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Suggestions for Translation Office 3000 (TO3000), Version 10
Initiator des Themas: Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT)
Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT)
Aleksandr Dyatlov (AIT)
Local time: 15:49
Jul 6, 2011

Dear colleagues,

Many ProZ members who use TO3000 asked about a place where they can apply their suggestions for the new version of the program. Therefore we decided to create this topic in which you may add new suggestions and we will discuss them and take into consideration to implement in Translation Office 3000, Version 10 or next versions of the software.

Best regards,
Aleksandr Dyatlov,... See more
Dear colleagues,

Many ProZ members who use TO3000 asked about a place where they can apply their suggestions for the new version of the program. Therefore we decided to create this topic in which you may add new suggestions and we will discuss them and take into consideration to implement in Translation Office 3000, Version 10 or next versions of the software.

Best regards,
Aleksandr Dyatlov,
AIT Software Development Team

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
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Suggestions Jul 6, 2011

Dear Aleksandr,

great idea, thanks!

My first and most important suggestion would be:

1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally). For me, and I think for a lot of members of TO's target group as well, this is absolutely useless and makes working with TO unnecessarily complicated.

Other suggestions, far less important:

2. Make invoice numbering fully configurable (for example: counting by day, or month, inst
... See more
Dear Aleksandr,

great idea, thanks!

My first and most important suggestion would be:

1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally). For me, and I think for a lot of members of TO's target group as well, this is absolutely useless and makes working with TO unnecessarily complicated.

Other suggestions, far less important:

2. Make invoice numbering fully configurable (for example: counting by day, or month, instead of by year).

3. Offer a possibility to automatise issuing payment reminders.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Looking forward to TOv10!

Kind regards,

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 13:49
Französisch > Englisch
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No! Jul 6, 2011

efreitag wrote:

1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally). For me, and I think for a lot of members of TO's target group as well, this is absolutely useless and makes working with TO unnecessarily complicated.

No, don't do that! For those of us who invoice once a month, the project is my month and the individual jobs for each client come under each month!


Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
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Yes, please Jul 6, 2011

efreitag wrote:
1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally).

If creating projects would be optional, it would make happy everybody for sure.

Another suggestion:
Please give users more freedom in assigning folders for various purposes (jobs, projects, whatever) and naming them. Possibility of creating custom folders with custom names (not the ones set up forever in the TO options) would be really great.

More customizable options would make TO a really invaluable tool

Thank you,

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Polnisch
An option? Jul 6, 2011

Claire Cox wrote:
No, don't do that! For those of us who invoice once a month, the project is my month and the individual jobs for each client come under each month!

But you can invoice all the jobs within a given month without a project... And in the job list you can easily see which jobs have been invoiced and which were not.

Anyway, it would be nice as an option - I think the "jobs only" structure was easier to handle for freelancers.

Another minor point: remember the invoice template per client. Typically the same client gets the same type of invoice and carrying it over makes little sense and creates confusion. The same goes for type of job etc.

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
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Templates Jul 6, 2011

Jabberwock wrote:
... remember the invoice template per client. Typically the same client gets the same type of invoice and carrying it over makes little sense and creates confusion.

Maybe I am missing your point, but don't you use client-specific invoice templates?


Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
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Niederländisch > Deutsch
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possible without projects Jul 6, 2011

Claire Cox wrote:

efreitag wrote:

1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally). For me, and I think for a lot of members of TO's target group as well, this is absolutely useless and makes working with TO unnecessarily complicated.

No, don't do that! For those of us who invoice once a month, the project is my month and the individual jobs for each client come under each month!


As others said, you don't need projects to do that. I do write monthly invoices for some of my clients without using projects. If all your project does is to contain all monthly jobs, then indeed you could make your life a lot easier by getting rid of projects. Maybe you should try that.

[Edited to add: Upon thinking again, actually your system might be less work, as you don't have to create a project for every job but only once per month istead. It's just so illogical, as the jobs I do for a client in a given month do usually not belong to one project. It's the client, and possibly the month that makes them belong together.]

Anyway, I'm not saying that nobody wants projects, so this could be made optional. I suppose the majority of freelance translators would be better off without them.

[Bearbeitet am 2011-07-06 20:10 GMT]

Aude Sylvain
Aude Sylvain  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Englisch > Französisch
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reporting jobs (vs. projects) deadline on the schedule / automatic update of exchange rate Jul 6, 2011


For those who use the project/jobs feature, I think it would be great to be able to see the deadlines of jobs (instead of or besides projects' deadlines) on the so-called project (!) schedule.

