Table of special characters using ALT+###
Initiator des Themas: Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:56
Mitglied (2000)
Deutsch > Schwedisch
+ ...
In stillem Gedenken
Apr 8, 2002

For those of you that need diacritical characters or other characters not present on your keyboard, please use this table (provided you have MS multilingual(latin/Western Europe) table 850):

(For tables other than the 850:

Type ALT+### into Word, Notes or other

document and write down the ### for each character)

Ç = ALT+128 (fra)

ç = ALT+135 (fra)

é = ALT+130 (fra)

É = ALT+144 (fra)

è = A
... See more
For those of you that need diacritical characters or other characters not present on your keyboard, please use this table (provided you have MS multilingual(latin/Western Europe) table 850):

(For tables other than the 850:

Type ALT+### into Word, Notes or other

document and write down the ### for each character)

Ç = ALT+128 (fra)

ç = ALT+135 (fra)

é = ALT+130 (fra)

É = ALT+144 (fra)

è = ALT+138 (fra)

È = ALT+212 (fra)

ê = ALT+136 (fra)

Ê = ALT+210 (fra)

ë = ALT+137 (fra)

Ë = ALT+211 (fra)

à = ALT+133 (fra)

â = ALT+131 (fra)

î = ALT+140 (fra)

Î = ALT+215 (fra)

ï = ALT+139 (fra)

Ï = ALT+216 (fra)

\" = ALT+174 (fra)

\" = ALT+175 (fra)

ü = ALT+129 (de)

Ü = ALT+154 (de)

ß = ALT+225 (de)

ö = ALT+148 (deu/swe)

Ö = ALT+153 (deu/swe)

æ = ALT+145 (dan/nor)

Æ = ALT+146 (dan/nor)

ø = ALT+155 (dan/nor)

Ø = ALT+157 (dan/nor)

í = ALT+161 (es)

Í = ALT+214 (es)

ñ = ALT+164 (es)

Ñ = ALT+165 (es)

ó = ALT+162 (esl)

Ó = ALT+224 (esl)

ú = ALT+163 (esl)

Ú = ALT 233 (esl)

¿ = ALT+168 (esl)

¡ = ALT+173 (esl)

$ = ALT+36

£ = ALT+156

1/2 = ALT+171

1/4 = ALT+172

3/4 = ALT+243

(c) = ALT+184

(r) = ALT+169

@ = ALT+64

ð = ALT+208

þ = ALT+231

µ = ALT+230

± = ALT+241

º = ALT+167

° = ALT+248

² = ALT+253

³ = ALT+252

{ = ALT+123

} = ALT+125

[ = ALT+91

] = ALT+93

\\ = ALT+92

§ = ALT+245

# = ALT+3

Other chrs: INSERT

[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-04-08 14:34 ]

Valeria Verona
Valeria Verona  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:56
Mitglied (2003)
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Gracias! Apr 8, 2002

Me viene al dedillo!


Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Local time: 08:56
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Thank you, Mats Apr 8, 2002

Just the other day I was looking for a list like that. Thank you - very helpful, indeed.

Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Many Thanks! Apr 8, 2002

Excellent resource!

Great contribution, Mats!



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Table of special characters using ALT+###

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