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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Initiator des Themas: QHE
wherestip Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 16:44 Chinesisch > Englisch + ...
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?  | | |
wherestip Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 16:44 Chinesisch > Englisch + ... China's "Good Will Hunting" | Jul 18, 2016 |
Beijing (CNN)A Chinese migrant worker with no college degree has found a solution to a complex math problem -- in what appears to be a real life version of the Oscar-winning movie "Good Will Hunting."
Yu Jianchun, who works for a parcel delivery company, said he'd always had a passion for numbers and has created an alternative method to verify Carmichael numbers.
His solution amazed academics, who said his proof was much more efficient than the traditional one.
"It was a very imaginative solution," said Cai Tianxin, a math professor at Zhejiang University.
"He has never received any systematic training in number theory nor taken advanced math classes. All he has is an instinct and an extreme sensitivity to numbers."
Carmichael numbers are sometimes described as "pseudo primes" -- they complicate the task of determining true prime numbers, which are divisable only by 1 and itself. They play an important role in computer science and information security.
Yu worked on his proof during his free time while building a new home in his village last year.
"I was overwhelmed with joy, because my solution was completely different to the classic algorithm," said Yu.
| | |
David Lin Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 22:44 Mitglied (2013) Englisch > Chinesisch + ... Moderator dieses Forums
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?
翻译为文言实非我所长,不知道 “永在” = always present, 会否易明一点?
供参考。 | | |
wherestip Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 16:44 Chinesisch > Englisch + ...
David Lin wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?
翻译为文言实非我所长,不知道 “永在” = always present, 会否易明一点?
若此即永 在, 止而无往。。。
I agree with you, David.
But I think Fargoer is trying to avoid being repetitious by using the character "在" too many times. Actually, my suggestion of using "永存" has the same problem BTW. | |
wherestip Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 16:44 Chinesisch > Englisch + ... |
Fargoer Kanada Local time: 16:44 Englisch > Chinesisch
David Lin wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?
翻译为文言实非我所长,不知道 “永在” = always present, 会否易明一点?
若此即永 在, 止而无往。。。
不过这个“永在”不是对应“ always present ” 而是对应 " is always" 这个语素。“present" 已有“此即”与之对应。
Wherestip 说的对,我是不想反复用“在”字。这里有了“在”,后面就要改。您建议的“止”字不错。不过我又想到佛家好像有把“住”与“往”对照的用法,所以我现在更倾向于“住而无往”。
欢迎继续批评。 | | |
Fargoer Kanada Local time: 16:44 Englisch > Chinesisch
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?
我考虑过“永滞”。后来发现句子里三点水太多了,有点陷入泥潭的感觉。 再说了,水太多就是钱太多,怕没地儿花。
[修改时间: 2016-07-19 07:16 GMT] | | |
QHE Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 17:44 Englisch > Chinesisch + ... THEMENSTARTER
Fargoer wrote:
David Lin wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
How about "永留"、"永滞"、"永存"、"永置"?
翻译为文言实非我所长,不知道 “永在” = always present, 会否易明一点?
若此即永 在, 止而无往。。。
不过这个“永在”不是对应“ always present ” 而是对应 " is always" 这个语素。“present" 已有“此即”与之对应。
Wherestip 说的对,我是不想反复用“在”字。这里有了“在”,后面就要改。您建议的“止”字不错。不过我又想到佛家好像有把“住”与“往”对照的用法,所以我现在更倾向于“住而无往”。
“止”好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。“永在”的"在"可以有双层解读;为了避免重复,不知能不能把“此即永在,住而无往”合二为一 (不过,我文言文知识很有限,通常要借助注释甚至“译文”才能理解。:D 所以,建议很可能是错的)。 另外,我觉得 “eternity” 直接译为“永恒”也很好。像这样:
往者已往,已往何存?来者未来,未来安在?若此永在无往,则时非其时,是为永恒。 | |
pkchan Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 17:44 Mitglied (2006) Englisch > Chinesisch + ...
往者已往,已往何存? -> 往者已往, 既往何存?
来者未来 -> 來者不至
则时非其时,是为永恒 -> 則時亦非時,無窮也!
[Edited at 2016-07-20 15:21 GMT] | | |
David Lin Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 22:44 Mitglied (2013) Englisch > Chinesisch + ... Moderator dieses Forums
pkchan wrote:
往者已往,已往何存? -> 往者已往, 既往何存?
