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Mistranslations leading to disasters
Initiator des Themas: Viktoria Gimbe
Michelle Schulz
Michelle Schulz
Local time: 08:45
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Can we get back on-topic? Mistranslations and disasters Mar 28, 2009

This is a subject I am very interested in. Particularly so when I try to explain to people why machines are unsuitable for the cognitive work of translation and why it demands a professional.

I did hear a story about a misplaced decimal point in a table related to the construction of a nuclear power plant, but not sure if that's just an urban myth or not.

Unfortunately I don't have any disaster stories myself, although I do enjoy frequenting the Facebook group "Bad
... See more
This is a subject I am very interested in. Particularly so when I try to explain to people why machines are unsuitable for the cognitive work of translation and why it demands a professional.

I did hear a story about a misplaced decimal point in a table related to the construction of a nuclear power plant, but not sure if that's just an urban myth or not.

Unfortunately I don't have any disaster stories myself, although I do enjoy frequenting the Facebook group "Bad Translations Make Me Laugh". Although sometimes they also make me cry. I quite liked this recent story too:


Mónica Algazi
Mónica Algazi  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:45
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Spanisch
A personal "disaster story" Mar 28, 2009

I once acted as an interpreter at a wedding cerermony at this quaint spot in Montevideo, Uruguay. There were the Uruguayan bride, the American groom, the officer, and me standing in front of this huge crowd of guests.

Near the end of the ceremony, the officer says "la novia puede besar al novio", and I go "the bride may kiss the broom".

I can still hear the LAUGH!

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:45
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Let's breathe through our noses Mar 28, 2009

It should come as no surprise that ProZ users are not only of different nationalities but also of different religions. So far, this discussion has been peaceful and respectful (I am actually pleasantly surprised). There is no need to argue - the Bible is perhaps the oldest religious writing there is and so nobody actually knows who wrote it, how many times it was edited before being published, etc. Some people believe every word in it, some people believe none of it. Just as a Christian believer... See more
It should come as no surprise that ProZ users are not only of different nationalities but also of different religions. So far, this discussion has been peaceful and respectful (I am actually pleasantly surprised). There is no need to argue - the Bible is perhaps the oldest religious writing there is and so nobody actually knows who wrote it, how many times it was edited before being published, etc. Some people believe every word in it, some people believe none of it. Just as a Christian believer has the right to be respected, so do those who are of a totally different religion or who are simply not believers.

For the purposes of this thread, let's just view the Bible for what it is: a book. Perhaps an important one, perhaps a holy one, but it is still a book. And it has been translated (and is still being translated over and over again), and so it does fit within the topic of this thread.

There are people in this thread who believe in Creation, and there are also people who believe in science. However, so far, nobody's beliefs have been questioned, and people have only expressed their opinions. Just as their beliefs, their opinions should also be respected, no matter who they are.

Not believing (and being critical of the Bible) should not automatically be construed as disrespect of believers.

[Edited at 2009-03-28 16:11 GMT]

Victor Dewsbery
Victor Dewsbery  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
Decimals and other points Mar 28, 2009

Michelle Plaistow wrote:
I did hear a story about a misplaced decimal point in a table related to the construction of a nuclear power plant, but not sure if that's just an urban myth or not.

I, too, am still waiting to hear about any real calamity in the work of a professional translator which has led to any liability claims. I have professional liability insurance and FEEL safer with it, but I am still not sure whether it is objectively needed.
I often translate contracts about industrial cooperation or property transactions which involve sums of several millions. If one of these translations went pear-shaped and somebody blamed me for it, there would be no point suing me for the loss, because my insurance would not cover that sort of sums, not to mention my personal "wealth".
Where there are errors, in my experience they are usually in the originals, and I get to CORRECT them instead of making fresh errors. In fact, errors in the original texts (written by lawyers) are fairly common (I generally find one or two every month). Things like getting "client" and "contractor" mixed up in a construction contract, or suggesting that it is the vendor/seller who has to pay the purchase price. It is worth reading the original texts carefully and critically - my clients are generally grateful if I stop them from making such mistakes.

On the other thread (Bible translations):

1. We still do not know what Nicole was referring to in her original comment, because she chose not to tell us.

2. The discussion about the virgin birth (started by Narasimhan) is nothing to do with translation. It started with a translation-related point - the suggestion that there is one instance in the Old Testament where the word translated "virgin" could also be translated as "young girl". But then it strayed completely off the point. There are more detailed accounts of the birth of Jesus in the Bible (especially in the early chapters of Luke's gospel) which do not rely on any translation of this word.
Several commenters choose not to believe these accounts. You are perfectly entitled to believe or disbelieve as you wish, as long as you are honest and open about what you are doing. It is a choice of faith - and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TRANSLATION OF "ALMAH" in the book of Isaiah.

3. I am a convinced Christian and would love to tell you more about it. But not here, because it would go beyond the scope of the forum - and I accept the forum rules. By the same token, however, it goes against the forum rules if people argue against the virgin birth or any other Christian beliefs. In the right context, I would be willing to discuss such issues for days on end. But as I said, not here.

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:45
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Here's one Mar 28, 2009

Do you think this mistranslation could have lead to serious consequences had the mistake not been caught in time?


Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:45
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
And another one Mar 28, 2009

This one will surely be most interesting for translators specialized in the law.


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Mistranslations leading to disasters

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