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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meeting colleagues in the wonderful N.Y

July 13, 2008, 5:00 pm
Vereinigte StaatenNew York-New York In personEnglisch
Last News

Since we are about 20 confirmed, I called the restaurant, they told me OK, but time has changed again, it is 1 pm like previously indicated.

So, reservation is for about 20 people at the restaurant: The Cookshop, 20 St/10 Avenue, phone 212-924-4440

Meeting in front of the restaurant at 1pm.

Thank you all! See you soon!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (41) / Confirmed: 23
Name NoteWill Attend
XKarl Archbold (X)   ...  y
XNatia Bakhtadze (X)   ...  y
Maria Antonietta Ricagno  \"Photographer\" Count me in:)  y
Anthony Baldwin  \"Photographer\" I would like to, but, it won't be possible.  n
potra  \"Photographer\" Laura Meucci  y
Steven Hamilton   I will not, as it turns out, be in New York until February.  n
Nico van de Water   Will be visiting the States in July. Would be great fun to meet you! Not definite yet...  y
Angie Garbarino   I will be in NY from June 27 until August 4, hope to meet you, dear American colleagues   y
Michael Tharwat  \"Reporter\" dr_michaelth  n
claudexny   it seems i won't be able to make it after all. looks like it's shaping up to be a great pow wow, i'm sorry i'll miss it.   n
Pamela Shepard Garcia  \"Host\" I've just moved to New York so this will be a treat to meet Users!  y
XLei Yang-Hohme (X)   never been to a powwow before. why not?   y
texjax DDS PhD   I'd love to attend and meet the 2 Italian ladies and the other colleagues, but I don't think it will be possible. It will be a cool powwow for sure! I wish you all a wonderful day and hopefully we'll meet at the next powwow! Have fun! :)  n
Blerta Alikaj   I am sorry. I have to be out of New York at that time. Have fun guys!  n
Anna Lanave   Unfortunately I can't  n
Louis Mitler   Hope to come.   y
Karina Gardela   I can't:( Sorry for the last minute notice but I'm sure you'll do fine without me. Maybe next time.  n
XAnn Bishop (X)   will be there, but might run a little late.  y
Babette Piaget   I have to work that day. I would have loved to be there!!! Maybe next time...  n
Eric Candle   Being a New Yorker (both Upstate and DownState), I am excited to attend  n
Peter Nuar   I wish I could make it!  n
Barbara Jungwirth   Depends on time and place.  y
Carolina Jimenez-Marcos   I'd like to meet everyone next time, but this weekend I'll be in D.C.  n
XHattie Hill   I might have to work (booo!) but I'll try and make it.  n
XxxxLively Wo (X)   I can't wait to meet all of you!  y
ttranslator   I will be there to meet new faces!   y
yam2u   I'd love to meet Angio and other colleagues. I'll be there with a friend!  y
PETER KOWALSKI   i would like to attend  n
Jill Ananyi   Have fun. Hope to meet some of you later.  n
Nita Shah   Looking forward to this first powwow for me.  y
valesca   I'm not sure if this is posted before, but please count me in for this powwow.  y
Michael Hariton   Sorry! A client just "made me a an offer [I] can't refuse" Next time!  n
ttyang   I'd love to participate as well! If there is still any space left, please count me in. Thanks!  y
mmstasik   I will not be able to come; I fractured my ankle yesterday......I'm sorry;   n
Douglas Jack   I am almost 100% sure I can go.   y
bdroitcour   I'd like to attend and meet some other translators, if there's enough room at the table  y
Andrew   I'll be there!!  y
Xpolona (X)   may attend  y
XDCampbell (X)   Look forward to meeting you. Hope I'm not too late.  y
Xlamona (X)   I will be there! I haven't met any of you  y
bryancaulkins   Tentative... but I'd love to go to finally meet other proZians!!  n

Postings about this event

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Powwow: New York-New York - United States
Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
I will be in NY June 27- August 4 May 12, 2008

I'd like to organize a powwow there in order to meet you dear American colleagues!

Suggestions are welcome!

