Opening TPF files
Initiator des Themas: Anna Branicka
Anna Branicka
Anna Branicka  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:35
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
Jan 30, 2012

I apologise if this might be a basic question but I am a new to Transit.
I got today 6 separate file with TPF extension (not in a package) and I am trying to open them with Transit NXT Freelance Pro SP 5. Can somebody tell me how to do it? I need to review these files.
Thank you in advance.


Gyula Erdesz
Gyula Erdesz
Local time: 11:35
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
TPF = output package Jan 30, 2012

Dear Ania,

TPF is the output package file of Transit NXT. You need a package file with .ppf extension to import into Transit.



Anna Branicka
Anna Branicka  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:35
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
any other CAT? Jan 30, 2012

Dear Gyula,
is there any way to open the files I got in any other CAT?
BTW where can I find any Transit user's manual?


Gyula Erdesz
Gyula Erdesz
Local time: 11:35
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
No other way... Jan 30, 2012

Dear Ania,

The usual workflow is that you (freelancer) receive the .ppf package for translation and deliver the .tpf package to your project manager. For handling the delivered .tpf packages you need the professional version of the software.

Again, as far as I know, only Transit NXT Professional is able to handle tpf files.

You can download the detailed user's guide in .pdf format. (I think the guys at SDL should take it as an exampe):

... See more
Dear Ania,

The usual workflow is that you (freelancer) receive the .ppf package for translation and deliver the .tpf package to your project manager. For handling the delivered .tpf packages you need the professional version of the software.

Again, as far as I know, only Transit NXT Professional is able to handle tpf files.

You can download the detailed user's guide in .pdf format. (I think the guys at SDL should take it as an exampe):

I hope it helps.


[Módosítva: 2012-01-30 20:56 GMT]

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 11:35
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Tschechisch
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workaround Jan 30, 2012

If you rename to "*.zip", you can extract the language pairs inside. This may or may not help you, depending on what you want to do with them.


Gyula Erdesz
Gyula Erdesz
Local time: 11:35
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
One more thing Jan 30, 2012

Dear Ania

I forgot to mention one really important thing in my previous entry.

.ppf and .tpf package files are different in nature.

.ppf files contain the files to be translated, the reference files of the previous translations (just like TMs in other CAT tools), the glossary and other useful materials (e.g. figures from the original document, reference .pdf). On the other hand, .tpf files contain ONLY the completed translation, without any references.
... See more
Dear Ania

I forgot to mention one really important thing in my previous entry.

.ppf and .tpf package files are different in nature.

.ppf files contain the files to be translated, the reference files of the previous translations (just like TMs in other CAT tools), the glossary and other useful materials (e.g. figures from the original document, reference .pdf). On the other hand, .tpf files contain ONLY the completed translation, without any references.

So, even if you can open the .tpf output package, the reference files, glossaries etc. will not be at your disposal.

Best regards,


Anna Branicka
Anna Branicka  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:35
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
Review Jan 31, 2012

Dear Gyula,
thank you for your suggestions. I need to review the files and send them back to the agency. However the agency probably will not be here of any help since I presume they don't have the software and rely on the freelancers.



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Opening TPF files

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