来者未来 -> 來者不至
则时非其时,是为永恒 -> 則時亦非時,無窮也!
[Edited at 2016-07-20 15:21 GMT]
個人同意,用 “既” 和 “不至” 好像比較順口及更切合原文的意思。
但是 “無窮” 好像同 “永恒” 有點差別?
同意 QHE 的看法, 用 “永恒” 好像較貼題。
”泥洹“ 教我想起 “泥濘” 或 “泥漿浴” mud spa(一笑),而不會想到 “圓寂” 、 “死亡” 或 ”往生“。
不過,還想不通 QHE 所言與原文有何出入:
“止” 好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。“永在” 的 "在" 可以有双层解读
原文想表達 ”前后持续“ 的狀態,”永在“ 不是已經表達了 ”always present“ 嗎?
”止“ 或 ”住“ 是要表達 “never moved on ....”
何況我們不能將 “永在” 一分為二來解讀,不然 ”男性“ 的 ”性“ 單獨意思也有好幾個呢,例如:性別、性格、性情等。
原文是: Saint Augustine 也说过:
“How can the past and future be, when the past no longer is, and the future is not yet? As for the present, if it were always present and never moved on to become the past, it would not be time, but eternity.”
一點愚見,供參考 。 | | |
Fargoer Kanada Local time: 16:44 Englisch > Chinesisch
pkchan wrote:
往者已往,已往何存? -> 往者已往, 既往何存?
来者未来 -> 來者不至
则时非其时,是为永恒 -> 則時亦非時,無窮也!
[Edited at 2016-07-20 15:21 GMT]
[修改时间: 2016-07-22 00:25 GMT] | | |
Fargoer Kanada Local time: 16:44 Englisch > Chinesisch
QHE wrote:
如果“在”作双重理解,“往”也作双重理解。原文的意思全在,什么也没少。 | |
QHE Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 17:44 Englisch > Chinesisch + ... THEMENSTARTER
David Lin wrote:
不過,還想不通 QHE 所言與原文有何出入:
“止” 好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。“永在” 的 "在" 可以有双层解读
原文想表達 ”前后持续“ 的狀態,”永在“ 不是已經表達了 ”always present“ 嗎?
”止“ 或 ”住“ 是要表達 “never moved on ....”
QHE wrote: "eternity"
“止” 好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。
正是因为要贴切地表达 "never moved on ... ",所以我觉得"止",有别于 "留"、"存"、"住"...;"止"字多少意味着前面某种进行状态或运动的中断 (嘎然而止),还是没能更好地表达出一种持续的状态。当然,"止"字也是不错的选择,只是相对而言。
QHE wrote: "eternity"
正如 Steve 所说,Fargoer 在尽量避免反复使用"在"字,我于是想到了“合二为一”。因为"在"可以理解为现在,存在和呈现;所以我想以 “若此永在无往” 对应原文中的 "if it were always present and never moved on to become the past”. | | |
David Lin Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 22:44 Mitglied (2013) Englisch > Chinesisch + ... Moderator dieses Forums
QHE wrote:
David Lin wrote:
不過,還想不通 QHE 所言與原文有何出入:
“止” 好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。“永在” 的 "在" 可以有双层解读
原文想表達 ”前后持续“ 的狀態,”永在“ 不是已經表達了 ”always present“ 嗎?
”止“ 或 ”住“ 是要表達 “never moved on ....”
QHE wrote: "eternity"
“止” 好像没能表达出一种前后持续的状态。
正是因为要贴切地表达 "never moved on ... ",所以我觉得"止",有别于 "留"、"存"、"住"...;"止"字多少意味着前面某种进行状态或运动的中断 (嘎然而止),还是没能更好地表达出一种持续的状态。当然,"止"字也是不错的选择,只是相对而言。
QHE wrote: "eternity"
正如 Steve 所说,Fargoer 在尽量避免反复使用"在"字,我于是想到了“合二为一”。因为"在"可以理解为现在,存在和呈现;所以我想以 “若此永在无往” 对应原文中的 "if it were always present and never moved on to become the past”.
不是你写得太简略,可能是因为最近伦敦这边超热 (其实只有 32-35 ℃),刚从剑桥公干回来,火车差点儿被取消;炎夏酷暑,我的小脑袋一时转不过来呢。
顺祝各位同仁周末愉快! | | |
ysun Vereinigte Staaten Local time: 16:44 Englisch > Chinesisch + ... |
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