Oct 2, 2007 14:22
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Deutsch term


Deutsch > Englisch Technik Energie/Energieerzeugung
From a list:

Kombination Solarthermie/Wärmepumpe mit Langzeitenergiespeichermedium

(Some pictures: http://images.google.co.uk/images?&hl=en&num=10&lr=&as_ft=i&...
Change log

Apr 6, 2010 12:04: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "Physik" to "Energie/Energieerzeugung"

Proposed translations

45 Min.

solar heating/heat pump combination system with long-term heat storage medium

If the phrase is to be translated as a whole, "solarthermie" would break up into solar heating and system; this is how I would do the entire phrase

Note added at 51 mins (2007-10-02 15:13:59 GMT)

I think perhaps "solar thermal" is a UK usage, while solar heating is US. However it may also indicate a system where solar is used for the hot water in a home, and the heat pump is used for heating, with a special storage system serving one or both.

Note added at 53 mins (2007-10-02 15:15:15 GMT)

so it could also be: solar water heating/heat pump combination system with long-term heat storage medium
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter : combined solar heating/heat pump system with...
2 Min.
thanks, that flows nicely too
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much"
4 Min.

solar water heater {or, heating system}

From you pictures and a links below, this is what I would call it in the USA.
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6 Min.

Solar heater / solar water heater


www.instructables.com/id/EMU06ULZ1MEY95WRNU/ - 180k -

Note added at 8 mins (2007-10-02 14:30:16 GMT)

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_heating - 28k -

solar heating
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33 Min.

solar thermal

Combination solar thermal/heat pump
Peer comment(s):

agree Clackson
39 Min.
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