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Deutsch > Englisch Bildungswesen/Pädagogik Translation Glossary

Deutsch term Englisch translation
Gymnasium (in Deutschland) secondary college
Entered by: Sybille Brückner
Gymnasium mit differenzierter Oberstufe College /Grammar school with differentiated sixth form
Entered by: Karlo Heppner
h.c. mult. honoris causa multi
Habilitand habilitation candidate
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Habilitation zum Dr. med. habil. Post-doctoral professorship and research qualification
Habilitationsarbeit postdoctoral thesis
halbierende Staffelung score-halving system
Halbjahrleistungen mid-year assignments
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Handelsmittelschule vocational high school
Handlungsdisposition implementation of activity
Handlungsherangehensweise gegenüber biomedizinisch orientierter physiotherapeutischer Herangehensweise ? [perhaps: intervention-oriented therapeutic approach as opposed to biomedically oriented physiotherapy]
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
handlungsleitend the driving force/course of action
handlungsorientiert task-based
Entered by: Michael Scheidler
Handlungsrelevanz des Wissens the relevance of knowledge to action
Handwerkerschaft (District) Craftsmen's Association / Skilled Trades Association
Entered by: Rebecca Garber
Handwerksjugend young craftsmen
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Handwerkskammer Chamber of Trades and Crafts
hat folgende Prüfungsvorleistungen erbracht attained the following pre-examination results
Haupthörer \"full time student\"
Hauptschule lower secondary school
Hauptschule secondary school
Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium secondary school, secondary school leading to university, grammar schools (UK)
Haushaltkunde home economics
häuslicher Fleiß diligence in homework
Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Higher Vocational School for Service Industries Management
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Höhere Verwaltungsfachschule school for higher education in business administration
Hörsaalübungen in-class exercises
HD -Hauptschuldirektor principal, lower secondary school
hebt man sie hoch if you lift them up
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Heftführung she kept her notes in good order
Heilpädagoge special education teacher
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Heimvolkshochschule a rural adult education center
Herausforderungen vernetzt begegnen to meet [or: respond to] challenges in a concerted (and coordinated) manner
herausgegeben assigned
Herr Mag. leave it out
Entered by: Helen Shiner
hervorragend eingespieltes Team / Personal (competent and) well-coordinated team / staff
Herzensbildung common sense and heart
Entered by: Steffen Walter
hochschuldidaktisch Educational Psychology in Higher Education
Entered by: Kathi Stock
Hochschuldiplomrichtlinie directive on higher-education diplomas
Hochschule für Berufstätige college for working professionals
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