Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:

fächerübergreifend vs. fächerverbindend

Englisch translation:

transdisciplinary vs. interdisciplinary

Added to glossary by Elizabeth Kelly
Jan 29, 2011 11:05
14 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Deutsch term

fächerübergreifend vs. fächerverbindend

Deutsch > Englisch Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Bildungswesen/Pädagogik Secondary school curriculum
Bis heute hätte ich beide Begriffe als "interdisciplinary" übersetzt. Das Problem ist, dass sie hier durch ein "und" verbunden beide im gleichen Satz stehen. Ist das nicht doppelt-gemoppelt?

"In diesem Sinne ordnet sich der Englischunterricht in das Gesamtkonzept zum fächerübergreifenden und fächerverbindenden Lernen ein."
Change log

Jan 29, 2011 11:13: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Sonstige" to "Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften"


Ramey Rieger (X) Jan 29, 2011:
Well Intercurricular is when different subject matter is covered, in this case, in English. Transcurricular is when the SAME subject matter is covered in all subjects in the curriculum.
Elizabeth Kelly (asker) Jan 29, 2011:
@all Würde ich denn dem Text viel Aussagestärke rauben, wenn ich es einfach bei "interdisciplinary" belasse? Ich meine, kann mir jemand tatsächlich den Unterschied zwischen den beiden Ausdrücken erklären? Ich sehe nämlich beim besten Willen nicht wirklich einen.

Proposed translations

2 Stunden

transdisciplinary vs. interdisciplinary

Transdisciplinary • Approaches that transcend boundaries of conventional disciplines.
Interdisciplinary • Process of combining two or more disciplines, fields of study or professions
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I liked this option best, but thanks to all for your suggestions!"
13 Min.

cross-curricular and interdisciplinary

This might be a possibility, but I believe the two terms really are very similar.

See also:
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42 Min.

inter- and multidisciplinary

"inter- and multidisciplinary learning" (see source below)
Peer comment(s):

agree gangels (X) : Most precise, better than the hackneyed 'integrated', so much beloved by Denglish experts
35 Min.
neutral Steffen Walter : I'm not sure if there's even a difference between the two terms (I believe they largely overlap), and most of the search hits for this collocation are German./Ich hatte nach "inter- and multidisciplinary" + "learning" ohne Domain-Einschränkung gesucht.
48 Min.
"inter- and multidisciplinary" site:uk = 3,590, site:de = 2,880 hits (?)
agree mill2
2 Stunden
neutral mary austria : I can go with this answer or with Ramey's.
1 Tag 2 Stunden
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11 Min.

integrated vs. interdisciplinary

So könnte man den eventuellen "Doppelmoppel" (ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es einer ist) wiedergeben -> "an overall approach/concept ensuring (an) integrated, interdisciplinary learning (experience)" o. ä.

Note added at 1 hr (2011-01-29 12:55:39 GMT)

Fortsetzung meines Kommentars zu "GET ENERGY": "... Ich hatte nach "inter- and multidisciplinary" + "learning" ohne Domain-Einschränkung gesucht." - und dabei waren die Treffer auf den ersten Seiten meist deutschsprachig bzw. zumindest keine muttersprachlichen englischen Quellen.
Peer comment(s):

agree Thayenga
1 Stunde
agree Textklick
13 Stunden
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5 Stunden

trans- and inter-curricular

Just to have all bases covered.
We often did this is in the school I taught at: all subjects were taught in English and there was also a project which was studied from the various perspectives of the different subjects
Peer comment(s):

neutral mary austria : I can go with this answer or with Get Energy's.
21 Stunden
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Reference comments

8 Stunden

Rahmenlehrplan Berlin Grundschule: pädagogische Begriffe

The terms are pretty clearly contrasted here and Ramey is correct in terms of the concepts. They are certainly not synonyms for a specialist audience, regardless of the fact that 99.99% of all human beings (including myself) can't keep them separate for more than a few minutes.
Anything with "-disciplinary" also seems wrong for a primary or secondary school (as opposed to university/professional) context.
In short, I don't know if Ramey's EN terms are correct because no source is provided, but they seem like the most promising.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Ramey Rieger (X) : Yes, the idea of Transcurricular teaching is relatively new in the "Regelschule", so new words müssen her! Oh, that was fun - hope you understood!
1 Stunde
Thanks for reading my reference. Schade, that your answer not selected was.
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