Excel with non-translatables + TM with different language pair
Initiator des Themas: Marcos Zattar
Marcos Zattar
Marcos Zattar
Local time: 06:42
Deutsch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Jun 18, 2010


I have two questions, maybe you could help me on that:

1. I have to translate a multi-language Excel. The languages are in diferent columns. Is it possible to block the irrelevant columns and leave unblocked only the one with my source language, so that MemoQ leaves the rest untouched?

2. How can I use a TM with a different language pair than my project's, just for reference?


Kjersti Farrier
Kjersti Farrier  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 05:42
Englisch > Norwegisch (Bokmål)
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With regards to the Excel query Jun 18, 2010

I do not use MemoQ, but TRADOS mainly, however I don't suppose it makes a difference in this instance. When I get files like that with multiple columns, even with different languages or comments and so on, I do the following:
- copy out the column for the source language
- paste it into a new file, save it
- open that new Excel file for translation
- open the Excel file with the resulting target text
- copy the column back into the original file

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I do not use MemoQ, but TRADOS mainly, however I don't suppose it makes a difference in this instance. When I get files like that with multiple columns, even with different languages or comments and so on, I do the following:
- copy out the column for the source language
- paste it into a new file, save it
- open that new Excel file for translation
- open the Excel file with the resulting target text
- copy the column back into the original file

I hope that this works for you. MemoQ may have a special function built-in though?

Not sure I entirely understand your other query - if it is anyway related to MemoQ - I am blank...


Marcos Zattar
Marcos Zattar
Local time: 06:42
Deutsch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Preparing the Excel file *before* import Jun 18, 2010

Hello Kjersti,

thank you for your answer. I usually do exactly what you suggested. This solution could sometimes be somehow akward, depending if your file has many worksheets, or the worksheets have many non-translatable columns.

I know that Across allows for Word files the funcionality I am looking for: to block certain parts of the text *before* importing it to Across - then these sections apear as non-translatable tags in the translation interface.

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Hello Kjersti,

thank you for your answer. I usually do exactly what you suggested. This solution could sometimes be somehow akward, depending if your file has many worksheets, or the worksheets have many non-translatable columns.

I know that Across allows for Word files the funcionality I am looking for: to block certain parts of the text *before* importing it to Across - then these sections apear as non-translatable tags in the translation interface.

Maybe there is something similar for Excel + MemoQ?

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:42
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Spanisch
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Just a quick note! Jun 18, 2010

I am short on time today, but about the Excel file. No, there is absolutely no need to prepare anything the way Kjersti has explained.

In MemoQ, you can simply use "Add document as...", choose the Excel file, and in the dialog box that opens up, use the "Select ranges" option. When you click on it, your Excel document opens with an overlapping dialog box. Use the mouse to "paint" the ranges you don't want translated and click "Add range". Do so with any ranges you do not need transl
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I am short on time today, but about the Excel file. No, there is absolutely no need to prepare anything the way Kjersti has explained.

In MemoQ, you can simply use "Add document as...", choose the Excel file, and in the dialog box that opens up, use the "Select ranges" option. When you click on it, your Excel document opens with an overlapping dialog box. Use the mouse to "paint" the ranges you don't want translated and click "Add range". Do so with any ranges you do not need translated, also in the different sheets if applicable.

When you click "Finish", you return to the Add document as... dialog box, where you will see the non-translatable ranges. When you click OK, the Excel file is added to the project only with the translatable segments. When, after translation, you use the "Export (dialog)" option to create your translated Excel file, the non-translatable ranges appear in their original language.

Give it a try and come back here again in case of any trouble. I will try to help!

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:42
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Spanisch
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Indeed, there is very easy way to do this Jun 18, 2010

Kjersti Farrier wrote:
I hope that this works for you. MemoQ may have a special function built-in though?

Indeed MemoQ has a much simpler solution for this. Please see my description above.

