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How to keep source tags or add them easily into the translated text? 7 (3,670)
Omega T machine translator API Key problems. 7 (6,674)
OmegaT latest 5.4.0 released 1 (1,865)
How to avoid changing the numbers? 2 (1,970)
OmegaT usage of Glossary 5 (3,075)
Ayuda con OMEGA T + 1.8.1 update 2 ( 1 ... 2 ) 28 (15,145)
Merging and splitting segments using the SourceForge Merge or Split Segments script (for Mac) 2 (1,995)
Headers and footers in OmegaT when working with a Word document that was converted from a PDF ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (7,253)
Merging segments using quick-fix segmentation rules 4 (2,514)
Creation of a centralized TM to use for translations on the same topic 3 (2,279)
Trouble with charts in OmegaT 10 (4,030)
Unwanted "pre-translation", in other words, OmegaT is inserting source segment as target 3 (2,102)
Team Projects - syncing`tm` and `dictionary` folders - is it possible or can it be implemented? 2 (1,814)
MIF files, missing content when merging back the translation 1 (1,298)
How to use translation memory files in XML format? 4 (2,273)
Pretranslation -- automatically apply all 100% MT matches 4 (2,356)
Voting on Bugs and Feature requests 0 (1,239)
Pulling up translation memories from previous translations 13 (4,880)
Some translated segments revert to the corresponding source segments in the target document 2 (1,599)
Multilingual glossaries 10 (4,113)
How can I get my translation into the source format including its pictures and tables? 6 (3,163)
Can I use machine translate for whole ducument once? 3 (2,138)
How to translate an excel document keeping the source language column 9 (7,260)
Translating/hacking OmegaT to use two source texts: tmx and matches 10 (3,907)
How to take out those annoying segments numbers 7 (5,583)
Editing source doc / preventing loss of notes 3 (2,483)
Transtips does not appear in my options 2 (1,801)
How to import tmx file from Transifex into OmegaT 13 (4,961)
How to create final files containing both source and translation in it 5 (2,434)
How to write comments on OmegaT that will also be displayed in the final document for the client 1 (1,607)
Using European language ressources in OmegaT 0 (1,143)
IDML file Load fail : "Path geometry property does not exist" 0 (1,130)
Anything to do when a tmx import fails? 6 (2,717)
Please help: Can't open an xliff file in OmegaT 6 (5,389)
Segmentation rule to deal with quote marks 8 (3,443)
New user group, [email protected] 1 (1,496)
Preloading Machine Translation 3 (2,668)
Word export won't open: XML parsing error 4 (2,776)
Slate Desktop can be used alone or attached to OmegaT 0 (1,225)
OmegaT User Support on Yahoo is moving 0 (1,384)
OmegaT latest version 5.0.0 released 2 (2,120)
Changing source erases previous translation 3 (2,003)
Newbee question on OmegaT 6 (2,767)
Can multiple users access the same TM? 7 (3,946)
How to add my own Machine Translation interface? 9 (5,730)
Can't view client's comments in xliff files in OmegaT 9 (3,475)
Problems with OmegaT 4.3.0 aligner in Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS : ST / TT becomes 'invisible' 0 (1,080)
OmegaT not displaying source segments in bilingual XLIFF file 2 (2,088)
OmegaT can't view Machine Translation 2 (1,711)
OmegaT standard version 4.3.0 released 0 (1,189)
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