Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Deutsch term or phrase:
Das darf nichts Aufgesetztes haben
Englisch translation:
This calls for an easy going/relaxed approach ...
Deutsch term
Das darf nichts Aufgesetztes haben
Jan 29, 2014 16:09: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Bildungswesen/Pädagogik"
Proposed translations
This calls for an easy going/relaxed approach ...
How about ....
OK, I need another cup of coffee.
affected or false (as in 'not genuine')
it mustn't be in any way affected, but should be as natural as possible
It shouldn't seem extraneous
Note added at 2003-10-31 21:35:30 (GMT)
Main Entry: ex·tra·ne·ous
Pronunciation: ek-\'strA-nE-&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin extraneus -- more at STRANGE
Date: 1638
1 : existing on or coming from the outside
2 a : not forming an essential or vital part <extraneous ornamentation> b : having no relevance <an extraneous digression>
agree |
Narasimhan Raghavan
: extraneous and hence imposed
4 Stunden
agree |
Anglo-German (X)
: Imposed, yes.
4 Stunden
no structure imposed
it can't be artificial
Note added at 4 hrs 43 mins (2003-11-01 02:05:43 GMT)
\'nother one:
\"It can\'t be thrust on the students, it has to be a natural process as much as possible,\" said school principal Barbara Wrede.\"
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