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How to convert a word file to pdf?
Initiator des Themas: Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Nov 4, 2009


I've been asked to supply documents in pdf format and whilst I'm used to using either Abbyy Finereader or Solid to convert from pdf to Word, I'm not having much success in finding out how to convert the other way.

Solid has allowed me to convert one document using the Create pdf option under File In Word, but I keep getting an internal error message when I try it with the other document. As for Abbyy, I can't find anything in the help about converting that way r
... See more

I've been asked to supply documents in pdf format and whilst I'm used to using either Abbyy Finereader or Solid to convert from pdf to Word, I'm not having much success in finding out how to convert the other way.

Solid has allowed me to convert one document using the Create pdf option under File In Word, but I keep getting an internal error message when I try it with the other document. As for Abbyy, I can't find anything in the help about converting that way round.

Can anyone suggest how I can do this?

Many thanks,


Milan Djukić
Milan Djukić  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Serbisch
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Some free solutions Nov 4, 2009

Hi, Claire!

Try one of these freebies:



Maria Simmen
Maria Simmen
Local time: 15:07
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Deutsch
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Open Office Nov 4, 2009

Hi Claire,

OpenOffice works quite fine the other way round. It can be downloaded for free from the company's website.



Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Französisch > Englisch
print Nov 4, 2009

Claire, did you check your list of printers? For example in Word, go to print file as you normally would, and use the drop-down list to see if you have "PDF" printer there. I don't use Solid or Abbyy, but I would think that when you installed them, the print to pdf option may have been put there without you noticing it.

Otherwise, I would recommend "PDFCreator" which is another free program, it works fine for me (limited to 14 pages at a time though).

Luca Umidi
Luca Umidi
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
pdf995 Nov 4, 2009

You can download PDF995. It's a free software. Install it, then when you finish your word document you select print, you search among your printing devices and you select pdf995. It directly converts the file.

Paula James
Paula James  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Französisch > Englisch
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abbyy Nov 4, 2009

I have abbyy pdf creator and use it all the time to create pdfs for my invoices - just open the folder, right-click on the file and you should see an option to create the pdf. I think you can also do it by opening the program, but I always do it this easy way. Unless you haven't installed everything this should work!

Jiantao Lu
Jiantao Lu  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:07
Englisch > Chinesisch
If you are working with Office 2007 Nov 4, 2009

There is a software patch from Microsoft which allows you to "save as PDF" from any of the Office programs.

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Thanks Nov 4, 2009

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm obviously being very thick, but although I've tried to download several of these free programs, nothing seems to happen! I can't find any trace of them on the system afterwards, so I'm none the wiser as to how I use them. There's nothing in the list of printers after download. I can only assume it's because I've already got Solid loaded as a default pdf printer. Solid worked for 7 of the 8 files I needed to convert but keeps giving me an error message on t... See more
Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm obviously being very thick, but although I've tried to download several of these free programs, nothing seems to happen! I can't find any trace of them on the system afterwards, so I'm none the wiser as to how I use them. There's nothing in the list of printers after download. I can only assume it's because I've already got Solid loaded as a default pdf printer. Solid worked for 7 of the 8 files I needed to convert but keeps giving me an error message on the final file and I can't work out why, especially as it's a translation of one of the others which worked fine. I've tried resaving the problem document and fiddling around with it, but nothing works...


Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
Mitglied (2003)
Finnisch > Deutsch
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Find out where those downloads go Nov 4, 2009

Claire Cox wrote:

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm obviously being very thick, but although I've tried to download several of these free programs, nothing seems to happen! I can't find any trace of them on the system afterwards, so I'm none the wiser as to how I use them. There's nothing in the list of printers after download. I can only assume it's because I've already got Solid loaded as a default pdf printer. Solid worked for 7 of the 8 files I needed to convert but keeps giving me an error message on the final file and I can't work out why, especially as it's a translation of one of the others which worked fine. I've tried resaving the problem document and fiddling around with it, but nothing works...


If you do not know where your system saves the downloaded files you absolutely should find out. ON Vista open Start - Files and look at the folders. There should be a Downloads-folder.

What browser are you running?
If you cannot download and install you will soon run into problems.


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Desktop Nov 4, 2009

I eventually discovered them on the desktop for some reason - and have deleted them all without installing, having eventually managed to scan the document in manually and save it to pdf that way. Seems an awful palaver when the others converted at the click of a button..... Oh well, I've managed without this all these years, I'm sure I can continue as I am. Many thanks again for all your help. The problem was obviously with my particular file.


[Edited at 2009-11-04 13:
... See more
I eventually discovered them on the desktop for some reason - and have deleted them all without installing, having eventually managed to scan the document in manually and save it to pdf that way. Seems an awful palaver when the others converted at the click of a button..... Oh well, I've managed without this all these years, I'm sure I can continue as I am. Many thanks again for all your help. The problem was obviously with my particular file.


[Edited at 2009-11-04 13:51 GMT]

[Edited at 2009-11-04 13:55 GMT]

Mohamed Mehenoun
Mohamed Mehenoun  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Try installting Adobe Acrobat Nov 4, 2009

Adobe Acrobat seems as a good investment to me...And you can manage to do a lot with it

Henry Zhang
Henry Zhang  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Englisch > Chinesisch
+ ...
Saveaspdf Nov 4, 2009

Hi, you can download a plugin named 'saveaspdf' which was developed by Microsoft. Follow the link below you can download it:
Once the plug in is installed, open the file you want to convert to pdf with MS Word,
... See more
Hi, you can download a plugin named 'saveaspdf' which was developed by Microsoft. Follow the link below you can download it:
Once the plug in is installed, open the file you want to convert to pdf with MS Word, go to 'save as' option, choose 'pdf or xps'.
Hopefully it will be useful to you.

Filippe Vasconcellos de Freitas Guimarães
Filippe Vasconcellos de Freitas Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
Portugiesisch > Englisch
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Yes indeed Nov 4, 2009

If you're running Office 2007, the Save as PDF patch is the way to go. Easy to install and easy to use; although it sometimes generates quite large files (depending on the document font), I can't imagine they're any larger than embedding a scan image in a PDF file!

Eleni Makantani
Eleni Makantani
Local time: 16:07
Englisch > Griechisch
+ ...
doPDF Nov 4, 2009

It's freeware, you download and install it (google dopdf and you'll certainly get the download site). It installs like a virtual printer, so everytime you want to transform a word document into pdf, you just choose File--> Print and at the printers' field you choose dopdf. Then, you determine where you want to save your pdf and... magic!!!... it is done! No activation bugs, no fees, no watermarks... just perfect!

Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:07
Spanisch > Englisch
If you have the full version of Abbyy Finereader Nov 5, 2009

All you have to do go through all the normal motions to print the document. But at the top of the page it says what printer you want to use. Click on the arrow beside the name of the printer, and a you will see "PDF XChange for Abbyy PDF Transformer" as one of the options. Put it as the printer you want to use and press accept.

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How to convert a word file to pdf?

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