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Off-topic: The vagueries of Spanish 3 (4,060)
Off-topic: The vagaries of Spanish 0 (1,528)
Off-topic: "Hen" is official now ( 1 ... 2 ) 27 (33,733)
Off-topic: Translating for a cult ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (23,501)
Off-topic: Can America's wage inequality be solved by sharing our salaries online 1 (1,756)
Off-topic: Fire Relief for a colleague 6 (4,065)
Off-topic: Earthquake in Nepal, is everyone alright? 8 (4,406)
Off-topic: Afghan translators forgotten and having to "live" with death threats 8 (4,485)
Off-topic: An agency just "checked" my translation using BING 7 (5,120)
Off-topic: Smelly words 8 (20,668)
Off-topic: What's more difficult to translate... 14 (24,583)
Off-topic: A classic love story… 5 (8,138)
Off-topic: Choose name + logo for music group of language-field people 11 (6,754)
Off-topic: The "I read, tried to read, or want to read this book" thread 9 (4,246)
Off-topic: Song lyrics of the Brazilian group Mocoto 1 (3,770)
Off-topic: Interview with translators to be featured in my blog 6 (2,754)
Off-topic: Best go-to music/song? ( 1 ... 2 ) 29 (21,276)
Off-topic: John Oliver on Translation 0 (1,631)
Off-topic: The importance of getting things absolutely right 8 (7,567)
Off-topic: National Readathon Day (24 Jan) 0 (3,972)
Off-topic: New Year's Resolutions 2 (2,108)
Off-topic: Season's greetings from strangers 4 (29,126)
Off-topic: Happy Birthday Beethoven! A new take on "Ode to Joy" 5 (2,666)
Off-topic: Language patterns and lying 8 (25,145)
Off-topic: The customer is (not) always right. 3 (8,644)
Off-topic: I need some help with my thesis 7 (21,854)
Off-topic: Does this website a friend made for me look professional enough? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 35 (49,753)
Off-topic: Obedience 5 (3,945)
Off-topic: Live Die Repeat 2 (3,659)
Off-topic: Lard & cat's boil 12 (13,855)
Off-topic: Mentoring Help 5 (5,366)
Off-topic: Translators don't understand grammar 11 (12,515)
Off-topic: what is referralkey? 3 (7,874)
Off-topic: So, this is apparently happening in Hong Kong right now...commendable! 8 (6,739)
Off-topic: Looking for a Coworking place in Berlin 0 (2,349)
Off-topic: Word Crimes 13 (16,117)
Off-topic: Beautiful Brazilian poem on the death of an old translator by Millôr Fernandes 1 (3,069)
Off-topic: Exotic domain names available... 0 (1,354)
Off-topic: Translation job - new trend 6 (3,298)
Happy Translators' Day 2 (1,909)
Off-topic: Totally off topic: "The biggest collaborative art collection in the world" 0 (4,662)
Off-topic: Proz user named Oso 11 (28,803)
Off-topic: A funny video to watch when work is boring and slow and you're about to give up 0 (1,440)
Off-topic: Old English recipes? 11 (18,059)
Off-topic: BOOK, a revolutionary bio optical organized knowledge device 3 (4,164)
Off-topic: Russian Studies Syndrome 4 (5,871)
Off-topic: Dutch word order in English text because translator didn’t know how to reorder tags in CAT tool! ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (6,402)
Off-topic: Trados is celebrating its 30th Birthday 2 (8,346)
Off-topic: Vsauce on the English language 4 (7,240)
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Diskussionsforen Offene Diskussion von Themen mit Bezug auf Übersetzen, Dolmetschen und Lokalisierung
Trados Business Manager Lite Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.More info »
Pastey Your smart companion app Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.Find out more »
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