Glossary entry

Deutsch term or phrase:


Englisch translation:

Kiosk/touch screen information terminal

Added to glossary by Kim Metzger
Jan 28, 2002 04:44
23 yrs ago
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Technik Internet, E-Commerce Internet
The Händlermodul is used by VW dealers to create their own homepages. What's an Infoterminal? And how would I translate Infoterminal als Standalone Händlermodul?
Seit Dezember 2000 findet in Münster ein Pilotprojekt statt. Im Zubehörshop der Knubel-Gruppe befindet sich ein Infoterminal als Standalone Händlermodul. Ein besonderer Erfolg: die Gebrauchtwagenbörse der Knubel-Gruppe ist hier für den interessierten Kunden jederzeit zugänglich gemacht worden.

Proposed translations

9 Min.

Kiosk or Information Terminal

Kiosks are the touch screen terminals that are installed at common places like airports, banks, shops, etc. One can use them simply by the touch of the screen, and get the required information at any time, without the assistance of a sales person.
Peer comment(s):

agree S. GARMSEN : Susanne Garmsen: exactly. Kiosk is the more colloquial alternative, in my experience.
7 Min.
agree Bob Kerns (X)
3 Stunden
agree jccantrell
10 Stunden
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Raksha and Mike. I think touch screen terminal was the best choice for my text."
6 Stunden

special-purpose computer terminal

Vendors can supply customers with computer terminals set up to only one special task, such as searching for a hotel in a particular area or, in this case, letting someone create a homepage (without necessarialy knowing HTML).
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