MA Translation (distance learning)
Initiator des Themas: dgm102
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Jul 22, 2014

Hello there,

I have been translating for a while and I have recently decided to take a postgraduate course in this subject. I'm interested in the MA Translation Studies offered by Portsmouth University (UK). However, I am currently based in Canada, which means that I'd need to take this course online. I know about Moodle and other online learning platforms, but I worry that not having access to the university library will impact the quality of my essays and independent learning. ... See more
Hello there,

I have been translating for a while and I have recently decided to take a postgraduate course in this subject. I'm interested in the MA Translation Studies offered by Portsmouth University (UK). However, I am currently based in Canada, which means that I'd need to take this course online. I know about Moodle and other online learning platforms, but I worry that not having access to the university library will impact the quality of my essays and independent learning.

Has anyone taken this course while being abroad? Can you comment on your own experience in terms of the resources available online?


Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Mitglied (2011)
Englisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Moodle Jul 23, 2014

I used moodle in a Grad course in tourism in Brazil. It took me 3 years and the platform was efficient all the time.

By the way, you gave me the info I was looking for.

Many thanks.

Paulinho Fonseca

Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Mitglied (2011)
Englisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
The lack of access to Uni Library might be an issue. Is is in the Programme Specification? Jul 23, 2014

Paulinho Fonseca wrote:

I used moodle in a Grad course in tourism in Brazil. It took me 3 years and the platform was efficient all the time.

By the way, you gave me the info I was looking for.

Many thanks.

Paulinho Fonseca

Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
What about reading lists? Jul 23, 2014

Hi Paulinho,

Thanks for you input. I asked the same question to the course administrator and he said ht should be ok because learning materials are delivered online, participation in forums also counts towards assessment, etc. What I think is that after all, education is a business so they're not going to tell me 'don't do it'.

I know that a lot of material is available through Moodle, but what happens with good old reading lists? I know most academic journals are onlin
... See more
Hi Paulinho,

Thanks for you input. I asked the same question to the course administrator and he said ht should be ok because learning materials are delivered online, participation in forums also counts towards assessment, etc. What I think is that after all, education is a business so they're not going to tell me 'don't do it'.

I know that a lot of material is available through Moodle, but what happens with good old reading lists? I know most academic journals are online now, but surely access to books is also important. I can't imagine having to write a dissertation without ever stepping into the university library.

I hope to get some more input from other people, perhaps someone who has taken the same MA in the past while living abroad.


Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Mitglied (2011)
Englisch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Hi Jul 23, 2014

dgm102 wrote:

Hi Paulinho,

Thanks for you input. I asked the same question to the course administrator and he said ht should be ok because learning materials are delivered online, participation in forums also counts towards assessment, etc. What I think is that after all, education is a business so they're not going to tell me 'don't do it'.

I know that a lot of material is available through Moodle, but what happens with good old reading lists? I know most academic journals are online now, but surely access to books is also important. I can't imagine having to write a dissertation without ever stepping into the university library.

I hope to get some more input from other people, perhaps someone who has taken the same MA in the past while living abroad.


Dear Friend,

After seeing your post and posting mine, I accessed the university webpage and checked on Fees. To my surprise today they increased it absurdly. It was 1500 p/a pounds for non-Europeans and today it is 5500 p/a pounds. I am shocked. I know this is not your issue raised here, but just got surprised and thinking that they noticed demand and decided to increase it. How is that possible?

Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Really? Jul 24, 2014

Hi Paulinho,

I can't see the price hikes that you are talking about. This is the website I checked to find out more about the programme description

As far as I can see, fees are still 1,500GBP per year, which is reasonabl
... See more
Hi Paulinho,

I can't see the price hikes that you are talking about. This is the website I checked to find out more about the programme description

As far as I can see, fees are still 1,500GBP per year, which is reasonable for an MA.

Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Französisch > Englisch
There shouldn't be a problem Jul 25, 2014

I did my MA in translation via distance learning with the University of Bristol. Of course, I needed access to a large number of books, journal articles, etc. I bought my own copies of the main translation theory texts, but the university library provided many of those texts in electronic book format, and is constantly building up its collection of ebooks. The library was a marvellous resource, providing access to online dictionaries and vast numbers of journal articles.

You might a
... See more
I did my MA in translation via distance learning with the University of Bristol. Of course, I needed access to a large number of books, journal articles, etc. I bought my own copies of the main translation theory texts, but the university library provided many of those texts in electronic book format, and is constantly building up its collection of ebooks. The library was a marvellous resource, providing access to online dictionaries and vast numbers of journal articles.

You might also find that you are able to make use of your local university library in Canada, which will be able to obtain the materials you require if it doesn't already have them.

Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Bristol Jul 28, 2014

Thanks Elizabeth,

I've actually started looking into the course offered at Bristol too. I didn't know that they offer the possibility of translating an 8,000-10,000 word text instead of doing a research-based dissertation. This sounds great!

I'm guessing that you did your MA part-time? How did you find the workload?

Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:20
Französisch > Englisch
. Jul 29, 2014

dgm102 wrote:

Thanks Elizabeth,

I've actually started looking into the course offered at Bristol too. I didn't know that they offer the possibility of translating an 8,000-10,000 word text instead of doing a research-based dissertation. This sounds great!

I'm guessing that you did your MA part-time? How did you find the workload?

I started out doing it full-time, but found that was a bit too much for me, so switched to part-time, which was much better. The assignments were spaced out well, giving ample time to complete them. I chose to do the 10,000 word annotated translation for my dissertation, which was fun!

Let me know if there's anything else you need to know, and good luck with whatever you decide!

Iseult Harrington
Iseult Harrington  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:20
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Workload Master part-time distance learning Oct 10, 2014

Hi, I am hoping to start this Master on a part-time basis (over 3 years) and was wondering if anyone could give me a rough idea of how many hours you would spend studying and how many assignments are due per month, so as to start planning and rearranging my work in time. I am particulary interested in the taught modules as those will obviously be the ones I will be studying first. Many thanks!

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:20
Chinesisch > Englisch
One day a week Oct 10, 2014

Iseulth wrote:

Hi, I am hoping to start this Master on a part-time basis (over 3 years) and was wondering if anyone could give me a rough idea of how many hours you would spend studying and how many assignments are due per month, so as to start planning and rearranging my work in time. I am particulary interested in the taught modules as those will obviously be the ones I will be studying first. Many thanks!

I was on a different course, so not necessarily transferable, but I found that one day per week was just about enough. I did a bit of the reading during the week, then devoted a full Saturday to coursework on a reasonably regular basis, and I did OK on my course. Hope that helps.


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MA Translation (distance learning)

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