Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Deutsch term or phrase:
Am Anfang das Ende
Englisch translation:
results-driven from the outset
Deutsch term
"Am Anfang das Ende"
I am wondering: is there a corresponding English saying?
"Gemeint ist, sich am Anfang einer Veranstaltung bereits Gedanken darüber zu machen, was am Ende dabei raus kommen soll und wie diese Ergebnisse umgesetzt werden sollen."
Nov 22, 2019 09:41: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Sonstige" to "Marketing"
Proposed translations
results-driven from the outset
Go ahead [start] with the outcome in mind
It takes a target to get started
"To have the end goal in sight at all times"
agree |
: Yep
38 Min.
neutral |
silvia glatzhofer
: What's the difference between "goal" and "end goal"; isn't "end goal" doppelt gemoppelt? or does it just remind me too much of "Endziel", a nono in German?
54 Min.
There could be a number of goals to be achieved in the course of the event, as well as an all-embracing "end goal", which is what the event set out to achieve in the first place. Doesn't sound doppelt gemoppelt to me at all.
agree |
Jonathan MacKerron
: "ultimate goal"
1 Stunde
Yes, that's better
"Let's start at the end"
discuss the expected outcome up front
".. with the goal in mind"
"to focus on the expected outcome right from the beginning"
agree |
Ellen Zittinger
: so far best
35 Min.
agree |
RNolder (X)
1 Tag 9 Stunden
The Start of the End
disagree |
: Too Churchillian!
5 Min.
neutral |
IanW (X)
: There is no difference between this and "the beginning of the end", which is probably not what they want to say
6 Min.
disagree |
silvia glatzhofer
: klingt negativ; der "Anfang vom Ende" hat eine andere Bedeutung
17 Min.
Last things first
disagree |
silvia glatzhofer
: Man rollt das Ganze ja nicht von hinten auf. Es soll nur am Anfang bereits an das mögliche Ergebnis gedacht werden.
9 Min.
With due respect, "last things first" can mean just that in English. In context it would not be a problem. This is something you either feel or don't feel, as a mother tongue speaker.
agree |
: That's a great idea!
9 Stunden
another take..
anticipate [presage] the conclusion
Goal-oriented thinking
These may all have different connotations (I did a brief search, and it looked like the links about "results-oriented thinking" were more negative - how to break free of it - whereas goal-oriented thinking seemed more positive) - I don't know about all the subtleties involved, just offering another alternative. The first answer above may still be the best.
Expectations (from the start)
Depending on context, you could possibly even insert "learning"
Expected learning outcomes
the end from the beginning
initial thoughts about the final results
Something went wrong...