This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Post-Conference Powwow

June 29, 2014, 10:30 pm
ItalienPisaIn personEnglisch
registration for this Powwow closed on June 15th

However, I managed to secure 15 more seats. If anyone else is interested please sign up before Friday 27th and confirm attendance with "YES"
Thank you for your cooperation;-)

The Powwow will take place on the evening of the last day of the 2014 International Conference.

Don't miss the opportunity to say arrivederci to new and old friends!

Osteria I Santi Via Santa Maria 71, Pisa (5 minutes walking distance from the Leaning Tower)

Price: 30.00 EUR per person (includes drinks) --- Cash only (collected on arrival)



Gran Piatto I Santi (salumi, crostini, verdure grigliate, assaggio di zuppa toscana) - I Santi entrée platter (cold cuts, grilled vegetables, Tuscan soup)

Ravioli di ricotta e spinaci con zucchine e pinoli - Ricotta and spinach ravioli with courgettes and pine-nuts

Reginette al cinghiale - Reginette pasta with wild boar meat sauce

Tagliata di manzo con rucola e grana - Tagliata steak with rocket salad and Grana cheese

Patate fritte - Potato fries

Millefoglie o Pan di Spagna -  Millefoglie or Spongecake

Acqua, vino della casa bianco o rosso, caffé - Water, red or white wine, coffee


  • confirm your attendance by updating "YES" or "NO" next to your name by June 15 2014(was June 12, now extended)

  • add "vegetarian" in the remarks area if you require a vegetarian dinner

  • add "plus one" in the remarks area if you are attending with your spouse, partner, travel companion, etc.

For organisational reasons, only names marked as atteding with "yes" (confirmed by June 15) will be considered. 

Thank you for your understanding :-)

Event Organizer:

Lucia Leszinsky

Login to add your name to the list of people interested.Click here to login now.

Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (53) / Confirmed: 35 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Daniela Zambrini  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Lucia Leszinsky  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Valentina Giannasi   ...  n
Paula Ribeiro   ...  y
Maya M Fourioti   ...  y
Paola Dentifrigi   ...  n
veronica drugas  \"Photographer\" ...  
Nigel Saych   ...  y
Virginia Agostino  \"Photographer\" ...  m
César Yamandú Sánchez Franco   ...  y
Pavel Janoušek   ...  y
XAnnieFlorent (X)   ...  n
Lavdi Zymberi   ...  
Russell Jones   ...  
Anna Maria Petruzzella   ...  
Irene Koukia   ...  y
Bob Scott   ...  y
Erin Lyons   ...  y
Francesca Airaghi   ...  y
John Di Rico   ...  n
Mirella Biagi   ...  
Laurence Fogarty   ...  y
Peter Reidel   ...  y
Ivana Kahle   2 persons  n
Sylvie Pelissier   ...  n
Valentina Mellone   Can't wait!  y
Mari Nohre   ...  y
Sarka Rubkova   Coming with my friend  y
smarinella   penso di potervi partecipare perché sono a Pisa per la Convention...   y
Daniel Šebesta   ...  y
XJustine Sherwood (X)   ...  y
Lucy Hofland   Possibly with a guest  n
Irene Di Rosa   ...  y
Hanna Assouline   ...  y
Paula Dana Szabados   ...  y
João Roque Dias   ...  
XAlessandra Martelli (X)   ...  y
Petr Mundev   ...  y
Jennifer Baldwin   ...  n
Maxim Manzhosin   ...  y
XMarianne Eden (X)   ...  y
OChiarello   ...  y
Christian Schneider   ...  y
Colin Shields   ...  y
Siwei Wang   ...  y
DD670   ...  
Jørgen A. Andersen   It is going to be FUN!  y
Andrea Canosa   ...  y
Ilde Grimaldi   ...  y
Catia Argirò   vegetarian  y
Malgorzata (Maggie) Hickey   ...  y
Vladimir Havranek, MBA   YES  
Allan Auld   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Pisa - Italy
Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:58
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
#PisaConf Post-conference Arrivederci Powwow: Osteria I Santi Jun 5, 2014

Dear Friends,


The Arrivederci Powwow will take place on the evening of the last day of the 2014 International Conference.


Don't miss the opportunity to say arrivederci to new and old friends!


Osteria I Santi Via Santa Maria 71, Pisa (5 minutes walking distance from the Leaning Tower)



... See more
Dear Friends,


The Arrivederci Powwow will take place on the evening of the last day of the 2014 International Conference.


Don't miss the opportunity to say arrivederci to new and old friends!


Osteria I Santi Via Santa Maria 71, Pisa (5 minutes walking distance from the Leaning Tower)




* register and confirm your attendance by updating "YES" or "NO" next to your name by June 12 2014 on the Powwow Page

* add "vegetarian" in the remarks area if you require a vegetarian dinner

* add "plus one" in the remarks area if you are attending with your spouse, partner, travel companion, etc.

For organsational reasons, only names marked as atteding with "yes" (confirmed by June 12) will be considered. Thank you for your understandingicon_smile.gif

[Edited at 2014-06-05 19:23 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-06-05 19:25 GMT]

Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:58
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
last date to register and confirm attendance: JUNE 15 Jun 11, 2014

I managed to negotiate a few more days to confirm final numbersicon_wink.gif

Please register and/or update attendance (mark YES or NO) on

For organsational reasons, the last and final deadline is JUNE 15


Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:58
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
15 extra seats available for this powwow Jun 24, 2014

Hello, due to the amount of last-minute additions I managed to confirm extra availabilityicon_smile.gif

There are 15 more seats available.

Please sign up and confirm attendance with "YES" (absolute last and final deadline JUNE 27)


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