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My Client Entered a Provisional Insolvency Proceedings
Initiator des Themas: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
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Things are getting clearer now Mar 31, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

3. Supplies or services ordered by XXX with my confirmation from the order of
provisional administration (February 26, 2024) until May 1, 2024 will be paid in accordance
with the contract.

It always helps to get the complete information. If it is the insolvency administrator that tells you work will be paid for this period, I would tend to trust him or her, since it's the administrator who determines which expenses can be paid and which not. Originally, you said: 'In order to restructure their company, they [i.e. the company] are asking us freelancers to keep accepting jobs from them,' but that is clearly not the case, since it's the administrator who asks for it. That is entirely different.

As for work delivered until February, the only thing you can do is to report it according to the instructions. You can try to obtain more information to satisfy your curiosity, but it will not give you any influence on the proceedings. It is probably not the administrator's first priority to reply to that sort of requests. They are busy people and would be focused on the tasks delegated to them by the court and the law.

PS: Try to access the official documentation on the website I mentioned.

[Edited at 2024-03-30 16:46 GMT]

I'm glad that things became clearer after I posted the original letter from the insolvency administrator.

I must have been too vague about who "they" were. I was mixing up the company's employees and the administrator considering them as one entity who owes me money.

As to working with them until the proceedings in May, I haven't changed my mind and I am still willing to do so, but the funny thing is that since I got the letter from the insolvency administrator, I had only one small a job offer from the company and that's it. I don't know if they are still operating, or if the end client has stopped sending jobs to them, I really don't know.

P.S. The links you provided do not work. I get the message "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".

Elizabeth Davies DipTrans
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
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I really don't know Mar 31, 2024

Dan Lucas wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
If the situation was like, say, 50 Euros, I wouldn't have bothered much, but 5000 Euros is a lot of money which I cannot just write-off and say "okay, too bad, it just wasn't my lucky day" and let it go.

A very difficult situation, and you have my sympathies. That is a significant sum of money for anybody.

It seems to me that the key issue is whether cooperating with the insolvency administrator, in the form of continuing to work with the company, has any bearing on whether you will get paid for the jobs that you submitted before the company went bankrupt. My understanding is that suppliers are a long way down the pecking order when it comes to getting paid, because they are essentially unsecured creditors. Surely there will be a very clear demarcation between everything that happened before February 26, and everything that after that point?

To put it another way, it seems unlikely to me that the administrator will allocate to you, from the limited pot of funds remaining for the payment of creditors, more of the money you are owed just because you have been nice to the company since it went insolvent. But then I am not an insolvency practitioner.

I suppose in theory in the future they could pay you back some of the money they owe, but in reality is that likely?


Thanks for your comments, Dan-san.

Yes, it is a significant amount of money where you cannot just let it go or forget about it like the Japanese say "Inu ni kamareta to omotte wasurenasai".

I really don't know if they would be able to pay me the money they owe, or if they do, I have no idea when that would be. I guess there's nothing else I could do, except wait until the proceedings start. I can foresee that April is going to be a very long month for me. My honest feelings at this point is that I could just get the money they owe me in full and wake up from this nightmare and move on.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
Disclosure! Mar 31, 2024

Philippe Etienne wrote:

Mlandman MBA wrote:
If this is an insolvency, and not a rumour or so, there is nothing secret about it and it would help if you share the name of the company.

I read that about a fortnight ago: https://slator.com/translation-ai-agency-lengoo-files-for-bankruptcy/

I don't know how insolvency works, but for what it's worth, I faced two bankruptcies: French agency in 2001, French middle-man personal bankruptcy in 2010.
In the first case, I got nothing from about €3600 of invoices (if I remember well), in the second, €1000 out of €1500 of invoices.

The first thing to do is to make yourself known as a creditor to the amdinistrator and file your unpaid invoices. If you keep working with the company, it means you trust that they will recover.

As Thomas mentioned, providers like us are at the end of the list. So if the company actually folds and you do get some money back in 3, 4 or 5 years, you'll be happy.

Good luck.


Well, well, Philippe, you disclosed the name of the company I was referring to. Maybe re-post your comments without disclosing the name of the company before the staff or the moderator finds out would be smarter?

Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your comments and sharing your experience. Things are really complicated here: if the company just vanished in thin air, maybe it would be a lot easier for me to forget about getting paid.

Özge Muzika
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
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Update on my post Mar 31, 2024

Initially, I wrote that they owe me more than 5000 Euros, and I wasn't clear exactly how much they owe me, so I double-checked and found out that the total amount they owe me is 6000 Euros. The good news is that out of the 6000 Euros, 1100 Euros worth of work has been completed AFTER February 26, which means that this 1100 Euros should be paid promptly and guaranteed according to the contract stated by the insolvency administrator.

So now, the only problem remaining is whether I wou
... See more
Initially, I wrote that they owe me more than 5000 Euros, and I wasn't clear exactly how much they owe me, so I double-checked and found out that the total amount they owe me is 6000 Euros. The good news is that out of the 6000 Euros, 1100 Euros worth of work has been completed AFTER February 26, which means that this 1100 Euros should be paid promptly and guaranteed according to the contract stated by the insolvency administrator.

