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Search results: (102 matches)
Polish Jak AI i tłumaczenie maszynowe wpływa na pracę tłumacza? ? [quote]SMarcin wrote: Ankieta jest krótka, w
pełni anonimowa [/quote] A osoba
zapewniająca, że ankieta jest anonimowa… też
jest anonimowa.
Tomasz Sienicki May 7
OmegaT support Open a Studio package with Omega T Translate the XLF file Change the *.sdlppx extension to *.zip, then open
the archive and extract the relevant *.sdlxliff
file, which you can then translate using a tool of
your choice. You can extract transla
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 26
Money matters No invoices accepted with amounts less than 500 € Credit Right, once you complete a €100 job, invoice
them €500 for the delivered job + €400
credit towards any future assignments.
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 5
Translation Project / Vendor Management agency does not provide copy of deliverables It happens Christopher Schröder wrote: [quote]Even in the
extreme scenarios people are presenting here, why
would an agency go after you[/quote] Such
scenarios are not extreme, but quite common;
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 5
MemoQ support Does "TM penalties" option work? It works I can confirm the function works, I use it
regularly. Perhaps you've misspelt the TM
name (the UI is awful)?
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 21, 2023
Money matters How should I charge administration costs? minimum fees Administration costs are normally only charged
when they exceed the profit from a given job. This
is usually done through minimum fees. For larger
jobs, you cover these costs
Tomasz Sienicki Sep 21, 2023
MemoQ support Regex for finding period followed by lowercase letter \. [A-Za-z] . [A-Za-z] won't cover the Spanish diacritics
such as áéóíúñ; maybe try: .
Tomasz Sienicki Sep 19, 2023
Translator resources How many programs/platforms should a freelance translator know/be acquainted with? Consider memoQ memoQ can process files and packages from SDL
Studio, STAR Transit, Memsource/Phrase and many
other CATs (via xlf files) so that you don't need
to buy all of them.
Tomasz Sienicki Sep 18, 2023
MemoQ support Termbase file?? Export-import You need to export the TB to a file, and he
needs to import it. Simple at that.
Tomasz Sienicki May 12, 2023
MemoQ support "Input string was not in a correct format" with Phrase [often] works for me It usually (in roughly 80% of cases) works
for me. I didn't expect that, but the filter
even offers real-time preview which is really
useful. However, in 20% of cases the import<
Tomasz Sienicki May 11, 2023
Money matters Client want's to lower payment by 35% after 5 months Unacceptable The company usually makes money by outsourcing
work to you and it is the company that has to
assume the associated business risk. It is
unacceptable to try to pass that risk on to you.<
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 23, 2023
MemoQ support Progress showing on homepage doesn't match the progress showing on the job page Customise the status bar You can right-click the percentage value
on the status bar to choose whether you want
the progress to be based on segments, words or
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 12, 2023
Business issues Those "contact us by email" job ads Yes Yes, I often get replies and sometimes land jobs
this way.
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 30, 2023
MemoQ support Deleting blocks of TM entries in MemoQ instead of the one-by-one method Yes Yes, you can mark several entries in the TM –
not only blocks, but also non-continuous ranges
– and then mass-delete or edit them.
Tomasz Sienicki May 26, 2022
Office applications Excel: calculate period between dates A simple subtraction =A2-A1 …works for me. Tomasz Sienicki Nov 17, 2021
MemoQ support Can you get MemoQ to color code shared TM translation results to show what YOU used? Penalties Try applying penalties to particular user names or
TMs. See:
Tomasz Sienicki Nov 16, 2021
Software applications Opinions on popular CAT tools memoQ can process several CAT file and package formats memoQ can open, process and export SDL Studio
files (sdlxliff) and packages (sdlppx). memoQ
can also process Memsource mxliff files and
Transit ppf packages. It works very well.
