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Best PDF to Word converter
Initiator des Themas: reliable
reliable  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 10:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Feb 26, 2008

Hello everyone,

I am planning to buy a software that converts PDF fiiles to Word documents.

Can anyone who is currently using this type of software please post and let me know which program you like or hate and why? and also which program you think is best?

Thank you in advance for your opinions and help.

Kind regards,


Sven Petersson
Sven Petersson  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Schwedisch
+ ...
ABBYY Feb 26, 2008

ABBYY FineReader 9.0 for general work (it's simply the Best!), Able2Extract for locked PDFs.

Sven Petersson
Medical translator
Website: www.svenp.com

Local time: 06:07
Englisch > Chinesisch
+ ...
save as txt and then again as doc Feb 26, 2008

Sven Petersson wrote:

ABBYY FineReader 9.0 for general work (it's simply the Best!), Able2Extract for locked PDFs.

Sven Petersson
Medical translator
Website: www.svenp.com

Some of the PDF files can be saved as txt and then you can easily save txt files as doc. For those PDF files generated from faxed documents, I don't think they can be converted into any other format. I would like to know if they can.

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Solid Feb 26, 2008

I've found Solid pdf converter to be good for non-scanned pdf files - and it's a lot cheaper than Abbyy. I did download the trial version of Abbyy for a long and complicated document with lots of tables and columns and found it very tricky to work with - certainly in Wordfast! However, it could cope with scanned documents which Solid wouldn't handle, so it depends what you want it for. Solid was certainly straightforward to use and coped well with tables and layout from regular pdf files. I've h... See more
I've found Solid pdf converter to be good for non-scanned pdf files - and it's a lot cheaper than Abbyy. I did download the trial version of Abbyy for a long and complicated document with lots of tables and columns and found it very tricky to work with - certainly in Wordfast! However, it could cope with scanned documents which Solid wouldn't handle, so it depends what you want it for. Solid was certainly straightforward to use and coped well with tables and layout from regular pdf files. I've heard good reports of Omnipage too, but again I didn't find it particualrly easy to work with when I downloaded the trial.

Good luck!

Marcus Geibel
Marcus Geibel
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Deutsch
ABBYY PDF Tansformer Feb 26, 2008

a low cost version of ABBYY Fine Reader - 2-3 simple steps to convert a pdf

Works well even for non-searchable PDF (f. ex. made from scanned pages) - though the created word file will sometimes be well out of format and might contain a number of unreadable characters or misread characters, the like any OCR softeware produces. Depends on source text quality.

But you still get an editable word file
... See more
a low cost version of ABBYY Fine Reader - 2-3 simple steps to convert a pdf

Works well even for non-searchable PDF (f. ex. made from scanned pages) - though the created word file will sometimes be well out of format and might contain a number of unreadable characters or misread characters, the like any OCR softeware produces. Depends on source text quality.

But you still get an editable word file

Good luck!

mk_lab  Identity Verified
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Russisch
+ ...
PDF Transformer Feb 26, 2008

ABBYY PDF Transformer - even v.1.0 gives better results compared to Fine Reader, much "light-weighted", resource-consumptive and easy to use application, which is specially intended for PDFs

[Edited at 2008-02-26 20:09]

Jørgen Madsen
Jørgen Madsen  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Englisch > Dänisch
+ ...
I'll second that... Feb 27, 2008

Sven Petersson wrote:

ABBYY FineReader 9.0 for general work (it's simply the Best!), Able2Extract for locked PDFs.

Sven Petersson
Medical translator
Website: www.svenp.com

I don't know other PDF converters, and I don't need to

Angela Dickson (X)
Angela Dickson (X)  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 14:07
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
version 1 no longer available Feb 27, 2008

mk_lab wrote:

ABBYY PDF Transformer - even v.1.0 gives better results compared to Fine Reader, much "light-weighted", resource-consumptive and easy to use application, which is specially intended for PDFs

[Edited at 2008-02-26 20:09]

Version 1.0 is no longer available - version 2.0 has been released, which is more fully-featured (and more expensive). I still use version 1 as I found I didn't need the extra features in v. 2, but new customers won't have the choice.