So now, the only problem remaining is whether I would be able to retrieve 5000 Euros for jobs delivered BEFORE February 26.

Christina B.
Christina B.
Local time: 11:52
Französisch > Deutsch
+ ...
Organisational problems Mar 31, 2024

I am really sorry to hear about that.

I stopped working for this agency more than a year ago after a rather unpleasant experience:

An error occurred in their automatically created monthly invoice (the project manager had accidently set an amount to 0,00 €). When I pointed it out, she was unable to correct it and she did not know who I could contact to have it corrected either. It took me a month of mailing and calling until I finally found someone who was able to hel
... See more
I am really sorry to hear about that.

I stopped working for this agency more than a year ago after a rather unpleasant experience:

An error occurred in their automatically created monthly invoice (the project manager had accidently set an amount to 0,00 €). When I pointed it out, she was unable to correct it and she did not know who I could contact to have it corrected either. It took me a month of mailing and calling until I finally found someone who was able to help me. Then it took her a month to get i done ... and after another month I got the money.

When I called the number published on their website, the person who picked up the phone got very unprofessional and even unpleasant once he understood that I wasn't a potential customer but only a freelancer who needed help...

When I asked them to remove me from their translator pool I had to send several mails until they stopped sending me requests. And I still get their "general information" mails, that's how I got informed about the bankruptcy.

The German press saw the agency as another victim of the crisis, but in my opinion there were too many organisational problems. Everything went well during the first years, then they tried to lower the prices, PMs came and went, they spoke neither the source- nor the target language, the internal workflows were unclear and the level of automation was so high that that system seemed out of control as soon as something went wrong.

I really hope you will get at least some of your money.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
Gone too far with automation? Mar 31, 2024

Christina B. wrote:

I am really sorry to hear about that.

I stopped working for this agency more than a year ago after a rather unpleasant experience:

An error occurred in their automatically created monthly invoice (the project manager had accidently set an amount to 0,00 €). When I pointed it out, she was unable to correct it and she did not know who I could contact to have it corrected either. It took me a month of mailing and calling until I finally found someone who was able to help me. Then it took her a month to get i done ... and after another month I got the money.

When I called the number published on their website, the person who picked up the phone got very unprofessional and even unpleasant once he understood that I wasn't a potential customer but only a freelancer who needed help...

When I asked them to remove me from their translator pool I had to send several mails until they stopped sending me requests. And I still get their "general information" mails, that's how I got informed about the bankruptcy.

The German press saw the agency as another victim of the crisis, but in my opinion there were too many organisational problems. Everything went well during the first years, then they tried to lower the prices, PMs came and went, they spoke neither the source- nor the target language, the internal workflows were unclear and the level of automation was so high that that system seemed out of control as soon as something went wrong.

I really hope you will get at least some of your money.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

Maybe like you say, this agency has gone too far with automating everything. The job inquiry is automated, you click on whether you'll accept or decline the job, use their designated CAT tool most of the time, and so on.

Perhaps I may be the only one, but after getting used to the system, it felt normal and was perfectly okay to accept and deliver jobs their way. And to be honest, I have nothing against their automated system, and there was no reason at all to drop them before they filed for insolvency.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:52
Dänisch > Englisch
+ ...
Links Mar 31, 2024

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

P.S. The links you provided do not work. I get the message "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".

The links must be temporary, then.

Go to https://neu.insolvenzbekanntmachungen.de/ap/suche.jsf

Enter the following search criteria:

Bundesland: Berlin
Gericht: Charlottenburg (Berlin)
Datum der Veröffentlichung:
Von: 01/02/2024
Bis: 31/03/2024
Firma/Nachname: the company name including 'GmbH'

Then click on the search button 'Suchen'.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Vereinigte Staaten
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
The lesson of this... Mar 31, 2024

Always set a credit limit, even for your most trusted customers. Mine varies, but it's usually around $1,000. They quite understand when I say they've reached their limit.

Insolvency is not something that happens overnight. The chances are they were letting their debt to you build up, knowing they wouldn't be able to pay it.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Angie Garbarino
Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer
Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer
Local time: 11:52
Mitglied (2017)
Englisch > Norwegisch
+ ...
Not any longer Mar 31, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

Mlandman MBA wrote:

If this is an insolvency, and not a rumour or so, there is nothing secret about it and it would help if you share the name of the company.

Unfortunately, forum rule 8 does not allow it:

'Outsourcers may not be discussed specifically.
Posts or comments regarding a specific outsourcer (identified by name, reference, link or other means), whether positive or negative, are not permitted. (To indicate their likelihood of working again with a given outsourcer, site users should use the ProZ.com Blue Board.)'

Only when it's a scammer can we name names because a scammer is not an outsourcer.

It seems to be a German company. The German insolvency register can be searched at https://neu.insolvenzbekanntmachungen.de/ap/suche.jsf;jsessionid=oeVsPRmyLaJM_UMBrkDKdc04C6iZMo0AUHYAUrpM.node-086 , but since we don't know any of the search criteria, this isn't helpful.

A company in insolvency proceedings is no longer an outsourcer.

