Jun 19, 2008 11:38
16 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Technik Petrochemie, Technik/Wissenschaft
"Damit das Erdgas in ausreichender Menge und
Geschwindigkeit durch die Rohre strömen kann,
wird ihm in Verdichterstationen Antriebsenergie
Proposed translations (Englisch)
3 +4 comment (reword)
4 propulsion energy
3 propellant impulse / impulse

Proposed translations

1 Stunde

comment (reword)

IMHO this text cries for rewording in English. The concept of adding energy to the gas so it will flow faster and in larger volume, along with the mechanistic cause-and-effect logic, is foreign to how the situation is normally understood in English, even if it corresponds to a certain way of viewing the process in terms of physics (compression imparts potential energy to the gas, which is transformed into kinetic energy when the gas flows).

'Antriebsenergie' is one of those abstract coinages that German excels in, but which IMO is a misnomer: in terms of garden-variety physics, propulsion arises from force, not energy, although energy is expended in the propulsion of an object.

My suggestion:
The gas is pressurised in compressor stations so it can flow through the pipeline with sufficient speed and in sufficient volume.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gillian Scheibelein : nice!!! This a typical example of non-techies trying to use techspeak
2 Min.
I'm flattered :-)
agree GET ENERGY (X)
12 Min.
agree TonyTK
13 Min.
agree Michele Fauble
6 Stunden
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your very helpful explanation. I thought that was what they were trying to say!"
9 Min.

propellant impulse / impulse

Soweit ich verstehe, wird dem Medium durch Kompression Energie übertragen, die sich dann bei Ausdehnung in Fortbewegung umsetzt.

Note added at 10 Min. (2008-06-19 11:48:10 GMT)

"motive power" o.ä. halte ich wg. der Impliziertheit von Maschine/Aggregat hier für unzutreffend.
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37 Min.

propulsion energy

IMHO; also 10,400 epecific Googles
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