Vom Thema belegte Seiten: < [1 2 3 4] > | Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia
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Hello, Ljiljana! Thanks for offering to make inquiries about a restaurant. I would like to confirm attendance of Katja L and myself. See you all there! | | | Csaba Ban Ungarn Local time: 09:06 Mitglied (2002) Englisch > Ungarisch + ... Just a few hints | Mar 31, 2007 |
Hi folks,
I do not want to meddle in the organization of this powwow, as I'm not even going to attend.
I organized seveal powwows in Budapest, and it's really very simple. You simply pick a conveniently located restaurant or a café, preferrably with a separate room (e.g. in a cellar or somehow isolated from the rest of the establishment). If there's much noise in the restaurant, you will not hear each other talking.
My impression is, after about 8 powwows in Budimpest... See more Hi folks,
I do not want to meddle in the organization of this powwow, as I'm not even going to attend.
I organized seveal powwows in Budapest, and it's really very simple. You simply pick a conveniently located restaurant or a café, preferrably with a separate room (e.g. in a cellar or somehow isolated from the rest of the establishment). If there's much noise in the restaurant, you will not hear each other talking.
My impression is, after about 8 powwows in Budimpesta is that roughly 60% of the people who signed up will actually come.
If I were the organizer of this powwow, I would now find a place for about 25-30 people. You should explain to the restaurant staff that everyone will pay for their own consumption. Some places demand a down payment when you book an entire room, try to avoid such places.
I've been to Belgrade several times (once in 1980, then about every second year since 1999). Skadarlija is one of my favourite areas. There are some trendy cafés in the neighbouring streets, especially Strahinjica Bana, if I'm not mistaken.
Also, as I notice, there's no actual organizer yet. You should know that the organizer is entitled to 2000 BrowniZ points, and each participant will receive 200 BrowniZ points. About 24 hours after the powwow date and time, the organizer will be able to access a special sub-page of this powwow shere she/he can record actual attendance by entering the participants' Proz.com ID's. Also, it will be possible to write reports and upload photos.
Have fun!!
Csaba iz Budimpesta (ko ima prijateli u Beogradu) ▲ Collapse | | | V&M Stanković Serbien Local time: 09:06 Mitglied (2005) Englisch > Serbisch + ... Predlog za organizatora | Apr 1, 2007 |
Predlažem da koleginica Ljiljana i formalno (zvanično) preuzme ulogu organizatora, pošto je do sada jedino ona izjavila da je u mogućnosti da se toga prihvati. Naravno, nadam se da smo i svi mi ostali spremni da joj, ako nešto zatreba, u tome i pomognemo. Verujem da će ovaj naš susret biti dobro organizovan i da će svima ostati u lepoj uspomeni. | | | Saturday option? | Apr 10, 2007 |
Since Saturday is just around the corner, it would be good to know if Powwow will really take place. Vesna's suggestion about Powwow organizer is fine by me, provided Ljiljana is still interested enough. I would like to meet other translators but the interest in Powwow seems to be discouraging recently...I am currently away from Belgrade, but I will be there on Friday anyway. I hope that others will join the discussion and that we will meet one another after all. Regards! | |
V&M Stanković Serbien Local time: 09:06 Mitglied (2005) Englisch > Serbisch + ...
Evo i moj mali doprinos: na Rominin predlog, prošla sam ProZ proceduru i dobila ovlašćenje za VID svakom od učesnika koji to želi (izgleda da sam ja jedina od prijavljenih koja to ima, a to je bio prvi uslov). Više detalja o tome na: http://www.proz.com/faq/qa#qa_vid_powwow . Same organizacije se, nažalost, ne mogu prihvatiti i samo mogu da apelujem na nekog od nas tridesetak prijavljenih ... See more Evo i moj mali doprinos: na Rominin predlog, prošla sam ProZ proceduru i dobila ovlašćenje za VID svakom od učesnika koji to želi (izgleda da sam ja jedina od prijavljenih koja to ima, a to je bio prvi uslov). Više detalja o tome na: http://www.proz.com/faq/qa#qa_vid_powwow . Same organizacije se, nažalost, ne mogu prihvatiti i samo mogu da apelujem na nekog od nas tridesetak prijavljenih - ko ima ideje, a možda i iskustva u sličnim stvarima, da se i zvanično za to prijavi i omogući nam ovaj susret. ▲ Collapse | | |
I will be there on Saturday at 14 in Dve jelene. I do not care if there will be a POW or not. This is is an absolut lack of oraganization! If we are unable to organiza a POW, let's us pray for organizing a trade union. Absolutely umbelivable? And of course, we can organize it in Niš or Glibobac.... So, 14.00, saturday in DVE JELENE. Whoever comes, fine, I will be there, otherwise, see you around! | | | Cedomir Pusica Serbien Local time: 09:06 Mitglied (2009) Englisch > Serbisch + ... Way to go Jadilla! | Apr 11, 2007 |
Hey guys!
I hope that you're all as optimistic about this pow as Mr. Jadilla. If there is no one to organize the meeting, let's just meet in Dva Jelena at 14:00 Saturday! I know I'll come for sure!
There should be enough room for 30 people anytime... if not, well - we can split and meet on a casual walk after lunch...
