Satellite edition DEAD?
Initiator des Themas: Gary Hess
Gary Hess
Gary Hess  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:10
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Apr 22, 2009

I wonder if anyone can officially confirm that the Transit Satellite edition is dead?

I have received two projects now that wouldn't open, and I just searched the Transit site and the Satellite edition seems to be missing (no longer available for download).

Ana Kardum
Ana Kardum  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:10
Deutsch > Kroatisch
+ ...
Yes, it is so... Apr 22, 2009

Hello Gery,

I have been informed that the new paid version of Transit called Transit NXT does not support the free Satellite version anymore. If the files have been prepared in that version, you cannot open them in the Satellite version. Ask your client if this is the case. If they still have the older version of Transit, they can send you the files that you can work in. Otherwise, if they will stick to Transit NXT only, you will have to purchase the paid version (around 1000 Euros
... See more
Hello Gery,

I have been informed that the new paid version of Transit called Transit NXT does not support the free Satellite version anymore. If the files have been prepared in that version, you cannot open them in the Satellite version. Ask your client if this is the case. If they still have the older version of Transit, they can send you the files that you can work in. Otherwise, if they will stick to Transit NXT only, you will have to purchase the paid version (around 1000 Euros or more). However, the newest version has better features than the older paid ones so it should be worth that money if you work in Transit a lot.

It is also possible that your files have been corrupted during the can explore that possibility as well.

I hope this helps you further. Good luck!

Selcuk Akyuz
Selcuk Akyuz  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:10
Englisch > Türkisch
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You can still download Transit 3.0 Satellite PE Apr 22, 2009

But there is no (free) Satellite version of Transit NXT.

Jaime Hyland
Jaime Hyland  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:10
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
The link doesn't work anymore Dec 8, 2011

It looks like Satellite is gone.

You can neither download a setup to install the program from scratch nor, it seems, can get any updates on existing versions.

This is an extremely short-sighted strategy by Star AG towards its translator (on whom its business depends).

I've sent them an e-mail this morning to see if they have a solution to the famous Ucharmap.cpp163 with the program on importing a pxf file.

I'm not holding my breath.


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Satellite edition DEAD?

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