Mar 19, 2002 15:47
22 yrs ago
Deutsch term

Wenn Sie die Freigabe des offenen Auftrages abbrechen wollen,

Deutsch > Englisch Wirtschaft/Finanzwesen
Wenn Sie die Freigabe des offenen Auftrages abbrechen wollen,wählen Sie die Schaltfläche "Abbrechen".
Part of instructions to users of a German banking website for entering direct debit details.

Proposed translations

14 Min.

use the "Cancel" button to abort the confirmation process for the pending instruction

IMO "instruction" is more suitable here than "order", which would be preferable in a securities/trading context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Manuela Schilling (X) : sounds good :-)
5 Min.
disagree Elvira Stoianov : freigabe is not confirmation, freigabe is when you release an "object" so that it can be used by others, or something in that direction
30 Min.
I'd agree if we were talking about networks or GUI elements - in a banking context "Freigabe" means to release (=confirm) an instruction
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Ralf"
7 Min.

For cancelling the release action for the open order press the "Abbrechen"(cancel) button

that's it
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