Also, it would be useful to be able to hook TO3000 to an online currency website so exchange rates are updated automatically when one invoices in a secondary currency.
At present one needs to enter the exchange rate manually - and change it every two days...
... See more

For those who use the project/jobs feature, I think it would be great to be able to see the deadlines of jobs (instead of or besides projects' deadlines) on the so-called project (!) schedule.

Also, it would be useful to be able to hook TO3000 to an online currency website so exchange rates are updated automatically when one invoices in a secondary currency.
At present one needs to enter the exchange rate manually - and change it every two days...

Thank you!

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 13:49
Niederländisch > Englisch
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~ :-) ~ Jul 6, 2011

- I second Aude's suggestion about the automatic exchange rate function.
- And make the Projects/Jobs optional.


Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Polnisch
Point Jul 6, 2011

Natalie wrote:
Maybe I am missing your point, but don't you use client-specific invoice templates?

I do. However, when I create a new invoice, I have to select the right template from the list - it would be more convenient (and logical, I think - does anyone send two types of invoices to the same client) to define it once in the client settings.

Automatic download of exchange rates is an excellent idea - MS Excel can do it, so why not TO (I suppose one can link the two, if there is no other way).

A similar request: option to process POs automatically. Most (if not all) clients send electronic versions anyway, so it is a waste of time to type all the data manually. I realize data extraction is not easy (especially if PDFs are involved), but on the other hand POs have usually very rigid structure...

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
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I see - and I agree Jul 6, 2011

[quote]Jabberwock wrote:

...to define it once in the client settings.

Yes, really, saving invoice settings per client would be fine.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Englisch > Französisch
Adjustments Jul 6, 2011

Dear Aleksandr,

To me, all features I need are already there (FTP, CATcount, double-pane file manager, folder creation automation, custom templates and stats, quick invoicing, color-coded follow-up, first-class support, etc.), but I would do with some minor "improvements".

I'd rather not see any major overhaul/reorganisation that would mean drastically changing my way of working with it.
efreitag wrote:
1. Please get rid of the project/job structure (at least optionally). For me, and I think for a lot of members of TO's target group as well, this is absolutely useless and makes working with TO unnecessarily complicated.

+1. This structure introduced with v8 (I think) didn't help me either, but increased every job entry by a few clicks. Claire finds the Projects layer useful, and I heard other people diverting this additional layer from its initial purpose ("job" as a sub-item of a "project").

I also look forward to the automated backup feature.

And yes, having to check every time for each client in an invoicing session if template, tax type and payment method (never remembering which ones change) are the right ones for the client being invoiced is a nuisance. After the first selection for a client, they shouldn't be overridden by the last option used.

- To be able to create quickly a new contact on the fly while clicking the Client PM button in projects or jobs.
- To be able to hide contacts who no longer work for a client. PMs seem to have a shorter lifetime than vendors, and I have recorded trailers of them in some medium agencies after 6+ years using TO3000.
- Also please show the PM list sorted alphabetically when using the Client PM button. It is currently displayed sorted by entry date it seems.
- Being able to hide clients I no longer work with or "one-offs" would also keep lists organised. Or 2 client categories: tier 1 for the "close circle", tier 2 for the "less often".

Thank you!

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Polnisch
Time filter Jul 6, 2011

Philippe Etienne wrote:
- Being able to hide clients I no longer work with or "one-offs" would also keep lists organised. Or 2 client categories: tier 1 for the "close circle", tier 2 for the "less often".

Or simply apply the time filter which is already present in TO3000. So if I use just this year, I see only clients for whom I've created projects (jobs) lately. It is so easy to turn it on and off that it should not cause any problems.

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Mitglied (2006)
Niederländisch > Deutsch
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about using more than one template per client Jul 7, 2011

Jabberwock wrote:

However, when I create a new invoice, I have to select the right template from the list - it would be more convenient (and logical, I think - does anyone send two types of invoices to the same client) to define it once in the client settings.

I do use more than one template for single clients - one for the invoice, two other ones for payment reminders with two different levels of cordiality

So, unless we get a dedicated system of payment reminders (in which I could assign not only invoice templates, but also templates for payment reminders per client), I'd rather not lose the ability to select a template on a per-case basis.

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Polnisch
We can have both Jul 7, 2011

efreitag wrote:
I do use more than one template for single clients - one for the invoice, two other ones for payment reminders with two different levels of cordiality

So, unless we get a dedicated system of payment reminders (in which I could assign not only invoice templates, but also templates for payment reminders per client), I'd rather not lose the ability to select a template on a per-case basis.

Of course, there is no need to take away the ability to select the templates - what is important is that there is a default template for a client or that the template selection is sticky per client basis.

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Suggestions for Translation Office 3000 (TO3000), Version 10

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