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Macià Planas wrote:
I have asked the agency what law requires them to ask for this information and they said "I will look into this for you".
Are you 100% sure that you are in fact in touch with the agency? Could it be that the agency name is being used by a scammer who is actually only interested in obtaining that information and has no interest in receiving a translation? If they contacted you, using an email address that looks legit and giving a link to the legitimate website, I would advise you to contact the agency by a different method (e.g. via their primary profile here on, just to make sure it really is them.
A great way to check is to call them.
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Macià Planas Local time: 08:21 Englisch > Spanisch + ...
Not required by law
Oct 17, 2017
Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote:
They may wish to see the documents in question as a means of seeking to check in some way that you are who you say you are, and that you are resident in the UK and paying your contributions.
They first said that they are required by law, but then they denied it (?) and said it was an internal policy of the company to avoid identity fraud and hiring translators that are using another translator's name to send bad translations.
I am not based in the UK, but in Spain. The funny part of the story is that I did the translation with another person, who proofread it, but they did not ask me any information from him at any moment. It makes no sense.
I am going to contact the main office to see if it's just this specific employee who is asking the information, in case the company is not aware of it.
[Editat el 2017-10-17 14:10 GMT]
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