Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:

Hardwareänderungen zu IST-Stand

Englisch translation:

Hardware changes/modifications from current status

Added to glossary by transatgees
Jun 29, 2006 08:09
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Deutsch term

Hardwareänderungen zu IST-Stand

Deutsch > Englisch Technik Computer: Hardware
In a leaflet on a programmable infra-red receiver for controlling electric motors.

This is a heading to a small section which contains such bullet points as

2 unterschiedlich bestückte Prints für LOGIC bzw. Direkbetrieb.
Batterieüberwachung über AD-Wandler
Nachrüsteneiner 2-farb LED.

No further context, sorry.

Thanks in advance.

Proposed translations

7 Min.

Hardware changes/modifications from current status

In this case "IST" probably refers to the current system status (as opposed to the "SOLL" status that you want to achieve).

This will therefore be outlining the changes/modificaitons required from to move away from the current "IST" status.

Note added at 10 mins (2006-06-29 08:19:34 GMT)

Or, more simply, you could just say "Required hardware upgrades"
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Barker : Though might prefer "present" to "current" due to possible confusion with electrical current
14 Min.
agree Leonor Maia (X)
54 Min.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "As I was still unsure about the interpretation (yours or "Initial System Test") I decided to ask the client. You were correct. Nevertheless my thanks also to Armin. "
15 Min.

Hardware modifications to IST status

IST ist ein Akronym für 'Initial System Test'. Siehe

Bin mir nicht 100% sicher, dass es hier so gemeint ist, scheint vom Kontext (Akronyme in den anderen Beispielen) aber zu passen.
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