Tomasz Sienicki May 15, 2021
MemoQ support Mass confirmation of number-only segments after MT Why not use the simpler regex [quote]Anthony Rudd wrote: Why not use the
simpler regex:
[/quote] Because: 1-22 [23] (3) 4+
!2 3-3/3 ~2 6.6.3 ^3*5…
4:5 Such strings normall
Tomasz Sienicki May 14, 2021
MemoQ support MemoQ Multilingual Excell Import Problems Works for me I use this filter several times a month and it
simply works. You must be making some basic
mistake. Please have a look at the instruction at
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 8, 2021
MemoQ support MemoQ Multilingual Excell Import Problems Indicate the source column Remember that after specifying “Meaning of
selected column” as “Translation” you have
to indicate the source column in the “For
column” drop-down list. HTH.
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 8, 2021
MemoQ support Mass confirmation of number-only segments after MT Use regex to mass-confirm number-only segments There's an easy way of achieving just that,
assuming the numbers are supposed to look the same
on both sides (source and target). Click the
sprocket icon over the translation grid and
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 16, 2021
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? NCIAR • AD [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: Tomasz Sienicki
said, 'just filter the grid for NCIAR and run
statistics on AD when needed.' Would anyone be so
kind as to explain to us ordinary mortals w
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 11, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Filter the grid [quote] Is there a way to get this information
without creating a view each time? [/quote] You
don't have to create a view each time. Create a
view containing all the segments just once
Tomasz Sienicki Feb 18, 2020
Money matters Logic behind long payment terms Don't accept such payment terms If the agency suddenly stops paying, you lose 60
or 90 days worth of work for them. In some cases
it can be a lot of money and time – and it's not
just a theoretical scenario, I'm afraid
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 13, 2020
Polish Procentowy zakres zmian w Studio „Edit distance” w memoQ W memoQ służy do tego funkcja „Edit distance
report” – może przyda się innym
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 8, 2019
Polish Pomoc w badaniach magisterskich - badnie tłumaczy Anon [quote]Sayana wrote: Badania są oczywiście
anonimowe [/quote] Odbiorca danych,
zapewniający o poufności, też

[Edited at 2019-07-10 16:47
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 10, 2019
MemoQ support memoQ 9.0 rocks Path change [quote]memoQ 9 gets installed in c:Program
FilesmemoQ whereas all the previous versions were
installed in c:Program Files (x86)Kilgray
[/quote] …and after updating the shortcut the
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 21, 2019
MemoQ support memoQ 9.0 rocks Path change [quote]Wolfgang Schoene wrote: And why does the
splash screen say v8.7? [/quote] Note that
memoQ 9 gets installed in c:Program FilesmemoQ
whereas all the previous versions were insta
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 12, 2019
Money matters PayPal - personal or business account? Business AFAIR PayPal will force you to switch to business
account once you start receiving payments anyway.
Tomasz Sienicki Feb 14, 2019
Money matters Is there a formula for determining minimum fees to charge? Half of the hourly rate I normally charge half of my hourly rate. It's
not only the question of translating these 10
words, but also invoicing the customer,
bookkeeping, monitoring the payment etc.
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 10, 2018
MemoQ support Importing Excel files with "select ranges in Excel" fails 2007 [quote]With what version of Microsoft Office does
it work? [/quote] MS Office Enterprise 2007
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 6, 2018
MemoQ support Importing Excel files with "select ranges in Excel" fails It works in 8.4.10 It works perfectly fine here in 8.4.10. Tomasz Sienicki Jun 6, 2018
MemoQ support memoq's inconsistent statistics Check the settings Note the setting "Repetitions take precedence over
100%" in the Statistics dialogue. Have you by any
chance unchecked the box?
Tomasz Sienicki May 25, 2018
Business issues How will the GDPR affect Proz members? Unreasonable clauses [quote]Will Kelly wrote: Let me list some of
the clauses I'm not entirely comfortable with
(…)[/quote] Yes, it's becoming a
problem. I also get requests from agencies to
Tomasz Sienicki May 18, 2018
Being independent Working for agencies and indemnity insurance Agreements are negotiable [quote]Would you take out insurance or stop
working for this agency?[/quote] One should
obviously never agree to this sort of clauses.
