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The difference between proofreading and editing

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dansyd (X)
dansyd (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:56
Chinesisch > Englisch
+ ...
extend on line access to the tutorial: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 15, 2013

Hi there,
I would be abroad on the week of 4/9 for one week, is it possible to extend my access for one more week so I can view the tutorial when I'm back?

Shirley Lao
Shirley Lao  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:56
Mitglied (2007)
Englisch > Chinesisch
+ ...
First Edition versus Second Edition: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 15, 2013

Dear Instructor,

How different is this second edition of "The difference between proofreading and editing" from the first edition?

Best Regards


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
extend on line access to the tutorial: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 15, 2013

dansyd wrote:

Hi there,
I would be abroad on the week of 4/9 for one week, is it possible to extend my access for one more week so I can view the tutorial when I'm back?

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for your interest in the training. Shortly after the session a link to training materials and the webinar video will be emailed to all attendees. Since this moment you will have unlimited access to the video and handouts accordingly. Hope this helps.

My bests,

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:56
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
extend on line access to the tutorial: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 16, 2013

dansyd wrote:

Hi there,
I would be abroad on the week of 4/9 for one week, is it possible to extend my access for one more week so I can view the tutorial when I'm back?

Hi Daniel,

thank you for your interest in my class.

Helen has already answered your question, so I hope you will enjoy the webinar.

Much success!

Best regards,


[Edited at 2013-08-22 07:11 GMT]

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
First Edition versus Second Edition: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 16, 2013

Shirley Lao wrote:

Dear Instructor,

How different is this second edition of "The difference between proofreading and editing" from the first edition?

Best Regards


Hello Shirley,

Thank you for your interest in the training.

The webinar in September will contain the same information as the previous session. Hope this helps and clarifies.

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything else.

My bests,

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:56
Mitglied (2009)
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
First Edition versus Second Edition: The difference between proofreading and editing Aug 16, 2013

Shirley Lao wrote:

Dear Instructor,

How different is this second edition of "The difference between proofreading and editing" from the first edition?

Dear Shirley,

this second edition is only for those of our colleagues who have missed the first life webinar last year.

However, a second, more advanced webinar on this topic is in the development stage.
There is no date for Part II yet other than that it will be hosted in 2014.

Best regards,


Best Regards


Myriam Le Brock
Myriam Le Brock  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:56
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Fee Aug 17, 2013

Hi Helen,
I would like to attend this webinar. In the email I received, it says the fee is $15.00 but when I click on the link it shows up as $18.00. I would like to pay the lower fee.... Please advise.
Best regards,

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Fee Aug 20, 2013

Myriam Le Brock wrote:

Hi Helen,
I would like to attend this webinar. In the email I received, it says the fee is $15.00 but when I click on the link it shows up as $18.00. I would like to pay the lower fee.... Please advise.
Best regards,

Hi Myriam,

Like in other training sessions or events, those that purchase their seats earlier get an "early bird" or cheaper price, and those that purchase later or last minute, get to pay a higher price. We also apply a price increase based on the number of registrants in a course ie. the first 15 pay one price, the next 10 pay another price etc.

In this case the price has slightly increased several times since the date when it was announced to now that we are closer to the date. We always advice to secure your seat in advance if you are interested in a course. In this way you get to secure your seat, pay a lower price, and also we get to know in advance if the minimum required to run the course is reached - unfortunately, sometimes we are forced to cancel or reschedule a course if just very few express interest in advance.

Hope this answers your question.

My bests,

Michaela Pizzinini
Michaela Pizzinini  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:56
Deutsch > Französisch
+ ...
Headset Aug 22, 2013


Is the headset necessary ?

Best regards

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Headset Aug 22, 2013

Michaela Pizzinini wrote:


Is the headset necessary ?

Best regards

Hello Michaela,

Thank you for your interest in the session. In order to participate in the webinar you may need either a headset or speakers. All attendees will have their microphone’s muted and will be in listen only mode in order to limit background noise and improve the experience for all users. Hope this helps and clarifies.

My bests,

Michaela Pizzinini
Michaela Pizzinini  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:56
Deutsch > Französisch
+ ...
Thank you Aug 22, 2013

Helen, have a nice day

Myriam Le Brock
Myriam Le Brock  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:56
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Re: fee Aug 22, 2013

I just saw your answer this morning. Thank you for the detailed information about how the fees work.
Have a good day!

Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 13:56
Englisch > Slowakisch
link to training Sep 7, 2013

When is the link to training and webinar video going to be sent out to attendees? I still haven't received anything!


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
link to training Sep 10, 2013

Lenka Mihalkova wrote:

When is the link to training and webinar video going to be sent out to attendees? I still haven't received anything!


Hello Lenka,

I have resent a link to the materials as requested.

In case you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to submit a support request at I will be glad to help!:)


My bests,

Anna Callaghan
Anna Callaghan  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 13:56
Mitglied (2013)
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Training materials Sep 25, 2013

I have, after a long month without internet, just viewed the video but I have not received any handouts. Where can I access these?

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The difference between proofreading and editing

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