Unbreakable spaces in ppt
Initiator des Themas: Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:52
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Feb 23, 2011


I am wondering how to see if unbreakable spaces have been put in the right places in a ppt presentation.
Does a ppt presentation even takes into account unbreakable spaces, i.e.: if I type space (simply) or ctrl+alt+space, does it make a difference and if so, how does the difference appear on line ?

Åsa Campbell
Åsa Campbell  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:22
Englisch > Schwedisch
Alt+0160 Feb 24, 2011

I just tried Alt+0160 (hold Alt down and type 0160 on the numerical keyboard) and it seems to work, unfortunately it looks like a normal space.

Hope this helps.

Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:52
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Unfortunately Feb 24, 2011

Åsa Campbell wrote:
... unfortunately it looks like a normal space.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Asa but that IS my problem. I am proofreading and all spaces look the same. I can't find the way to make unbreakables appear as in Word they would with Ctrl+* (show/hide). If I can't see them, I have to delete the space and apply an unbreakable space (Ctrl+Alt+Space) everywhere ... Just imagine how painstaking this promises to be !
Thank you for taking the time though.
Let's hope someone will have an answer before Friday ... or my hourly rate is gonna be close to welfare level (does it not sound funny !?)
Have a pleasant evening

Peggy Maeyer
Peggy Maeyer  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:52
Englisch > Deutsch
Not possible Feb 24, 2011

Hi all,
I've just tried Asa's ALT+0160 option, and it does work - I didn't even know that shortcut!
However, to my knowledge, making spaces of any kind visible in PPT is not possible. I think your only option would be to copy the text into Word where you will see the spaces right away - I've just tried it and it works perfectly; the unbreakable space is represented correctly - but this is probably not an option with a presentation that contains lots of pages and text ... would take a
... See more
Hi all,
I've just tried Asa's ALT+0160 option, and it does work - I didn't even know that shortcut!
However, to my knowledge, making spaces of any kind visible in PPT is not possible. I think your only option would be to copy the text into Word where you will see the spaces right away - I've just tried it and it works perfectly; the unbreakable space is represented correctly - but this is probably not an option with a presentation that contains lots of pages and text ... would take ages.
Why do you need to check anyway? Usually, one would not use unbreakable spaces at all when working in PPT/creating a presentation, so I'm a bit confused as to why this is important for this presentation.

Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:52
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Why do you need to check anyway? Feb 24, 2011

Thank you Peggy,
I'll try the trick.
To answer your "Why... ?" 'cauz client asked)

Peggy Maeyer wrote:

Hi all,
I've just tried Asa's ALT+0160 option, and it does work - I didn't even know that shortcut!
However, to my knowledge, making spaces of any kind visible in PPT is not possible. I think your only option would be to copy the text into Word where you will see the spaces right away - I've just tried it and it works perfectly; the unbreakable space is represented correctly - but this is probably not an option with a presentation that contains lots of pages and text ... would take ages.
Why do you need to check anyway? Usually, one would not use unbreakable spaces at all when working in PPT/creating a presentation, so I'm a bit confused as to why this is important for this presentation.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:52
Mitglied (2003)
Dänisch > Englisch
+ ...
So make the client pay... Feb 24, 2011

[quote]Odette Grille wrote:

Thank you Peggy,
I'll try the trick.
To answer your "Why... ?" 'cauz client asked)

There is no way around it... The client ought to pay for extra fiddling about in a PP file.

Obviously, someone who understands the language has to check the line breaks and so on, but you can be sure anyone in a DTP department would have to be paid for doing it.

So don't give them ideas that translators like doing it for free!
You have probably agreed to a PO and a rate for this job, so best of luck, but try anyway next time!

Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:52
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Support welcome Feb 24, 2011

Christine Andersen wrote:

So don't give them ideas that translators like doing it for free!
You have probably agreed to a PO and a rate for this job, so best of luck, but try anyway next time!

Thank you for your support Christine. I always insist on making sure the translator adds the unbreakable spaces in the first place and complain when adding them represents so much work. I agree this is no proofer fun ! I'll be sure to check every time and negotiate the extra time. Thanks. (If we all do it, we'll get it !)

For this one, I used the trick of copy paste onto a word doc. and it saves a lot of time with a general replace after (or a preplace one by one when there are risks of machine confusion as we all experienced at least once !)

Have a good day


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Unbreakable spaces in ppt

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