However, it does not have to be an either-or
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 25, 2018
MemoQ support Termbase handing in memoQ has changed for the worse – why? Shift+F3 function [quote]So the change sticks without any further
action needed? [/quote] To change aaa bbb to
Aaa bbb press Shift+F3 Enter To change aaa bbb to
Aaa Bbb press Shift+F3+F3 Enter To chang
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 22, 2018
MemoQ support Termbase handing in memoQ has changed for the worse – why? Shift+F3 function [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: Have they
reverted the Shift+F3 function to working as a
toggle function, as it did until version 7 (MemoQ
2015)? Because of that I'm still on MQ2015.
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 22, 2018
MemoQ support Termbase handing in memoQ has changed for the worse – why? Upgrade to 8.3.4 Upgrade to 8.3.4. Kilgray has fortunately given up
on the idea of hiding "inactive" languages in the
TB pane. Sadly they still display 6 lines of
"Update example from segment" text in t
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 22, 2018
Swedish Signera översättning Det sker I have also been asked to sign my translations,
two times actually, even though I am not a sworn
translator. The end clients rejected the
suggestion to contact a sworn translator; they
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 19, 2017
Polish Terminologia SAP niemiecki > polski SAPterm Generalnie to SAPterm, niestety serwis dość
często nie działa.
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 23, 2017
Office applications Cheap Microsoft Office software? Too good to be true Looks too good to be true. Windows 7 for

[Edited at 2017-06-06 12:12 GMT]
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 6, 2017
Translation Theory and Practice Google Translate's new Arificial Intelligence? Hungarian and Russian are not supported yet [quote]Annamaria Amik wrote: I just tried
translating a random sentence from English to
Hungarian using Google Translate. Carole Wolfe
wrote: I just tested Goggle Translate from
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 15, 2016 Mobile Bug report: Quick polls in the mobile app No solution I have found out that restarting the phone
resolves the issue -- but only for the current
poll. The following day, when the new poll
notification comes, I am again stuck with the
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 27, 2016 Mobile Bug report: Quick polls in the mobile app Bug report: Quick polls in the mobile app Thank you for the reply. The app is up to date
(ver. 1.3.4). I have now cleared the cache.
Unfortunately it hasn't changed anything. Still
"Loading...". The phone is constantly c
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 21, 2016 Mobile Bug report: Quick polls in the mobile app I get a quick poll notification from the mobile
app every day. Unfortunately, I cannot vote. The
app keeps saying "Loading..." - and nothing
changes, even after several hours. This
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 21, 2016
MemoQ support Time tracking in MemoQ? Time tracking in memoQ Yes: Overview > Reports > Editing time > Create
new report > Show
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 19, 2016
MemoQ support HELP! Pretranslate not working Change segment status For the pre-translation function to work you need
to either clear the segments (Preparation/Clear
translations) or change their status to
Not-started (Preparation/Change segment status).
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 1, 2016
MemoQ support What's new in MemoQ 2016? define regular expressions and use them in form of a suggestion For the record: this is available in memoQ as
Tomasz Sienicki May 23, 2016
Money matters "Certificate of Fiscal Residence" for Spanish bureau No problem in Denmark [quote]NetLynx wrote: Do anyone here know what
the facts are to avoid double taxation between
Spain and Denmark? [/quote] It's not a hard
problem to solve for freelancers in Denmark.
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 22, 2016
Polish Dyktowanie do komputera Brak postępów? [quote]Jabberwock wrote: Najważniejsze, że
opracowali algorytmy dla języka polskiego -
można przypuszczać, że trafią do następnej
wersji NaturallySpeaking. [/quote] Cztery la
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 1, 2015


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