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Donwload Dragon?
Initiator des Themas: Katalin Sandor
Katalin Sandor
Katalin Sandor  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
Aug 3, 2007

I'm sure this has been covered before, but I have been unable to locate it...
Can it really be the case that Dragon Naturally speaking cannot be downloaded? Is it really physically delivered? I would need a speech recognition tool over the weekend, but physical delivery is out of the question with the time constraints I have at hand. Any suggestions? Any other, more 21-century-friendly option? (I mean, DNS does not have Hungarian to start with, so buying it would be a compromise anyway. B
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I'm sure this has been covered before, but I have been unable to locate it...
Can it really be the case that Dragon Naturally speaking cannot be downloaded? Is it really physically delivered? I would need a speech recognition tool over the weekend, but physical delivery is out of the question with the time constraints I have at hand. Any suggestions? Any other, more 21-century-friendly option? (I mean, DNS does not have Hungarian to start with, so buying it would be a compromise anyway. But to wait ages for the DELIVERY of the thing .. I mean - I have not bought physical software for, what, half a decade? Are they kidding, or am I mistaken here?

Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Italienisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Headset Aug 3, 2007

It's physically delivered because it comes *always* with a headset, AFAIK.

Of what I read, though, this headset seems not even to be really good, and surely not too comfortable, and maybe one does not want/need it, so an alternative (= download) without this headset would be really appreciated. Or maybe this possibility already exists?

[Bearbeitet am 2007-08-03 17:54]

Katalin Sandor
Katalin Sandor  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
Who needs a heaset? Aug 3, 2007

Yeah. I have a headset already, so I really do not need another one. But on the Nuance site, I have not found any download option. I download my virus protection, translation software, dictionaries, OCR software, what have you. Why not speech recognition? Impulse buying should be the in-thing these days If I have to wait a week for delivery, the problem is already a thing of the past...

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:18
Schwedisch > Englisch
+ ...
Headphones Aug 3, 2007

Christel Zipfel is right - Dragon would be no use without headphones, and they need to be headphones that work well with Dragon.

The supplied headphones IMHO are pretty good -- I have used them for years. The key to success with Dragon is, and always has been, clear enunciation -- like a TV newsreader.

Astrid Elke Witte
Astrid Elke Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Mitglied (2002)
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Well, it is not VISTA-compatible, either Aug 3, 2007

As far as I know, you do always have to send away for it, and it comes by a slow form of post. I think I had to wait about 10 days for it

... and, as a matter of fact, it is so incompatible with VISTA, that I had to uninstall it and forget about it once I needed a new computer, about half a year later. I would therefore not recommend buying it.


P.S. You cannot use it for intensive work the first weekend that you have it. It takes about a month of pra
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As far as I know, you do always have to send away for it, and it comes by a slow form of post. I think I had to wait about 10 days for it

... and, as a matter of fact, it is so incompatible with VISTA, that I had to uninstall it and forget about it once I needed a new computer, about half a year later. I would therefore not recommend buying it.


P.S. You cannot use it for intensive work the first weekend that you have it. It takes about a month of practice (at least) to get the recognition accuracy to a level that is good enough for that, especially if you have never used speech recognition software before.

[Edited at 2007-08-03 17:57]

Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Italienisch > Deutsch
+ ...
You can (want to) use a microphone instead Aug 3, 2007

Peter Linton wrote:

Dragon would be no use without headphones, and they need to be headphones that work well with Dragon.

The supplied headphones IMHO are pretty good -- I have used them for years. The key to success with Dragon is, and always has been, clear enunciation -- like a TV newsreader.

Maybe you are allergical to headphones (like I am), so you should have the possibility to get the software without the headset and buy a microphone instead or whatever. I read on this forum some time ago that the results with a good microphone are quite better than with the default Dragon headset.

Katalin Sandor
Katalin Sandor  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
Headset Aug 3, 2007

I have just had a comment disappear in thin air.. oh well.. here I go again. So: I have a pretty good headset sitting here, which cost me some 80 bucks or so - I doubt if Nuance would send me something like this for the price...
Astrid: I am praying that my computer hold up long enough so that I do not have to change to Vista before they fix all the problems... But it's certainly bad news. Makes me think twice. Plus the time required to get the software up and working... plus the fact tha
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I have just had a comment disappear in thin air.. oh well.. here I go again. So: I have a pretty good headset sitting here, which cost me some 80 bucks or so - I doubt if Nuance would send me something like this for the price...
Astrid: I am praying that my computer hold up long enough so that I do not have to change to Vista before they fix all the problems... But it's certainly bad news. Makes me think twice. Plus the time required to get the software up and working... plus the fact that half of my languages are not covered... oh well, I might as well forget it. Any other software around, anyone?

Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 14:18
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
In stillem Gedenken
Dragon fan ... Aug 3, 2007

Astrid and I have disagreed before, and so I hope she'll forgive me for putting in my two centavos:

I used Dragon successfully almost right out of the box. It took me only about an hour to train it. Granted, in every session, I have to correct a couple of words, train those, and even possibly, start the session by inputting some names or foreign words. Still, it has saved me so much time! And I love the read-that-back feature.

The head set isn't comfortable, but it wo
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Astrid and I have disagreed before, and so I hope she'll forgive me for putting in my two centavos:

I used Dragon successfully almost right out of the box. It took me only about an hour to train it. Granted, in every session, I have to correct a couple of words, train those, and even possibly, start the session by inputting some names or foreign words. Still, it has saved me so much time! And I love the read-that-back feature.

The head set isn't comfortable, but it works and has hasn't broken after about 9 months of use.

