| Thema | Verfasser Antworten (Zugriffe) Neuester Beitrag |
 | On the Challenges of Translating Astérix into English | 4 (1,190) |
 | Seeking Eng-Fr tool glossary | 8 (1,165) |
 | A very interesting site and a superb free word processor! | 4 (1,277) |
 | Photography dictionary E Deu (Dutch) ((Italian)) | 0 (687) |
 | EN/DE/FR glossary of EU terms | 5 (1,114) |
 | Nautical terminology (Sp, It, Fr, and Eng) | 1 (915) |
 | glossaries useful for material related to social issues | 2 (928) |
 | En-DE maths glossary | 2 (845) |
 | where to download a free machine translator for english/chinese | 2 (990) |
 | Official English translations of German DIN standards | 0 (905) |
 | http://www.langenscheidt.aol.de/ | 6 (1,686) |
 | french glossary on roof | 1 (775) |
 | Genetic engineering glossary? | 5 (1,274) |
 | Resource: Multilingual Encyclopaedia | 1 (946) |
 | Dictionary of Footwear Terms (Spain) | 8 (1,273) |
 | A website if you are looking for acronyms | 0 (848) |
 | EN to IT CAD/CAM glossaries | 1 (1,020) |
 | cutting tools for woodworking | 5 (1,139) |
 | Nice freeware for OOS/RSI Prevention - reminds you to take a break, do exercises | 3 (1,085) |
 | DE-IT glossary on Moravian archaeology | 2 (922) |
 | Another try: Geoinformatik-WB DE-EN | 0 (730) |
 | Glossary of surveying/geographical information (DE-EN) | 0 (625) |
 | how can I download useful staff for translators | 1 (947) |
 | Searching for spanish/english glossary - forestry, timber industry | 2 (1,107) |
 | Hunting weapons dictionary english/german???? | 0 (987) |
 | Radio Technology dictionary | 0 (818) |
 | Two useful programs: word counter, PDF text extractor (works with protected text) | 4 (1,455) |
 | online dictionaries, all languages | 5 (1,353) |
 | UIC Railway Dictionary - which one should I buy? | 2 (1,319) |
 | New York court system and legal glossary | 5 (1,096) |
 | List of dictionary links | 1 (978) |
 | Great Legal Resource: French Codes and Laws in FR, DE, EN and ES | 3 (1,211) |
 | Styleguide for Canadian Court Reporters | 0 (771) |
 | REQUEST: Spanish templates for \'Directivas, Normativas, Regulaciones...\' | 0 (690) |
 | translator certification programs | 4 (1,458) |
 | Preliminary distributionatlas of mammals in Flanders (Belgium, Europe) ENGNL | 0 (700) |
 | glossaries | 0 (877) |
 | European Education Thesaurus | 0 (821) |
 | Link collection: BBC \'Words Behind the Headlines\' explained | 1 (961) |
 | Handy list of ITacronyms | 5 (1,128) |
 | what language is this? | 11 (1,997) |
 | Banana Information - EN - FR - ES | 2 (1,047) |
 | A great place to begin your searches | 2 (1,304) |
 | MS EXCEL-French Version | 0 (727) |
 | New mailing list | 0 (1,189) |
 | KANT Translation System- Automatic Translation at Caterpillar | 3 (1,467) |
 | 214 Encyclopedias (mainly in Russian) | 2 (786) |
 | Where can I find legal certificates? | 7 (1,306) |
 | Glossary technical terms port-eng | 0 (760) |