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