Angie Garbarino
Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:52
Dänisch > Englisch
+ ...
Yes, this one is Mar 31, 2024

Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer wrote:

A company in insolvency proceedings is no longer an outsourcer.

When the insolvency administrator writes: 'I will keep up the business operations with the goal of reorganization. In this regard, I am dependent on your continued purchase of goods or services,' it is quite clearly still an outsourcer. Maybe you skipped that part.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
They still don't work Apr 1, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

P.S. The links you provided do not work. I get the message "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".

The links must be temporary, then.

Go to https://neu.insolvenzbekanntmachungen.de/ap/suche.jsf

Enter the following search criteria:

Bundesland: Berlin
Gericht: Charlottenburg (Berlin)
Datum der Veröffentlichung:
Von: 01/02/2024
Bis: 31/03/2024
Firma/Nachname: the company name including 'GmbH'

Then click on the search button 'Suchen'.

Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. I tried double-clicking on it, and I even tried copying & pasting the link but I get the same error message I mentioned earlier.

Anyway, if I google the company name + insolvency, I get some hits, so I believe I can somehow get some new information on the Net.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
Need a strong will to turn down jobs Apr 1, 2024

philgoddard wrote:

Always set a credit limit, even for your most trusted customers. Mine varies, but it's usually around $1,000. They quite understand when I say they've reached their limit.

Insolvency is not something that happens overnight. The chances are they were letting their debt to you build up, knowing they wouldn't be able to pay it.

The only way to set a credit limit was to turn down jobs after I reached a certain amount during the month.

The way this agency works is they pay you between 15~45 days, starting at the 1st of the month, and closing at the end of the month. The 5000 Euros they owe me was accumulated between February 1 ~ February 26 when they announced entering provisional insolvency.

I may be repeating myself, but we had a good business relationship, and I haven't even thought about declining jobs where they send out good-paying jobs without any catch or strings attached and promptly paid all the invoices without any problems since I started working with them regularly back in 2022.

As to building up their debt, I honestly believe that the PMs I worked with didn't have the slightest clue to what was going on and the accumulating debt. I may be naive and this is just a guess, but I'm sure all the PMs had received their pay without delay until the month of February.

Thomas T. Frost
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:52
Mitglied (2005)
Englisch > Japanisch
+ ...
Not sure, like walking in the dark Apr 1, 2024

Arne Krueger wrote:

It seems as if there is still business activity for this entity? Then it is most likely just a debt restructuring. But we have no clue about the balance sheet of your client. Could be that your "debts" are not being touched, but could also be that it is partially lost/all lost. Just wait for the proceeding and what the administrator has to say. If there is complete silence (which doesn't seem the case as your client still corresponds with you in a friendly and positive manner), get a lawyer. Also, we have no clue about the legal form of your client. There are differences in German law as to what they chose to run their business (we call this the difference(s) between "natürliche" and "juristische Personen"). Each form has their own regulations regarding debts. Difficult to give you an exact answer based on the information you provided. But just wait for aforementioned proceeding.

It seems that you have posted your comment before someone disclosed the name of the company and needed vetting. I just received your notice half an hour ago.

I'm not sure if there is still business activity, since I had only one tiny job since they announced their insolvency. They just announced that they entered provisional insolvency proceedings and that's the only information up to this point.
I did some research on the Internet, and there are both people in the industry and writers from "Der Spiegel" breaking news that this company has entered insolvency. But both medias just state the fact about entering insolvency, and nothing else, such as if it is just a debt restructuring or the company is completely bankrupt. There is too little information to reach to a conclusion.

I guess I just have to wait for the proceedings to start. Then I'll get a clearer picture of what is really going on and in what state the company is in.

Arne Krueger
Thomas T. Frost
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Srini Venkataraman
Srini Venkataraman
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 05:52
Mitglied (2012)
Tamil > Englisch
+ ...
this is different Apr 1, 2024

"In order to stand up on their feet again, what is the best way to recover from insolvency? M&A? Buyout?"

No way. I have seen plenty of interpreting companies growing and growing and suddenly they are taken over. The logic being that- let the competitor companies grow and start making a decent profit and then in one swoop take over the company. This avoids all teething trouble with the new brand. Merge or may keep as a separate company sometimes.
So for insolvent companies- no
... See more
"In order to stand up on their feet again, what is the best way to recover from insolvency? M&A? Buyout?"

No way. I have seen plenty of interpreting companies growing and growing and suddenly they are taken over. The logic being that- let the competitor companies grow and start making a decent profit and then in one swoop take over the company. This avoids all teething trouble with the new brand. Merge or may keep as a separate company sometimes.
So for insolvent companies- no such redemption is possible

[Edited at 2024-04-01 11:43 GMT]

[Edited at 2024-04-01 11:43 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:52
Dänisch > Englisch
+ ...
Court orders Apr 1, 2024

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. I tried double-clicking on it, and I even tried copying & pasting the link but I get the same error message I mentioned earlier.

Strange. I can email them if you reply to the email I have sent you. Try clearing the insolvenzbekanntmachungen.de cookies.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
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My Client Entered a Provisional Insolvency Proceedings

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