Off topic: The Leader of the Band
Initiator des Themas: Williamson
Williamson  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 19:29
Flämisch > Englisch
+ ...
Dec 21, 2003

I had a conversation with the leader of a local rock band.
He told me that as a self-employed, he considered it to be normal to get his fee before going on stage.
Except for a few exceptions, in the translation world it seems to be the other way around.Just a thought...

Gloria Pérez Rodríguez
Gloria Pérez Rodríguez
Local time: 20:29
Französisch > Spanisch
+ ...
different Dec 21, 2003

How unfortunately different from \"our world\", isn\'t it?

Frohe Festtage !

Ruben Berrozpe (X)
Ruben Berrozpe (X)  Identity Verified
Englisch > Spanisch
My 2c Dec 21, 2003

Quite a few years ago, when was a (mostly unimportant) member of a rock band, we did get our money in advance every time. That was invariably zero pesetas, I fear, as well as (if we were lucky) a few free drinks from the bar to get on stage and have some fun (as opposed to our usually cold audiences, this is as far as I recall).

Then again, we translators are not supposed to be on our particular "highway to hell", are we?...
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Quite a few years ago, when was a (mostly unimportant) member of a rock band, we did get our money in advance every time. That was invariably zero pesetas, I fear, as well as (if we were lucky) a few free drinks from the bar to get on stage and have some fun (as opposed to our usually cold audiences, this is as far as I recall).

Then again, we translators are not supposed to be on our particular "highway to hell", are we?

Thanks for bringing those nice memories back to me anyway.


Paul Roige (X)
Paul Roige (X)
Local time: 20:29
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
More thoughts Dec 21, 2003

Williamson wrote:
I had a conversation with the leader of a local rock band.
He told me that as a self-employed, he considered it to be normal to get his fee before going on stage.
Except for a few exceptions, in the translation world it seems to be the other way around.Just a thought...

Risky business. It comes to mind that the Rolling Stones, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and countless more have cancelled concerts for the silliest reasons. Concert managers not impressed, they had already paid. Top of that, remember concert goers pay in advance too. That brings to mind too, when I go to movies I pay in advance, and if I don't like the movie I don't get it back. Not long ago I nearly asked for it after watching a horrendous Italian movie...
But we're in a different type of business, aren't we??

Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:29
Portugiesisch > Englisch
+ ...
Fee up front? Never heard of it! Dec 22, 2003

I've led my own bands and groups for several decades, and I've never heard of getting a fee up front. Please tell me where this place is and I'll book my band there right away!


Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:29
Chinesisch > Englisch
+ ...
Do they? Feb 17, 2021

Some musicians may get that, but a lot of musicians get paid after their service.

Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 19:29
Serbisch > Englisch
+ ...
Sounds as relevant as ever Feb 18, 2021

and will stay relevant for a foreseeable future.

Try to order online something from someone who never met you, who has no ways of checking who you really are, who might even be on the other end of the globe, without paying in advance.

Or tell you mechanic that the job on your car includes "fuzzy matches" and "repetitions" from some other job, and ask for a biiig discount ...

Or try to pay only half the lawyer who drafted a contract for you on the basis of "
... See more
and will stay relevant for a foreseeable future.

Try to order online something from someone who never met you, who has no ways of checking who you really are, who might even be on the other end of the globe, without paying in advance.

Or tell you mechanic that the job on your car includes "fuzzy matches" and "repetitions" from some other job, and ask for a biiig discount ...

Or try to pay only half the lawyer who drafted a contract for you on the basis of "fuzzy matches" and "repetitions" from other people's contracts ...

Surely what's good for translators must be also good for ...?

[Edited at 2021-02-18 21:49 GMT]

Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:29
Chinesisch > Englisch
+ ...
Goalposts Feb 19, 2021

Daryo wrote:

and will stay relevant for a foreseeable future.

Try to order online something from someone who never met you, who has no ways of checking who you really are, who might even be on the other end of the globe, without paying in advance.

Or tell you mechanic that the job on your car includes "fuzzy matches" and "repetitions" from some other job, and ask for a biiig discount ...

Or try to pay only half the lawyer who drafted a contract for you on the basis of "fuzzy matches" and "repetitions" from other people's contracts ...

Surely what's good for translators must be also good for ...?

[Edited at 2021-02-18 21:49 GMT]

But see, the goalposts have been moved now, because the mechanic does get paid after delivery. And most of the time, translators aren't working for people whom they've not done due diligence on.


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The Leader of the Band

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