BTW: Before MemoQ, I sometimes followed your process for translation in Trados, although there is a more elegant way with Trados: you simply hide the columns and rows you don't need translated; when you open the file in TagEditor, only the visible items are shown as translatables.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:42
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Spanisch
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About the translation memory Jun 18, 2010

Maybe our colleagues and Kilgray themselves have better suggestions, but personally I would export the memory from MemoQ, create the new memory with the right language settings, and import the exported memory into the new memory.

When you import a memory (for instance in TMX format), MemoQ gives you the option to assign the source and target languages found in the export to other locales. For instance, if you have an old Trados memory in the German-Austria and Portuguese-Brazil loca
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Maybe our colleagues and Kilgray themselves have better suggestions, but personally I would export the memory from MemoQ, create the new memory with the right language settings, and import the exported memory into the new memory.

When you import a memory (for instance in TMX format), MemoQ gives you the option to assign the source and target languages found in the export to other locales. For instance, if you have an old Trados memory in the German-Austria and Portuguese-Brazil locales but need to do a job in German-Germany and Portuguese-Portugal, you can assign the TMX to the new locales at the moment of importing the memory.

Give it a try. I hope this really quick description (sorry, I am really short of time today) is enough for your purposes. Good luck!

Marcos Zattar
Marcos Zattar
Local time: 06:42
Deutsch > Portugiesisch
+ ...
Perfect! Jun 18, 2010

Thanks, Tomás!

I knew I had read something about this procedure in the past, but couldn't remember where/how. Kilgray was really spot on when they implemented this function!

To your comment about Trados being more elegant when dealing with this, I partly agree: MemoQ allows to hide columns AND rows, which is perfect in my case, since there are also some parts of the files - for instance the headers - which should remain untranslated. Judging from what you described, Tr
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Thanks, Tomás!

I knew I had read something about this procedure in the past, but couldn't remember where/how. Kilgray was really spot on when they implemented this function!

To your comment about Trados being more elegant when dealing with this, I partly agree: MemoQ allows to hide columns AND rows, which is perfect in my case, since there are also some parts of the files - for instance the headers - which should remain untranslated. Judging from what you described, Trados allows columns OR rows.

To the procedure indicated could be a feasible way out. The drawback is that the languages would be mixed... It would be really great if Kilgray would allow TMs with different target languages to be included in the project. I am sure many MemoQ users would profit from this.

I hope your workload eases down before the weekend begins.

Thanks again!

Kjersti Farrier
Kjersti Farrier  Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 05:42
Englisch > Norwegisch (Bokmål)
+ ...
It helps to get involved in some of thes forum postings... Jun 18, 2010

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

Kjersti Farrier wrote:
I hope that this works for you. MemoQ may have a special function built-in though?

Indeed MemoQ has a much simpler solution for this. Please see my description above.

BTW: Before MemoQ, I sometimes followed your process for translation in Trados, although there is a more elegant way with Trados: you simply hide the columns and rows you don't need translated; when you open the file in TagEditor, only the visible items are shown as translatables.

I always learn something new - some quicker/easier way to do something. Of course I should have spotted the solution with Trados long ago as I did myself notice a Trados translation missing the hidden rows... Gracias Tomás !

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:42
Französisch > Polnisch
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Individual cells... project manager edition... Jun 19, 2010

Marcos Zattar wrote:

To your comment about Trados being more elegant when dealing with this, I partly agree: MemoQ allows to hide columns AND rows, which is perfect in my case, since there are also some parts of the files - for instance the headers - which should remain untranslated. Judging from what you described, Trados allows columns OR rows.

No, Trados allows columns AND rows too.
The MQ advantage is you are not limited to entire rows/columns, you can select also individual cells or groups of cells.

It would be really great if Kilgray would allow TMs with different target languages to be included in the project. I am sure many MemoQ users would profit from this.

As I understand, you may ask two different things, i.e.:

The MQ TMs are strictly bilingual and unidirectional.
It's the basic MQ design which was followed by SDL in Trados Studio 2009
So, no way.

The projects with multiple languages are indeed available in the project manager edition, available normally in the server packages.
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