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Powwow: Brugge - Belgium
nordiste Frankreich Local time: 03:37 Englisch > Französisch + ... 13 June Brugge | May 10, 2004 |
I'll be happy to meet you all there ! | | |
avsie (X) Local time: 03:37 Englisch > Französisch + ... I have to step down... | May 11, 2004 |
Sorry, I won't be able to make it to Brugge after all!
Maybe next time! | | |
Ann VDP Local time: 03:37 Französisch > Niederländisch + ...
I will not be able to make it, it looks like I'll be spending the 13th of June abroad. | | |
I'd be glad to participate in Brugge, my very first powwow...is anybody going from Brussels and wants to go together? | |
Sophie Frère Local time: 03:37 Niederländisch > Französisch + ... Brugge and Antwerp | May 15, 2004 |
My very first powwow(s) as well ; ) I live in Brussels too, i'd be happy to join Katja and anyone else from Brussels to go together. | | |
Brugge, June 13 | May 17, 2004 |
Looking forward to meeting you all! | | |
WebTC Local time: 03:37 Englisch > Französisch + ... I'll be present in the powwow | May 18, 2004 |
Nice to meet you all ... | | |
Andre de Vries Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 02:37 Niederländisch > Englisch + ... Not coming on 21 May | May 18, 2004 |
but hope to come on 13 June to Brugge. | |
Els Hoefman Local time: 03:37 Englisch > Niederländisch + ...
I'm coming and I am bringing a friend who is also a translator! Her name is Sandra. | | |
Sorry but I won't be able to make either on the 21st of May or the 13th of June. Got a bit of traveling to do. But have a great time and hope to see you at the next one! | | |
Benoit Martin | May 19, 2004 |
Excited to meet you all, see you in June... | | |
From Brussels | May 19, 2004 |
Hi again.I think it's a good idea that we go in a group from Brussels...I don't have a car, so I rather thought about a train...which might not be such a bad idea if we stay until drinks and so on...! Who would be interested in a joint trip, and would you all stay for dinner? | |
WebTC Local time: 03:37 Englisch > Französisch + ... We would be present with three maybe four persons ... | May 28, 2004 |
Just one important question : do we have to make a reservation somewhere anyway for the attendance of this Powwow ? Is this message enough to confirm that we would be there ?
Thanks a lot for your answer, kind regards,
Bernard | | |
Moose Media Belgien Local time: 03:37 Französisch > Niederländisch + ... We will be two | May 29, 2004 |
thanks! see you on June 13th | | |
Evert DELOOF-SYS Belgien Local time: 03:37 Mitglied Englisch > Niederländisch + ... 27 confirmations | Jun 8, 2004 |
Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd let you know: no less than 27 people will be attending our Bruges powwow. Not bad...
See you all next Sunday and - if you happen to live in Belgium - don't forget to vote for the good guys!
Evert | | |
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