IFRS EN-DE-FR: translating financial statements
Initiator des Themas: Inga K
Inga K
Inga K
Local time: 06:00
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Apr 12, 2017

Hello everybody,

I am currently looking for some kind of portal or any other electronic means by which I can look up any IFRS/IAS/IFRIC interpretations and standards (approved by EU) in several languages, preferably EN, DE and FR.

I do know the WILEY (book format DE and EN), IAS plus (online and for free, but does only contain part of the standards) and some other resources as well, of course.

But in order to translate financial statements I have to acces
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Hello everybody,

I am currently looking for some kind of portal or any other electronic means by which I can look up any IFRS/IAS/IFRIC interpretations and standards (approved by EU) in several languages, preferably EN, DE and FR.

I do know the WILEY (book format DE and EN), IAS plus (online and for free, but does only contain part of the standards) and some other resources as well, of course.

But in order to translate financial statements I have to access the COMPLETE texts in EN, DE and FR (EU version) of the current year and up to two previous years, if possible.

What are you working with? Can anyone recommend a tool/CD/portal (etc) and what does it cost?

I am already looking forward to your answers. Thank you!
Best regards

dhsanjeev  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:30
Englisch > Hindi
+ ...
Web portal Apr 12, 2017

Please check the given link, I hope it will help you.
This portal is in Englsih-French-DE language.

[Edited at 2017-04-12 09:03 GMT]

Inga K
Inga K
Local time: 06:00
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
I am already using this one... Apr 12, 2017

... thank you anyway. The portal is very good, however it does not contain the complete, up-to-date standards.
I am rather looking for a more comprehensive tool. Some publishers offer CD-ROMs plus book, but not in EN, DE and FR.
What do other financial translators work with? Any auditors/tax consultants or specialists in this field here?
Thank you

Anna Dzidowska
Anna Dzidowska  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:00
Englisch > Polnisch
+ ...
What about this one? Apr 12, 2017


Did you check this one?

EU Apr 12, 2017

I remember quite a few years ago having to use a German site to find the full text of these standards in English because the IAS wanted you to pay, but now I just go to the European Commission's website as they've all been adopted in EU law. Does that not provide what you need?

Maria S. Loose, LL.M.
Maria S. Loose, LL.M.  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:00
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
EUR LEX Apr 12, 2017

If I remember correctly, these standards are part of EU regulations. So why don't you look in EUR LEX.

Sebastian Witte
Sebastian Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:00
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Deutsch
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eIFRS Apr 12, 2017

Anna Dzidowska wrote:


Did you check this one?


This is a source for the official IFRS translations available based on a subscription model: http://eifrs.ifrs.org/eifrs/ProductComparison

The cost is GBP 295/year.

They even do German to a certain extent, besides French, which they seem to support more fully:


The 2013 Red Book seems to contain the newest German version of IFRSs. It's not so easy to obtain. But eventually you shall succeed I guess ...

Generally, the Red Books seems very relevant for people looking for translations of full standards rather than terminology.

Even being an accounting translator myself, personally, I would think twice as GBP 295 per year is not exactly cheap.

That is a bit too dear my friend ...

Unaccompanied 2016 standards available in French via eIFRS Basic (free access with registration),

unaccompanied here meaning with no background info/explanatory notes (I think).

A few other unaccompanied standard translations might be available via eIFRS Basic.


Sebastian Witte

[Edited at 2017-04-12 18:13 GMT]

RobinB  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 00:00
Deutsch > Englisch
Use consolidated versions of EU IFRSs Apr 12, 2017

Hi Inga,

Here is the consolidated version of EU IFRSs, 2016 version:


You will find previous conso
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Hi Inga,

Here is the consolidated version of EU IFRSs, 2016 version:


You will find previous consolidated versions here:


If you need the standards that were published (and hence translated) since the 2016 consolidated version was issued (e.g. IFRS 9, IFRS 15), you will have to download them separately.

These are of course EU IFRSs as opposed to full IFRSs, but that's what you say you need.

PS: I understand that aligning the HTML pages of the consolidated versions using e.g. LF Aligner produces an exceptionally high level of TM quality in next to no time. And all at no cost.

Sebastian Witte
Sebastian Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:00
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Thanks Robin Apr 13, 2017

RobinB wrote:

Hi Inga,

Here is the consolidated version of EU IFRSs, 2016 version:


You will find previous consolidated versions here:


If you need the standards that were published (and hence translated) since the 2016 consolidated version was issued (e.g. IFRS 9, IFRS 15), you will have to download them separately.

These are of course EU IFRSs as opposed to full IFRSs, but that's what you say you need.

PS: I understand that aligning the HTML pages of the consolidated versions using e.g. LF Aligner produces an exceptionally high level of TM quality in next to no time. And all at no cost.

Thanks very much, Robin. I haven't checked the quality yet, but this is great stuff anyway.

Best regards,

Sebastian Witte
www.aswitte.de (which is a revamped, slightly upgraded and adapted version, coming soon)

RobinB  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 00:00
Deutsch > Englisch
Quality? Apr 13, 2017

Quality, Sebastian?

I'm afraid the EU translations are all we have now, at least for German. I know that these are sometimes embarrassing, but there's nothing we can really do about it. DGT doesn't have the expertise or experience (or, probably, the budget) to produce high-quality, professional translations of IFRSs into German.


Inga K
Inga K
Local time: 06:00
Englisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Thank you Apr 13, 2017

Thank you all for your replies and tips. I haven't checked the Eur-Lex texts yet, so I will have a try soon!
Best regards


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IFRS EN-DE-FR: translating financial statements

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