Jul 27, 2009 15:25
15 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Technik Umwelt und Ökologie
I'm just about brain dead - been at it too long, but, as usual, the deadline looms.
So, "Ansatzpunkt(e)" as in:
Das Dokumentationswesen sollte im Wesentlichen folgende Ansatzpunkte beinhalten:
- Registrierung der bei den Industriebetrieben anfallenden Abwassermengen
- Einführung eines Nachweissystems unter Einbeziehung von Abwassererzeuger, Beförderer und Entsorger
- Zusammenführung der Daten in den Zuständigkeitsbereich möglichst einer Behörde
Bob Summerfield

Proposed translations

5 Min.


Usually I would say "starting points" but here I think just "points" would work.
Peer comment(s):

agree Martin Robinshaw
2 Min.
Thank you, Martin!
agree Armorel Young
3 Stunden
Thank you, Armorel!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I'm stumped here. I hadn't thought of "aspects", which almost, but not quite captures what I want to say. So many suggested "points", which I am using that I don't know what to do. So I closed my eyes and pointed at the screen coming up with Anke. Sorry if that breaks a rule. (Bye the way, "none of these answers *are* appropriate" is grammatically an unhappy choice.)"
1 Stunde

points/aspects/issues to be addressed

This kind of wording might also work, if it makes sense in the context -

Essentially the documentation system should include means of addressing the following issues:

Peer comment(s):

agree Beth Jones : yes, "should address the following issues/points/matters"
4 Stunden
agree Dzasmin
13 Stunden
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