Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 60 results
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Polish-English Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Słownik wyraŜeń związanych z testowaniem)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-Norwegian Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Terminologi for test av programvare)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-French Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Glossaire CFTL/ISTQB des termes utilisés en tests de logiciels)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (Comité Français des Tests Logiciels) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Стандартный глоссарий терминов, используемых в тестировании программного обеспечения
International Software Testing Qualifications Board |
При создании этого глоссария рабочая группа изучила варианты, комментарии и всевозможные мнения представителей промышленности, коммерции и правительственных органов и организаций с целью создать международный стандарт тестирования, который будет принят как можно большим количеством областей. Полное понимание вряд ли, если вообще когда-нибудь, может... View more
IT Glossary
Gartner, Inc. |
Technology Defined IT Glossary is your trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions, from the world's leading IT research and advisory company.
IT Glossary, a trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions
PC mag encyclopedia of IT terms
PC mag - Ziff Davis |
Encyclopedia of IT Terms
The Glossary of Pumps
Russell D. Hoffman |
It contains all English to Urdu Words and phrases.
XML Terms Glossary
The Site XML |
English alphabetised list of terminology used in connection for programming in, and with working with XML files.
Component Software Glossary
Object Services and Consulting, Inc. |
glossary of terms central to component software
Glosario de ingeniería del software (informática)
Proyecto CIS (Juan Palacio) |
Este wiki-glosario pretende la estandarización de los términos empleados en la práctica de la ingeniería del software, la unificación de conceptos, significados y acepciones asociadas a los términos técnicos. El origen de este glosario se encuentra en el proyecto CIS (Compendio de Ingeniería del Software). Juan Palacio, su creador, cedió el glo... View more
Monolingual Business Glossary
Business Plan Software |
Brief English Explanation of Everyday Business Terms
I termini essenziali del software libero, e qualche nozione per fare chiarezza riguardo a quei termini che vengono erroneamente associati al software libero.
Glossary of sailing words and terms
glossary of terms relating to intellectual property (IP), copyrights, trademarks, patents, commercial litigation, art, music, science, entertainment, media, publishing, e-commerce and technology law.
Serbian-English Online Dictionary
Korlex software |
This Serbian-English Dictionary is described as "Most extensive online dictionary" of Serbian, Laughborough University, UK. It is online since 1999, and now serves over 4,000 queries per day. Can be viewed in Cyrillic or Roman fonts.
Computer Terms You May Need to Know
The Epiphany Project |
The Epiphany Glossary defines computer terms in a way that should be useful for teachers rather than programmers.
Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing
Imbus Akademie - Shine in and Quality Testing |
A glossary of terms used in software testing with both English and German explanations. It is quite extensive, and the definitions are thorough.
Alphabetical listing is according to English, but since the whole glossary is on the same file, it can be used both ways with the Find function (Ctrl + F in most browsers).
Vokaboly Software |
Database of over 6000 idioms, proverbs and slang expressions. Searchable in either direction. Examples: "a completely different ball game", "month of Sundays", "nix", "na gut!".
A nice glossary of computer terms with description in Russian.
Bi-Directional English-Japanese Dictionary
Pacific Software Publishing |
To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search.
This dictionary is based on EDICT by Jim Breen and is powered by ALISE (A Little Internet Search Engine).
Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη
Kompendier i Skåne |
Various IT, computer hardware and software terms, as well as fringe subjects like digital photography and video.
Λεξικό τεχνολογίας
Phaistos Networks S.A. |
Mostly IT-related terms
Licensing Glossar
Software Spectrum |
Umfangreiches Glossar zur Lizensierung von Softwareprodukten
Barcode Glossar
Etiscan GmbH |
Produktionsfaktor Information:
Warenwirtschaftssysteme, Tracking & Tracing. e-commerce. Begriffe, die längst den Alltag vieler Unternehmen bestimmen, Begriffe, die bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigen, welche Chancen die IT-Welt mit ihren Hard- und Software-Lösungen für die Informationsströme der Unternehmen bietet. Unser Barcode Glossar bietet Ihnen ... View more
This page consolidates the terminology from many IBM products in one convenient location. In addition to base computer terminology, terms and definitions from several brands and product families are included [see Keywords].
Technical Terms and Phrases
Jakob & Francine Vlietstra |
This dictionary consists of a collection of English and Dutch terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general. The author's work on composing the sections of a "Dutch Lexicon on Information Technology" and consisting of Industrial Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Comput... View more
Acronyms and abbreviations in English, plus an International section for Spanish, French, Latin, German,
Italian, Mexican and Hebrew.
It contains 348,560 Entries / 122 Categories, such as:
Computing & Internet
General, File Extensions, Networking, Telecom, Software, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, SMS, Security
Chat, Emoticons... View more
Computer And IT Dictionary for Persian v4.01
Mostafa Ghanatabady |
Free, perfect computer Dictionary for persian with pictures & links. For use with (windows(98,2000,me,xp), internet (International domain), mcse, hardware, programming, vb, office, autocad, flash, photoshop, corel, norton, yahoo!, msn,...
Computer Glossary.
Benzerlerinden daha kapsamlı ve kullanışlı bir sözlük sitesi. Ücretsiz sözlük araçları bölümündeki sözlük çözümlerini de deneyebilirsiniz.
Technical Dictionary
� 2005 Festo Didactic |
Multilingual technical glossary in several subjects (see keywords)
الموسوعة العربية للكمبيوتر والإنترنت
الموسوعة العربية للكمبيوتر والانترنت |
Quote from website: القاموس هو الموقع العربي الأول من نوعه، ويختص بترجمة المصطلحات التقنية.. القاموس موقع متجدد، أي أن عشرات الكلمات تضاف أسبوعيا، والسبب هو نشاط القائمين على الموقع وتصميمهم على أن يكون القاموس هو المرجع الأول الذي يفيد المستخدم العربي في البحث عن المصطلحات التقنية التي تواجهه خلال تعلمه لعلوم الحاسوب، ولإفادته في حال كان يتعل... View more
Fachwörter D->E->D: IT Wissen
DATACOM Buchverlag GmbH; Klaus Lipinski |
Wissensportal für die IT-Branche. Informationen aus allen Bereichen der Informationstechnologie, aus der Daten- und Telekommunikation, der Computer- und PC-Technik, der Software, Netzwerk- und Multimediatechnik. Sehr ausführlich, teilw. sehr technisch.
Linux Bilişim Terimleri Sözlüğü / Linux Glossary of IT Terms
Linux Belgelendirme Çalışma Grubu / Documentation Study Group |
Linux English to Turkish glossary of information technology