Nico van de Water
Nico van de Water  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
NY Pow-wow May 29, 2008

Dear colleagues,
I will be visiting the US in July, and hope to attend. However, we (my wife and I) have not yet settled on a "program" for our visit. More news to follow.
In the meantime, with best regards, Nico (DutchEnglish translator living in Germany)

Maria Antonietta Ricagno
Maria Antonietta Ricagno  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Hi Nico May 29, 2008

Angio and I will be glad to meet you there.

Nico van de Water
Nico van de Water  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Hi Maria May 29, 2008

Thanks, Maria, for the welcoming message. As stated, I have never been to the US before, so everything is new to, including NY and the venue for meeting. Any ideas about the venue?
Also, what is your language combination? Do you have any specialisations?

With regards,

Maria Antonietta Ricagno
Maria Antonietta Ricagno  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Hi Nico May 29, 2008

call me Antonella, pls!! Maria Antonietta is too long:)
Well, Angio and I will be there on 28th June but so far we have not decided either a date nor a place for the powwow. We will keep you all informed about that. Of course, any tips from our colleagues there is welcome.
(My language pairs are English and Spanish into Italian)

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Hi Nico May 29, 2008

Like Anto said we will be there, you are welcome! I see you have bever been in NY you will see, it is wonderful, I love iticon_wink.gif

Nico van de Water
Nico van de Water  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Hi Angio May 29, 2008

As with Antonella, many thanks (mille grazie; muchas gracias) for the welcome!
If I have understood correctly, you (and perhaps Antonella) will be in New York from the 28th June onwards. The family and I will be flying on the 7th July, and taking a few days into account to settle in, the 13th July would suit me fine. I recently attended a pow-wow in Nijmegen (NL), which was a great success. It is nice to meet fellow-professionals, and it is always handy to pick up a few tips, even for mysel
... See more
As with Antonella, many thanks (mille grazie; muchas gracias) for the welcome!
If I have understood correctly, you (and perhaps Antonella) will be in New York from the 28th June onwards. The family and I will be flying on the 7th July, and taking a few days into account to settle in, the 13th July would suit me fine. I recently attended a pow-wow in Nijmegen (NL), which was a great success. It is nice to meet fellow-professionals, and it is always handy to pick up a few tips, even for myself (in the business since 1979).
By way of (further) introduction, I consider myself a technical communicator, because, in addition to technical, medical and scientific translations, I do software and web site localisation, and technical authoring. As a hobby, I dabble a bit in XML and XHTML.
So much for my introduction. It's back to work now.
With best regards,

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Hi Nico May 29, 2008

Yes right, Antonella and I will travel together and will stay there together;) 40 days in NY

See you in NY!

Maria Antonietta Ricagno
Maria Antonietta Ricagno  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Ciao Bruna Jun 16, 2008

Sorry to hear you can't come. I'd like to meet you. Still, I hope you can change your plans till then.

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Come on Bruna! Jun 16, 2008

Jump on an airplane and come!

Waiting for you!

Nico van de Water
Nico van de Water  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Anything definitive? Jun 16, 2008

Hello there,

Nico again. Just a quick question: is the 13th July certain now? I am asking this in connection with some planning for my stay in the States.
Angio, could you please give an update? Also, any idea of the venue/restaurant/hotel where the pow-wow will take place?
With best regards,

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Hi Nico Jun 16, 2008

I think 13 July can be considered certain, as for the venue I'd prefer to look for it when I'll be there, unless some colleagues can provide a suggestion, but now they sleep, maybe it's better to wait our afternoon for a better update and suggestions of our American colleagues ok? :=)

Nico van de Water
Nico van de Water  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Englisch > Niederländisch
+ ...
Anything definitive? #2 Jun 16, 2008

Hi Angio,

Thanks, and sure! And have a good night's rest (uhhh, what's left of it!).
Best regards,

Anna Lanave
Anna Lanave  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
WE days Jun 20, 2008

I only wish to ask if it would it be possible not to organise the meeting on week-end day. I know it's hard, but I try...

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:20
Mitglied (2003)
Französisch > Italienisch
+ ...
Dear all Jun 20, 2008

When we will be there we will look for a nice venue and will let you know ok?
I think we will be able to send more information during the first days of July.
If someone will not be able to be connected, please let me know or let it know to Antonietta via profile and we will send our phone number
Thank you all!

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