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Search results: (10 matches)
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Agentes digitalizadores del Kit digital para creación de web para traductores autónomos CESW Hola, Paloma: Creo que CESW lo
son. Cr
earon mi web hace años y la siguen gestionando, y
estoy muy satisfecha con el servicio y la
Ester Vidal Jul 18
Italian E-learning SDL Trados 2021 SDL recorded webinars Buongiorno Luca, ho visto qualche webinar
in questo link:
ars/ Non ce ne sono molti, però forse questi
ti aiutano: -
Ester Vidal Jan 11, 2021
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Recomendación de gestoría Gestoría online ¡Hola, Lidia! Yo trabajo desde hace 3 años
con una gestoría, y menos una primera reunión en
persona para informarme sobre cómo darme de alta,
gastos..., el resto lo hacemos todo on
Ester Vidal Mar 9, 2020
Trados support Change text color in SDL Trados 2017 I am translating a Word document using Trados,
and it has parts in German and French. The
customer wants me to change the color of the
French part to red and leave the German part i
Ester Vidal Mar 22, 2019
Translation Theory and Practice translators who use sdl trados. I use Trados Feel free to send me your qüestions at my e-mail
or in a ProZ message.
Ester Vidal Sep 13, 2018
Business issues Feedback and co-operation I appreciate constructive feedback As a translator, in normal situations* I
appreciate constructive feedback from my clients,
agencies or reviewers, and I am always willing to
answer questions about my translations. I
Ester Vidal Sep 12, 2018
Money matters What rates should I charge for translations and proofreading of translations? Use Community Rates from ProZ Have you tried using the Community Rates from
ProZ? I
'm not sure if your Language will be there, but
it's worth a try. Good luck!
Ester Vidal Jul 12, 2018
Catalan English to Catalan translation contest: help determine the finalists Wrong entry in Catalan Hello Tatiana, I just wanted to let you kwow
that there is an entry in Spanish (#24265) in this
category. Would it be possible to change this
entry where it belongs, English to
Ester Vidal Jul 12, 2018
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España RGPD/GPRD Herramienta Facilita RGPD. Quizás esta web de la Agencia Española de
Protección de Datos te puede
Ester Vidal May 23, 2018
Getting established Volunteering for Translators without Borders Try asking Matecat Hi Isabelle, check this information about
Matecat, this is the CAT tool used bt TWB, maybe
it helps
cat-tools/ If not, try g
Ester Vidal Apr 12, 2018


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