Dragon got some good press in the August issue of the magazine published by the American Assn of Retired People (AARP), and because of its very large readership, I'm thinking this out to help Nuance sell more, and I would hope, then have enough R&D to make it compatible with Vista (Astrid's comment is the first I've heard that it isn't).

And yes, they do insist on shipping it even though you can use other headsets or microphones with it.


Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
read back? Aug 3, 2007

Patricia Rosas wrote:

And I love the read-that-back feature.


what's this read back feature?


Astrid Elke Witte
Astrid Elke Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Mitglied (2002)
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Well, I heard it works best with men's voices.... Aug 3, 2007

... and, anyway, the quality of my own voice seemed to prove a bit too wispy for it. Training words was impossible - the silly thing would never learn. I would train a word and it would type it correctly a few times and then forget again, and I would have to retrain the word. Some words I retrained, in vain, hundreds of times over in the few months that I used it. Always the same words, always recognised wrongly.

That apart, I feel that quality control is easier without Dragon. The
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... and, anyway, the quality of my own voice seemed to prove a bit too wispy for it. Training words was impossible - the silly thing would never learn. I would train a word and it would type it correctly a few times and then forget again, and I would have to retrain the word. Some words I retrained, in vain, hundreds of times over in the few months that I used it. Always the same words, always recognised wrongly.

That apart, I feel that quality control is easier without Dragon. The reason why is simple. Suppose I have a translation about some specialised topic, and I have a Multiterm termbase on that topic. Well, if I want to pop in all the words from Multiterm, I cannot use Dragon as well, because Dragon only has a chance to work with flowing dictation. Therefore, if I want to use Dragon nevertheless, I have to rely on my memory of those terms, and sometimes I remember them incorrectly. I find that out later, at the proofreading stage, when I look them up in that Multiterm termbase. Or, to put it another way, the proofreading then becomes more troublesome and takes longer.

Well, enough said on the topic for this evening.... have a pleasant weekend, Patricia!


[Edited at 2007-08-03 20:34]

KathyT  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:18
Japanisch > Englisch
Google for a local distributor. Aug 4, 2007

Hi Katalin,

In my case, I just googled around for a local distributor. There were a few - I found one that turned out to be significantly cheaper than the prices quoted on the Nuance website, rang them to confirm stock availability, jumped in my car and less than half an hour later it was in my hot little hands. (It's definitely not a bootleg copy but the real thing, the same as I would have received had I ordered through the website).
Yay for Impulse Buying!!
I don't kn
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Hi Katalin,

In my case, I just googled around for a local distributor. There were a few - I found one that turned out to be significantly cheaper than the prices quoted on the Nuance website, rang them to confirm stock availability, jumped in my car and less than half an hour later it was in my hot little hands. (It's definitely not a bootleg copy but the real thing, the same as I would have received had I ordered through the website).
Yay for Impulse Buying!!
I don't know how you'd go locally, but it's definitely worth a try. I'm sure I also read in one of these forums that someone (Amy?) bought a copy through eBay.
Lots of luck!

Williamson  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 21:18
Flämisch > Englisch
+ ...
Upgrade downloadable + Vista Compatible. Aug 4, 2007

You can download the upgrade from 9.0 to 9.5 if you introduce the serial of your previous version.
9.5 is vista compatible.

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:18
Schwedisch > Englisch
+ ...
Dragon and MultiTerm Aug 4, 2007

Astrid Elke Johnson wrote:
I feel that quality control is easier without Dragon. The reason why is simple. Suppose I have a translation about some specialised topic, and I have a Multiterm termbase on that topic. Well, if I want to pop in all the words from Multiterm, I cannot use Dragon as well, because Dragon only has a chance to work with flowing dictation. Therefore, if I want to use Dragon nevertheless, I have to rely on my memory of those terms, and sometimes I remember them incorrectly.

This illustrates a key aspect of Dragon - people's experience of using Dragon varies a great deal.

I don't for a moment doubt Astrid's issue with Multiterm. She is right to emphasise flowing dictation. All I can say is that I find no problem using Dragon and Muliterm together.

Richard Walker
Richard Walker
Local time: 06:18
Japanisch > Englisch
Umm, actually I downloaded it... Aug 4, 2007

You can download the latest version (9.5) from the Nuance site, but you need your authentication number. I asked the reseller to open the box and give me the number. Two hours later, I had Dragon 9.5 up and running. A week later, the box with 9.0 arrived.

Deborah do Carmo
Deborah do Carmo  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:18
Niederländisch > Englisch
+ ...
Have been using it for a week Aug 4, 2007

Granted, I am used to dictating because I used to for my two secretaries back in my law firm in South Africa, so I know the pitfalls to avoid, but like Patricia it only took me an hour to get going.

A week later I'm about 80% of where I expect to be with it, but it would be a bit ambitious to think you'd perfect things well enough to get profitable mileage out of it in your first weekend.

I ordered it via Amazon UK and had it up and running in Portugal within two days.<
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Granted, I am used to dictating because I used to for my two secretaries back in my law firm in South Africa, so I know the pitfalls to avoid, but like Patricia it only took me an hour to get going.

A week later I'm about 80% of where I expect to be with it, but it would be a bit ambitious to think you'd perfect things well enough to get profitable mileage out of it in your first weekend.

I ordered it via Amazon UK and had it up and running in Portugal within two days.

Then again, with the amount of money I spend on Amazon, I'm probably on some type of preferred distribution list

You either love it or hate it - or, if you're like me with wrist problems, you don't have a choice and make the best of it. At least, by using it half the day, I don't have throbbing pain each evening now.

PS: I purchased the mobile option so if I don't feel like sitting at my desk with headphones/mike, I can use a dictaphone anywhere (outside, on the sofa, etc) and that then connects to the PC, speech is downloaded and transcribed.

[Edited at 2007-08-04 12:17]

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