I am not quite sure what organization of this pow means, but if it's only about calling a restaurant and reserving tables, I'll do it!
Please, be quick to... See more Hey guys!
I hope that you're all as optimistic about this pow as Mr. Jadilla. If there is no one to organize the meeting, let's just meet in Dva Jelena at 14:00 Saturday! I know I'll come for sure!
There should be enough room for 30 people anytime... if not, well - we can split and meet on a casual walk after lunch...
I am not quite sure what organization of this pow means, but if it's only about calling a restaurant and reserving tables, I'll do it!
Please, be quick to respond cause Saturday is nearing at a quick pace!
And... organization or not, I'll be in Dva Jelena at 14:00, too. ▲ Collapse | | |
See you at Dva jelena, then! | |
I'll be there | Apr 11, 2007 |
So it's definitely Dva Jelena, 2.00 pm. Saturday, April 14. Looking forward to meeting you all!
Koleginice Vesna, hvala Vam što ste se prihvatili verifikacije. To će puno značiti svima nama koji za to do sada nismo imali prilike.
Bilo bi lepo kada bi koleginica Ljiljana rezervisala mesta, ali obzirom na veličinu restorana mislim da neće biti problema. | | | PLACE-ORGANIZATION | Apr 11, 2007 |
I don't see why such a fuss about organization and place...there's still time
I learned there will open a vive fest in Sava centar on 14th and was just going to check there, and see about the nearby restaurants... It's a nice place and event to gather together , try the vines and the food (they'll have that, too) and afterwards go to a nearby restaurant if we are still hungry or just to a cafe if still thirsty:))) or whatever we agree about
think about this suggestion and let us kno... See more I don't see why such a fuss about organization and place...there's still time
I learned there will open a vive fest in Sava centar on 14th and was just going to check there, and see about the nearby restaurants... It's a nice place and event to gather together , try the vines and the food (they'll have that, too) and afterwards go to a nearby restaurant if we are still hungry or just to a cafe if still thirsty:))) or whatever we agree about
think about this suggestion and let us know
CU -wherever - in BG
Ljiljana ▲ Collapse | | | RominaZ Argentinien Englisch > Spanisch + ... Dva Jelena, 2.00 pm. Saturday, April 14. | Apr 11, 2007 |
Hi, I've been following the discussion and I'd like to make a few things clear. As you all know I'm the event proposer and the virtual organizer so in this role I confirm that the place to meet is Dva Jelena, 2.00 pm. Saturday, April 14.
I want to thank Mira Stepanovic, Vesna Stankovic and Aleksander Vasiljevic for their great help! Mira will be recording attendance at the event and Vesna and Aleksander will be in charge of verifying identities. So this powwow is taking place and th... See more Hi, I've been following the discussion and I'd like to make a few things clear. As you all know I'm the event proposer and the virtual organizer so in this role I confirm that the place to meet is Dva Jelena, 2.00 pm. Saturday, April 14.
I want to thank Mira Stepanovic, Vesna Stankovic and Aleksander Vasiljevic for their great help! Mira will be recording attendance at the event and Vesna and Aleksander will be in charge of verifying identities. So this powwow is taking place and there are a lot of people coming for sure. There is no need to have an official organizer as long as we all know the time, the date and the place and the attendance and id verification processes are covered. So let's have the first Serbian powwow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ▲ Collapse | | | final reservation "Dva Jelena" | Apr 11, 2007 |
Hi everybody!
There's a reservation for us for Saturday, April the 14. - 14.00 in restaurant "Dva Jelena" in Skadarlija. We will have a separate room, but we will probably not be alone there. Anyway, it is a separate room, so it shouldn't be so loud. We'll be able to talk among ourselves.
Restoran Dva Jelena
Skadarska 32
+381 11 323 4885
You can find information about the restaurant and th... See more Hi everybody!
There's a reservation for us for Saturday, April the 14. - 14.00 in restaurant "Dva Jelena" in Skadarlija. We will have a separate room, but we will probably not be alone there. Anyway, it is a separate room, so it shouldn't be so loud. We'll be able to talk among ourselves.
Restoran Dva Jelena
Skadarska 32
+381 11 323 4885
You can find information about the restaurant and the map here:
I have made a reservation for 20-25 people and we will all be together on one table.
I hope we meet there!
Aleksandar ▲ Collapse | |
RominaZ Argentinien Englisch > Spanisch + ... All settled! | Apr 11, 2007 |
Thanks Aleksandar for your help!
Those who want to get ID verified at the powwow please bring your photo ID cards with you.
I'm glad because after all this turned out to be a really good example of team work | | | Confirmation | Apr 11, 2007 |
Hello from Macedonia!
I’m definitely attending the powwow on Saturday, so count me in.
I’m a registered ProZ member, but I will also be representing another member, the Congress Service Center translation agency. I hope it would be possible to verify both IDs
Looking forward to meeting all of you.
See you soon, Hristina Dojcinova | | | it finally works | Apr 11, 2007 |
great! by the way, Aleksandar, is the reservation on Prozz name, or simply poww... so, once we get to the restaurant, whom shall we ask for? See you all there on saturday! | | | Vom Thema belegte Seiten: < [1 2 3 4] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia Protemos translation business management system | Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
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