I do recommend Abbyy PDF Transformer though, it does the job well.

Jan Sundström
Jan Sundström  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mitglied (1970)
Englisch > Schwedisch
+ ...
Abbyy Feb 27, 2008

Claire Cox wrote:...and it's a lot cheaper than Abbyy.

Remember that you can pick up earlier versions on Ebay, at a fraction of the price.
I've posted examples here on Proz earlier.

My choice:
Acrobat 8 for text layered PDFs
Abbyy PDF Transformer for most "flat" PDFs (and it does a great job with text layered PDFs too!)
Abbyy FineReader for flat PDFs where I need to preserve complex layout (perfect for mixed vertical/horizontal text!)
Ghostscript for password protected PDFs

Search for either of these here on the forum, you'll find lots of useful tips and opinions.

Mind you, this question has been asked at least a 100 times here on Proz, so pretty much everything has been said about OCR software....


Alexey Ivanov
Alexey Ivanov  Identity Verified
Russische Föderation
Local time: 17:07
Englisch > Russisch
I'll second that Feb 27, 2008

Angela Dickson wrote:

[I do recommend Abbyy PDF Transformer though, it does the job well.

Actually, it is not a cheaper version of Abbyy FineReader, it is a different and in some respects a better tool. I have both (latest versions) and use both and what I found is a disadvantage of the Fine Reader is that when you convert complex tables especially with coloured rows/cells it creates a different and its own font for every new font size and the tables are really not editable after that. PDF transformer is more subtle and works better creating editable tables which are more suitable for using CAT tools after conversion.

Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 10:07
How about trying this pdf to word converter Feb 6, 2010

I have downloaded a program called Advanced pdf to word 5.0. It's pretty good.
It is very good in preserving the formatting. It also allow us to convert a lot files at the same time.
You can download it from: http://www.advancedpdfconverter.com/products/pdftoword.html

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Deutsch > Spanisch
+ ...
Best PDF to Word converter Feb 6, 2010

reliable wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am planning to buy a software that converts PDF fiiles to Word documents.

Can anyone who is currently using this type of software please post and let me know which program you like or hate and why? and also which program you think is best?

Thank you in advance for your opinions and help.

Kind regards,


I am not going to recommend here any PDF converter (as a best converter does not exist (as each one adapts better or worse to some requirements or others) and I am somewhat bored of this reiterative topic...:



However, here is a pdf to word converting procedure I developed many years ago and that still works quite well (at least for me):


Maybe you would give it a try before to take a decission.

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:07
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
PDF to Vector file converter like MS-Word Feb 6, 2010

In another word, what we are looking for is a raster to vector converter.
Conversion from scanned document like FAX'ed document to MS-Word or Notepad falls under this category.

In most cases, raster to vector converter is for DWG type CAD file supporting so that it could be difficult to find depending on your needs.

[Edited at 2010-02-06 20:21 GMT]

pikachupichu  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:07
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
Abbyy trial report Feb 10, 2010

Abbyy is NOT recommended, because the double byte characters are mostly garbaged.

Brian Young
Brian Young  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 07:07
Dänisch > Englisch
PDF OCR X Enterprise Edition 1.7.3 May 8, 2010

I was looking for OCR software to use on my macbook, and came across this, available from
You can download a free version but it can only convert 1 page at a time. The Enterprise Edition costs ONLY $29.99, and it can convert PDF or even jpeg images of text to plain text (txt), which can then be pasted into a word document. The Enterprise Edition can convert any number of pages at one time. You can download language packs, so that foreign characters are recognized properly.
... See more
I was looking for OCR software to use on my macbook, and came across this, available from
You can download a free version but it can only convert 1 page at a time. The Enterprise Edition costs ONLY $29.99, and it can convert PDF or even jpeg images of text to plain text (txt), which can then be pasted into a word document. The Enterprise Edition can convert any number of pages at one time. You can download language packs, so that foreign characters are recognized properly. I have tried this with a Danish language pack, and it works extremely well. It does a good job of converting even italicized text, and normal text is converted flawlessly.

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