Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Deutsch term or phrase:
Englisch translation:
Advanced vocational training at a technical college leading to technical university entrance qualification
Deutsch term
1989 Berufsabschluss zum Betriebsschlosser
1990 Fachhochschulreife Technik
1995 abgeschlossenes Maschinenbaustudium, Fachrichtung Fertigungs- und Automatisierungstechnik
May 16, 2005 16:24: Deborah Shannon changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Bildungswesen/Pädagogik"
Proposed translations
Qualification to enter university of applied sciences
In the given context I would say:
1990 Advanced vocational training in technology at technical college, leading to university entrance qualification
The point here is that although this person has already gained a recognised occupational status (i.e. completed an apprenticeship) he has made the effort to go back to school and qualify for higher education, showing not inconsiderable commitment and ambition rather than settling into a job with the company that trained him.
The best online glossary I've found for German educational matters is the one below, with options to search in DE, FR and EN and reliable sources quoted.
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Friedrich Reinold
: A Fachhochschule is by far not a university! "Vocational college" would match better.
13 Stunden
Sorry Tom, but the Diplom from a Fachhochschule is a (min.) eight-semester degree-level qualification that entitles the holder to study at postgrad. level. 'Vocational college' understates the academic attainment involved.
in the link above, you have a good definition of the German "Fachhochschulreife" and a lot of other useful links concerning this topic
agree |
: Wow, Thomas, this is a GREAT site. Put it into a forum for others!
2 Min.
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ninasc (X)
1 Stunde
Technical College level
More info at the link below.
Technical College Graduation
Note added at 2002-01-31 18:52:08 (GMT)
A Fachhochschule, of course, would specialize in some particular subject natter like Finance or Englineering
Note added at 2002-01-31 18:52:40 (GMT)
matter, not natter
disagree |
Michaela Müller
: (Fach-)Hochschulreife doesnt mean that you have a degree from an university.
51 Min.
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but I said it compares with an MS degree here in the States, as in the equivalent of...
technical school
Der Erklärung nach könnte das die Lösung sein.
Auf jeden Fall ist eine Schule, die zur Fachhochschulreife führt, eine Fachoberschule (FOS). (Habe selbst auf diesem Wege meine Fachhochschulreife erlangt)Die Ausbildung dauert 2 Jahre und man kann üblicherweise zwischen 3 Zweigen wählen. Wenn man schon einen Beruf erlernt hat, kann man eine Berufsoberschule (manchmal auch in einer FOS) besuchen und dort sein Fachabitur = Fachhochschulreife nachholen.
Viele Grüße,
Note added at 2002-01-31 19:46:58 (GMT)
Sorry. technical school scheint wohl doch so etwas wie eine Berufsschule zu sein, die beste Übersetzung wäre wohl Christa\'s Lösung \"technical college level\"